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Last Updated: December 11, 2024

Gale 101- Gale In Context: Biography

Gale In Context: Biography is designed to support users in discovering diverse individuals both historical and contemporary from scientists to politicians, artists, businesspeople, pop culture icons, and more. Content types including Biographies, Multimedia Materials, News/Magazines, and Primary Sources provide a deeper understanding of individuals and the society that influenced them. View our session to explore the people, workflows, and tools designed to support users in effective research, teaching, and learning.

Duration: 30 Minutes
Welcome in everyone. Thank you for joining

me today. We have another Gale 101

session. This one is focused on

Gale In Context: Biography. My name is

Amber Winters and I'm a senior training consultant

here with Gale,

a quick agenda for everyone. First, we'll just

overview the resource. So you know the

basics what you can expect when you click in,

we'll then talk about some of the key concept. You're going

to find,

we'll spend the majority of the time though actually walking

through the platform. So you get a feel of all of the

different workflows and different pathways

your users can take to get to the content they need.

And we'll also take a look at the tools that we have integrated

within this resource as well. And

then at the very end of the session, we'll

have some time for any questions you have. And

I do have some contacts and wrap up information

for you as well and don't feel like you need

to wait until the end of the session to ask questions.

The the Q and A box is already open

and it will be open for the full session so feel

free really, whenever you think of something, go

ahead and put into the Q and A and I should be able to answer

it as we move forward. If

the Q and A does get a little bit inundated, then we

will wait until the end of the session, but just know

your questions will be asked no matter when you ask

them. So

let's go ahead and get started here talking about GG in

context biography. So this resource

is really for a secondary level students

and up. So your middle schoolers

may find success in this resource, but

you'll definitely find success at the

high school level as well as the undergraduate

level. And it's also great for adult learners as well.

So if I have anyone from the public library,

who's on the line and you have

individuals just trying to learn about people in the news,

you know, sometimes we just need to learn about new people, we're reading

about in the newspaper.

This is a great resource for them as well. So

they're going to get the more

basic level content for younger learners

like upper upper level, middle

school and high school. But they're also going to get more

advanced biographies and content for your

undergraduate students as well as your adult learners

or just your, you know, general users

of the public library who are interested in learning about people.

And our coverage does include quite a wide

variety of people and different

categories and different

parts of society. So you're going

to find information on world leaders.

Of course, you'll find historical figures. I think

that's what we all think about when we think about biographical

research. But you'll also find pop culture

icons, scientists, business people, social

performers, other politicians,

things like that. So we've really kind of opened this up to

be super broad because we want people to

find information on whatever type of individual

they're learning about. Maybe it's a new artist that just popped

up that they want to learn about.

Um or an author they're very interested in or maybe

a student is doing a project on, let's

say an African American scientist

and they want to just explore what we have in this resource.

We've organized our platform in a way where they'll easily

be able to do that and find the content that best

suits their needs.

And in addition to the great content, we have, we

also have some tools that are going to be really helpful

that we'll take a look at today. So we have

our highlighted notes tool that's going to help them kind

of find key pieces of information to hold on to.

We have a full translation tool. So anyone who's

working with students or public library patrons

who need different languages, they'll be able to

translate each of the articles in our resource

as well as the platform. We have a read

speaker for those who are struggling readers

who prefer to have the text read to them. They can

do that. In our platform,

we have a few different accessibility tools that are going

to help kind of make this a little

easier to read for your users. So they'll be able to change

the font, the color, the

size, all that good stuff. We

do include a citation generator in here as well

for anyone working on projects. And

finally, we do have Google and Microsoft integrations.

So if you have individuals who

are trying to save content, you know, they want to look

at it later or save it out of the platform,

They'll be able to do that by sending directly over

to either their Google or Microsoft accounts.

So we'll take a look at that today when we click into the

resource as well.

Now let's just talk a little bit about the key content

types you're going to find within this resource. The

first should not be shocked to anyone,

but of course, it's going to be a biographies and

what's nice is within this resource. Your

users aren't going to just see one biography about

a person. They're going to see detailed

biographies from multiple publishers.

So they're going to get kind of different sides of things

because different publishers are going to focus on

different aspects of a person's life

or what a person achieved So it's

a really nice way to get some real in depth

information and get different sides of things and

hear really everything you can about

a person. So we'll find multiple biographies

for a lot of the individuals on our platform.

In addition to those biographies, we also have reference

articles. So if you're excuse

me, if you're researching, let's

say a person related to the civil rights movement, you'll

see here, I've got a reference

article about the civil rights movement. So as I'm learning

about that individual, I can go back

and see. OK, so what was happening around that time?

So these reference articles are

really providing context about

the highlighted individuals. So why

they acted how they did, you know what

made them choose to go into wherever they went into

these reference articles are really going to help them out

with that. We

also have great multimedia content. So not

only are users going to be able to read biographies

about people to understand their backgrounds.

But to also be able to see videos of them

images, audio files, like a lot of podcasts.

So sometimes we see interviews with individuals

to just give them some more

in depth understanding and to also kind of,

you know, mix it up a little bit. They don't want to just

read about a person,

they want to see what's going on with that person, how that person

interacts. You'll see, I have an image

of Ariana Grande at the Met Gala

on my screen here. So they're

not just getting the, you know, background about their

lives. They're also seeing what they're doing right

now. They're getting that visually and

through audio files, like podcasts and things like

that. We

also actually have a pretty decently sized collection

of primary sources in the resource as well, which

I think are sometimes a little bit hidden. But if

you have individuals who are working through researching

historical people, they'll

be able to find a lot of primary sources related

to them. They may find speeches that these people

gave. maybe,

you know, letters that they wrote to editors

or something like that. They'll find those

primary sources on the platform, literature criticism

as well. You may find that in the primary sources


So again, a nice way to add context,

especially if we're looking up historical figures,

we want to see what was going on in their time. If they

did make speeches, if they talk to people,

we want to see that. So we're going to find those primary

sources here on this platform

as well.

News and magazines. This is giving us the more

up to date content. So if we're researching

contemporary individuals, you know, artists,


social media stars, let's say a

lot of times the news and magazine sections

are going to be really helpful for them.

So these are up to date a lot of them are

imported daily. Of course, it depends on

the publishing rate of these publications.


you'll be able to easily click through those and kind

of get the

the what's going on related

to these individuals. And finally,

this is really for our more

advanced learners. So our

higher level high school learners as

well as our undergraduates

and our excuse me

and our adult learners, they'll find academic

journals. So if they're learning about,

you know, an individ individual that's in a really

heavily academic field, maybe

a scientist or

someone working some something close

to that. A lot of times they'll find academic

journals that those people worked on or

that are related to topics that person worked

on. They'll be able to find those in

this resource as well. Again, of course, these are more

advanced, so helpful for your older

learners, but they are included in this

resource here as well. So again,

the point of having all of these different content

types is to really provide a holistic view

of whatever person this individual

is learning about.

Now, let's just dive right into the resource here.

I haven't seen any questions in the Q and A. But while

I'm jumping over here,

does anyone have any questions

before? I really just dive right in?


Very quiet today. No problem. We'll go

ahead and get going then. So this is the home

page of Galen context biography. If you've seen

any other in context resource, you'll

know. This looks exactly the same

aside from Gal in context elementary, which is for

our young kids.

But this looks the exact same. It does have

a few features that we'll take a look at that are a little bit

different than the other resources, but just

the lay of the land here, you'll find your basic and

advanced search at the very top of the page.

We've got some tools in the middle. We'll take a look

at in a second

underneath that. We have people of interest

and these generally change monthly depending

on what's going on. Anyone watching

the recording of this wicked um

actually just released in theaters this month,

which is why you're seeing Cynthia

here pulled forward, but you'll see, we can also click

through and see what other individuals

are highlighted here.

And again, it does change monthly a lot

of times it'll be focused on

something that happened that month. So after an election,

we may post information about the

person who won the election. If there is a big

environmental movements, let's say, well, post

environmental scientists. So it really just kind of depends

on what's going on in a specific month

here. Scrolling down

from the people of interest section. We also just

have this option to browse people here

and each of these people that are listed are actually

fully made topic pages that we've created

for people. So it's not just,

you know, a list of documents we have related

to, let's say Elton John,

it's going to be a fully created page that's

going to give background on the individual and

it's going to organize all of the results we

have related to them. So

we create topic pages for the most studied,

most popular, most searched

individuals on the platform here.

And you'll see, we do try to break it up kind of based

on where they land.

So you'll find contemporary world leaders,

singers over looking for singers, writers.

But we also have sections specifically for

African Americans or Black Americans

or looking for native Americans or maybe notable

women. We've pulled those all forward.

So it's easy for your users to click into

and I can click into any of these. Let's just click into

scientists today.

You'll see there are actually 232

scientists that we've chosen to highlight.

Now, if your user is looking for someone who's

maybe a little bit um more


they may not find a topic page here, so they may

need to run a search instead and they'll still put content

on that person. They just won't have this kind

of organized look, but you'll see, we can kind of click and

browse through. Of course, this is a long

list. So sometimes it is easier.

if they have someone in mind to search for them,

but we can browse all of our people. We can

also change the topic here.

So I was on scientists and you know that notice

there are a lot more topics listed here.

So if I'm interested in the Summer Olympics,

I can click there the Winter Olympics.

this breaks it down even further than what we

saw on the home page. You know, inventors,

Harlem Renaissance.

So this again is a nice way to find content

if your users aren't really sure what they're looking

for right now, you know, they, they

know they want to learn about a scientist, but that's about

all they know. This browse option is a nice

way for them to find someone who could interest

them. Now,

I'm going to jump back to home here just so we

all have one landing place

because I wanna show you our person search

as well and this is unique to gale

in context biographies. So you're not going to find this

on the other in context resources,

but it's right here on the home page on our little toolbar

here. You'll see where it says person search.

So what's great about this is I could put someone specific

right in the search here. So if I have someone specific in mind

or I can put search limiters

in here, and I think this is what I find

particularly intriguing with this resources.

If maybe I just want to

have a project about a female, a female leader.

Let's say

um I can just do that. I can leave

the search blank. I can say I want a female.

Um I can put in an occupation if

I want. So we have an example here of

writers. Let's go with writer.

You'll see. This gives me some options if I want to

be even more specific, but we'll just stick

with a writer.

If I know more information and place of

birth, place of death, I can add that

if I have a specific ethnicity in

mind, maybe I'm looking for influential

African American women. I can click into

that here

and now I can run my search.

You'll see all of the filters I applied

appear up top here. So remember I have

female African American and writer all

listed as filters.

I know I have just very basic information about

these individuals, but I can click directly

into them

to be taken to all of the content we have

related to them.

So again, this is a really nice way to find individuals

just based on characteristics as opposed

to a, a standard basic search.

You'll see, I have the option here to look

at the occupation.

You'll see some of them have more than just writer


That's because that individual

does more than writing. So they

have politician listed, but they've also written a book

or they've written something.

So let's go ahead and go back to the home page just one last

time. And

now instead of browsing or running the people search, I'm actually

just going to go in and do a basic search

here. So let's actually stick with the wicked

idea here. So we'll search

here for, Cynthia Erivo


So if this is gone, let's say it's, you know, next

month and we've taken her off of the people of interest.

but you have someone who's still interested in learning

about her. We're going to type that into the search

bar instead.

And what's great is you'll see when I start to type

here. The first three listed have images

next to them and these are actually

sometimes they're called topic pages. You may hear

them being called person guides, but

there are those organized pages about individuals

that we've created to help your users learn

a little bit easier and navigate a little bit easier.

So let's click the first one you'll see. This is who we're

looking for.

And now once I click in here, so you'll

see at the very top of the page. I just have kind

of a quick overview about Cynthia.

You'll see, I can hit my read more button and this is

going to pull forward a full article.

This is gonna be a biography, a basic

one about what's going on in her life,

what she's done, any awards she's received or anything

like that.

I can click the back button up here to get back to

my topic page or I click on her name

right here.

And once I'm back on the topic page, you'll see, we also give

some nice quick facts here. So these

are really nice and if your users are just

trying to get really basic information, they

can look at our quick fact, quick facts

right here on this topic page before they

really dive in.

Now, underneath that overview, at the very top,

you're gonna see this option for this on this

page feature.

So this, we've actually chosen to broke

up every piece of content related to this

individual. So you'll see, we have

featured content pulled out separately from biographies,

magazines and news have their own different sections.

If we're looking for an image, we have those pulled into

their own content bucket as well as videos

and audio files.

Um And for Cynthia Arrival,

we don't have any primary sources which

you know, does kind of make sense because of course,

she's a pretty contemporary

individual. But if you were looking

at historical figure and they were primary sources

related to the individual that would appear

in this little gray bar here as well

and then scrolling down, we're going to see all of those

content buckets now. So we have some featured

content that we've pulled forward biographies,

you'll see our images here, videos, magazines,

all that great stuff.

And then at the very bottom. We also have related

topics here. And when we say topics, they're going to be

people because this is gail in the context biography.

So we was going to be pointing to new

people that are related to the individual.

And if I were to click into any of these, it would actually launch

me into that new topic page.

So I'd be able to click right over to

another nice neat organized topic page and kind

of go about with whatever I'm trying to learn.

Now, let's click up here. Let's go into one of our

content buckets here. Since we're in Galen

context biography, I will go into the biography


You'll see. We actually have four biographies here

about Cynthia rival

and they're all at different levels here.

Um So if you're in a public library

or you're working at

higher education, you most likely aren't using

lexile. But if I have anyone who

is using lexile, you notice these are all different.

So we'll have higher level and lower level black

styles for your users. Something

that I find helpful as I'm going

through, you'll see we have these little kind of content

level icons here.

So those range from level one to level

five, level five is going to be

high school level as well as adult learning

level four is going to be

kind of lower level, high school level

three will be that middle school two and one

are going to be middle school and elementary.

So you won't find much in the level

one or two options, but you'll find

a lot of three fours and fives. So if

you're working with, you know, a wide variety of

students, you have some who need lower level

content. These little content

levels are helpful for you if you're pulling information,

but you'll see they'll change and you'll see. We give

the publisher here as well. So if we want to know

who's publishing, we can take a look

at that right here. It listed as well.

On this right hand side, we also have the ability

to filter. Since we're in biographies,

it's not as helpful to filter

these, of course. But

um you'll see we can filter by subjects.

So if I was looking at reference articles, instead

there might be you know, three or four different

subjects, I can navigate through


I can narrow down to content level. So again,

if you're working with students who need

a specific level, I can do that here

in my filters as well.

I can also search within here. So if I want

to maybe narrow down even further, I certainly

could do that here on this page as well.

Now, let's just click into one of these

articles. We'll click into this first one.

Now, in all of our biographies, you're going to see

at the top here, this little blue

box, it's going to give just brief

information about the individual. So whether

when they were born, their nationality,

their occupation,

then underneath that they will get the full text

here, you'll see.

And of course, this will change based on the publisher.

Some may have more information about their career.

Others may focus more on their

personal background or their awards,

which again is why we include more than one

biography per individual. So we

want people to kind of dive in to take a look at all

of the different aspects of this person.

We also include on this right hand side

here, an explore panel that's really helpful.

So if we're looking for more information

like this, we have this option here

that's going to pull us forward to a few different articles.

You'll see, we have our art article contents

listed here and then related subjects

listed here as well. So this kind of helps us move

forward again. If maybe we're stuck

in our research, we don't have another search to run,

but we want to keep learning. This explore

panel is oftentimes helpful for that.

And I want to take a look at all of the tools we have

available for documents. But before I do,

are there any questions about the layout

of the resource of any of the workflows

that I just briefly went through?

Ok, I don't see any. So we'll go

ahead and keep rolling then because I do want to get through all of the

great tools we have available. So

the first one I want to point out is our citation

tool. Absolutely great for getting buy

in from students and from teachers because

they don't have to make their own citations. And that's

always a beautiful thing. So you can

find that citation tool either up top

here at the top of the page in our little toolbar

where it says site,

you see when I click it, it pulls forward it, I can pull

Mlaap a Chicago or Harvard versions,

I can select it and copy it

or I could export it over to

noodle tools, Google Drive,

Onedrive, whatever I'm using.

And the citation was also found at the very bottom

of each of our articles here. And it does provide

the same information, the same options to change

over to different

um different versions as well

as my same exporting options. So

we've just included it in two different places

just to make sure your users find it. So

if they may be missed it at the top here, hopefully

they'll see it down at the bottom of the article and

vice versa.

And just moving forward from this tool,

we're going to move just straight down here on

our toolbar is our send

to option. So if I find this document particularly

interesting and I want to save it for later

or maybe I want to share it with someone I

can choose to send this over to my Google drive

my Onedrive or I can email it.

And what's nice is if I do send it over to one of my drives,

this is going to be in my drive permanently.

So I'll always be able to go back and take a look

at this article and it does actually

create a folder for your users within

their drive that will be titled Gale and

Context biography.

Um And anytime they throw content

over to their drive from kind of here on

out once they have a Gale and context biography


it's always gonna funnel right into that one folder

for them. So it actually goes over nice and organized

to make it easier for them to get back to their


I also have the option to download, you'll see what I hit,

download it, just downloads as a PDF

and I can save that to my desktop if I like or whatever

I want to do with it,

I can also print and then I have this nice

get link option and this get

link provides me with a persistent URL to

get right back to this page. So this

is nice for any educators who are on the line. You

can get a link and toss it right into a discussion

board post. Um or maybe

you just want to direct students to this document because they're

going to be using it in class today

for public libraries, if you're trying

to highlight a specific individual,

maybe use this in a social media post

and you have your patrons

go directly to this link and they can read this


but it's a persistent URL. So you can really put

it anywhere you want. It's a nice feature to have

and this get link is also available at

the topic page level. I always want to

mention that as well. So


if you find a nice topic page that you want to share, instead

of just circulate a document, you can use get

link there as well.

And these tools, these kind of sending and

sharing options are also found

down here under the title. You'll see, I have

my Google drive icon, my Onedrive

icon, email, download and print

again. They do the same thing. They're just

a little redundant to try to make sure that your users

see them no matter where they're looking on the page

on the left hand side here. Kind of just

across from these tools, we have

our document accessibility tools

that are going to help increase the accessibility of

this for all of your users. So

the first one is our translate option.

You'll see when I hit this, I can translate the article to

quite a few different languages here.

And I also have the option to set an interface language

which is going to change. Let's go ahead and do that switch

over to Spanish here.


which is going to change all of the tools

in my search bar you'll see here are now in


So as I am walking through the resource anywhere

I need to go ill, be able to read that in Spanish

to kind of know where I need to be

that does translate separately from

the article. So every time they click into an article,

they will need to hit the actual translate article

button as well.

But let's change this back to English here.

So in addition to the translation, I can also increase

or decrease the font size as needed.

Next to those, I have my display options

here. So this is where you kind of get


really um excuse me,

really deep into customization

here. So you'll see I can change the background on my


I can change the font here and we do have a dyslexia

font available for your users who prefer

that I can also change the line letter

and word spacing.

And once I choose these settings while I'm in a session,

this is going to follow me along. So as

I'm clicking through reading new articles, I'm not going

to have to enter this information in again,

over and over again. It's going to save

for me. Now, I will say if

your users are signed off due to inactivity

or if they close out of their browser and then click back

in. they will have to redo this because

we don't recognize the same person twice

because we don't have named user accounts or anything like

that. But if they are on the same

session, this is going to follow them along.

I'm actually going to go back to my defaults today

though. So right

next to our display options, we also have our listen

tool and this is going to read the full article

to your users. So

if they prefer to have something read to them, they

could hit that list and you'll see it pops up

this nice little option here

and they can have it read aloud to them and

it does read in whatever language they've

translated to. So if they translated this

article into Spanish before they hit listen,

it's actually going to read to them in Spanish

and we have about four minutes. But I do want to show you

our highlights and notes feature before we end off the

day. So if you have students who are

working on a project and they need to highlight

the bits of information they want to include

in their project, we include our highlights

and notes feature right here on the platform. They can just click

and drag over anything they think is important.

Let's say this little bit here.

They can choose the color, they can put a note

in here, maybe for my project,

they can say that

and they can really highlight over as much or as little

as they want. Let's add a couple highlights

in here and save that information.

And now these highlights and notes are session based.

So if your students are going through finding

information, I think is interesting and they want to hold on

to that. They need to get this document out

of the platform. They can do that by sending

over to their drives. They can download,

they can print,

they can do any of those options. It will

get it out of the platform and it will retain both

their highlights and notes.

Another great feature we have if we take a

look at my highlights and notes button in this tab

right hand corner here.

If I click into this while I'm on a document, it's going

to show me the text I highlighted as

well as notes I took and the highlight color.

I can hit this view all highlights and notes option.

And now this has just pulled out the bits

that I've highlighted. So it's not showing me the full article

anymore. It's only showing me what I chose to highlight

and I can actually take this with me. So you'll

see, I have the option to send this document over

to Google Drive Onedrive or email

or I could download or print this. So

if your users don't want to, you know,

if they let's say they highlighted three or four articles.

They don't want to save all of those articles.

They can go to those highlights and notes page

and they can just save this.

And you'll see at the bottom, we do include a running bibliography

here and we do include the link

to the articles as well. So if I had highlighted

in a couple of articles, they would each be listed

here and I can easily click back

using this hyperlink to get to the article that I was

already on.

You'll see, I'm on the same session. So all of

my highlights stayed here.

So just kind of a secondary way to get

content out of the resource and get it

in the hands of your users and so they can use it for

later. Now,

we're nearing the end of our time today and I do have

some wrap up information for you.

Um But any questions about

the tools, we looked at the workflows, we looked

at anything at all, put them into the Q and A for me,

I'll be able to answer those while I jump back

over to my slides and give you

some wrap up information.

So if you have any questions about the training, we

went over today that you

think of after we're done, feel free to

send me an email again. My name is Amber Winters

and my email is

[email protected]. If you want to get a little

more specific to your learning community

and how you can use this resource with them.

Reach out to your customer success manager. They can help

you out with that They work with librarians

and teachers and schools across

the US so they can really provide you with a wealth of information.

If you don't know who your customer success manager

is, you can send an email to

[email protected] and

we'll forward you to the correct individual

if you don't have Gale In Context: Biography right

now, but you want to talk about it, reach out to your sales

consultant. If you don't know who that is,

just go to,

we'll forward you to the correct individual.

And I do like to mention our support site here

as well. So if you need additional support information,

uh maybe activities for students, you need

flyers, bookmarks, social

media, uh messaging, you

go to our support site, which is just

We have all of the information ready to go for

you. We also have some great professional development

content. So if you're going to be training

your staff, the support site is a nice place

to take a look as well. So you won't have

to re invent the wheel while you do that.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group