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Last Updated: September 11, 2024

For UOSL: Exploring New Gale Resources for Utah's Online School Library

Calling all secondary librarians and teachers! Join us for an exciting training session recording on the new Gale resources available from Utah's Online School Library, specifically designed to support STEM instruction. Discover a wealth of interactive tools, multimedia content, and educational materials that will enhance your STEM lessons. In this session, we will explore your two new resources Gale Interactive: Science and Gale In Context: Environmental Studies. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the full potential of Gale resources and elevate your STEM instruction!
Duration: 60 Minutes
Welcome to your training for Utah's Online School library. Today's training is exploring new gale resources. My name is Tammi Burke. I'm a senior training consultant at Gale.

And I thank you for taking the time out of your day to meet with me, and learn a little bit more about some of the new resources that you have available, and these new resources are great for any stem.

Classes that you have. I mean, we're going to be covering 2 of the science resources that you have that are brand new starting this year, starting actually, July first, st that you started to have access to them. And my goal is for you to have a better understanding of what.

Is available within these resources, how they function the workflow tools, and answer any questions that you may have. I will also leave you with where you can go to find additional materials.

Such as training materials, but specifically activities that can be facilitated in the classroom with students.

So great to use with classroom.

With your Gale resources. So we have the.

There are a lot of student activities available that have been created by teachers.

And are available on our gale support site. So I'll leave you with that information today, along with marketing materials where you can go to find marketing materials. So.

With that. Let's get started. Any questions. Please feel free to use that. QA. Box, our brief agenda. We're gonna start with talking about access to the Gale Resources.

And then an overview of the 2 resources we are going to go into today. We will explore content features and workflow tools.

And then any questions that you have, please feel free to ask.

And again I will share with you where you can go to find additional support materials.

So first, st let's talk about access to your online school library. You have the link here at the top that you can see hopefully, you're already familiar with this, and you're familiar with.

Some of your digital resources you have. You may have already used some of your other gale resources, and you're just here to learn about these 2 new ones of the money that you're receiving.

And we've been covering all of the training or all of the different resources in the past couple of training. So.

Today we're focusing on the 2 stem resources. So if you go to the High school page, you will see under the Gale Reference Collection high School. Once you select that.

You will see both.

Environmental studies. So Gale In context, environmental studies that is a new resource and Gale interactive science.

So both those resources.


Available for you to access. And I want you to also understand that Gale, interactive science.

Works. Hold on a sec.

One moment, here.

There we go, Gale, interactive science works with Gale In Context:. So I'll talk about the reference content. You have had access to Gale In Context: science.

I just want you to understand that the reference content is actually being pulled in from Gale In Context: science and some of our one file. It's just a totally different product.

Some of that content is being pulled into. But interactive science has both activities and.

Reference content. And I'm gonna share that with you. Next.

If you're accessing from home.

This is how students can log in and put in their user information and password, and then they can access the resources.

So let's talk about some of these resources that you have.

1st one we're gonna talk about is Gale, Interactive science.

And and we like to say, we're learning comes alive. It's an engaging model that brings science to life. It really allows students to better visualize and understand concepts and biology, earth and space. Science.

And it is, supports the secondary school curriculum. So you're going to find both Ngss standards and Ccss. Standards available within this resource to filter by even.

And what you're going to find is interactive 3D activities that students can work through. It is such a cool resource. And not only that, but you have all of the reference content connected to those activities.

So you'll see when you're working through an activity, you'll be able to see that reference content change, depending on what slide you're on. Not only that, but you can rotate, you can pull apart. You can really work within these activities. When we say interactive, we mean interactive. And I can't wait to show you that. So students and teachers.

Can also manipulate. Those 3D models digitally, but we also have 3D printable models. So if you have a 3D printer.

We have.

All the files to print off.

3D models. So not only do you have the 3D model digitally, but also print. If you have that printing.

So that's Gale, interactive science.

The second resource we are going to go into today is Gale in context. So it's in our in context of resources. And this one is environmental studies.

Great for those types of courses also great for your science courses. What you're going to find it is in the in context. So you're going to find those great topic pages and issues of interest on the home page.

Here's a topic page on climate change. And you can see this one has case studies. So we're going to see a lot of case studies in environmental studies which is unique to this resource.

Compared to your in context resources. And there's also.

Sometimes you'll see conferences.

Listed there, too. And then, of course, we've taught. We have websites on other topic, but if there's any safe websites you'll see those there, too.

Great images and videos and multimedia that we have available within this resource.

So with that, let's jump into our 1st one. Please let me know if you have any questions at any time throughout today's training.

And our 1st resource is Gale, interactive science.

I wanna talk to you about the 3 ways to browse through this resource. So.

Some are pretty straightforward. You can do a search. You can search for an activity right in our basic search bar at the top. So if I wanted anything related to cells, I could.

Enter the term cell. And here it would pull back all of my different activities I have available. There's 19 different results.

On that subject, or on that term.

The other option is to just browse through all the activities. I can do a basic search. Or I can just jump to browse activities, and on the left hand side I can filter them down, or I can just scroll through all 234 different activities.

Completely up to you.

Filtering it down would make life a little bit easier. One option that you're going to see here.

To filter it down is the Ngss. Standards.

So if I wanted all the activities related to a certain standard, I just select it.

And it'll.

Share that information.

So this is on a fuel cell in a water pump.

And you can see at the bottom we have these tags.

These are hyperlinked out.

So you can see the Ngss standard here that I selected. But it let's say I wanted this standard instead.

And all I have to do is click on it.

And it'll give me the activities that are related to that standard.

So some fall into 2.

Different areas. Most fall into.

Just the one. But that I saw that one fell into 2. You also can see here chemical reaction. So that is pulling in one of these categories, content from one of the categories. Let me pull this.

So if I wanted to, here's chemical reactions. And this one, if I wanted all the activities and looks like there's 16. If I select that.

Information. It'll filter it to those 16 different activities.

So you can use that interlinking tool at the bottom.

Can be really helpful to students.

The last way.

So again, we have.

Basic search.

Browse activities, and the last one is simply one of the subject areas.

You have biology, chemistry, earth, science, human anatomy. And then here are those 3D printable models.

Where you can download the file and print them off. If you have a 3D printer.

I will go into one of these subject categories. But before I do, I want to share with you.

If you are getting started when you have students getting started with this resource.

The best place to have them get started is to utilize this welcome activity.

Or if we have anything like our 3rd one here, 4, th one is introduction. So if you see introduction, these are great ones to get students started. The chemistry.

Activities look a little different because they're on this workstation.

Which can be rotated, and I'll I can share that. Ha! I'll talk to you about.

How the rotation works.

With your mouse, and each of these.

Lists that you see here.

Can be selected. So it's really interactive. It's an interactive.

Workplace for that. Students can our table that they can work on.

So it's a really interesting way. But if you do the introduction, it helps students understand the periodic table.

Okay. Now, if I select a category like biology, I can.

Click on the picture.

And it selects all the activities.

Under that subject, heading.

And there's 97 of them.

And I can search through them all.

I can browse more results.

Open it up more for me.

And you can see under biology all that we have available.

Let's go into.

Let's see.

I always do the same ones. Let's do something a little different today.

Let's go into human anatomy.

Well at school they do a lot with. I'll do the fetal pig.

They at schools they do a lot with

Dissection. Right fetal pig is one of them.

The nice thing is with this resource, sometimes funding.

Is difficult.

4 labs.

Your school labs.

Because it is expensive.

To buy.

Fetal pigs for multiple students. Right? So sometimes it's funding. And that's where this resource can help support.

If the funding isn't there for.

The dissections. Or for there's so many different activities you can utilize outside of the physical lab side of things.

But that's it's a great tool to utilize in those situations. Also.

Pre, teaching.

It's a great resource to use for pre teaching. So before, if you do have the fetal pigs you're about to do the dissection. But you want to use this.

To pre-teach that subject to students and prepare them. It's great for that also.

Great, for during instruction to use this as a digital a digital way for to access.

What you want your students to maybe dissect that day or take a look at that day. Right? You can utilize this digitally with the whole class.

And the last way is.

For review.

So when students are at home and they're preparing for the exam.

They can review.

At utilizing the gale. Interactive science, because what typically happens is you have the fetal pig with these tags, and the tags are numbered, and you have to be able to identify that part of the pig right.

Well, let me show you what it looks like, what you can do here.

So with.

Interactive activity. You can see it's giving me information on the fetal pig. I have slides below that I can work through.

Or I can click to the right hand side.

When I click or click on a slide here it rotates. Something else I can do is if I right click.

I can rotate the pig.

I can also by left click and drag.

I can dissect.

The pig.


And this is one of our views. Another view is.


And then we have whole screen.

So I'll share those with you in a moment before I do.

Our reference content is over here to the right hand side, and I don't know if you notice, but it switched to skin.

Because I was on the skin.

Now I'm talking about the muscular system. All these dats mean is, I can just pull that tag out of the way.

So I can click and drag. But now it's referring to the muscular system, and I have all the information.

In this article on the right hand side.

So this is some reference content. All of my tools are here that are in all of my gale resources. So tools to support accessibility.

Are here the ability to translate text size, just change the display options or listen to the text, and all of my quick send options are here also at the top. My send to download are also here. Now, this will be these tools and this information in this box. All of these tools are for the reference, content.


Over here to the left.

We have.

Links to, or the ability to share this activity in, Google classroom.

Or if I wanted to grab a link to this specific activity.

Here is the URL.

I can just grab that link and share it with my students and put it in the Google classroom. If I want.

Which would be easier to just do click on the Google classroom icon. Here.

I can also link to a specific slide. So let's say, I have done the fetal pig with my students, and I want them to just test their knowledge with quick 2 quick questions.

So I could link to the quiz, and this one only happens to have 2 questions.

Others I've seen up to 5.

So usually I see at least 3. So this one has 2 questions, and some are. This is labeling the parts of the pig. Some will be just multiple choice questions.

That you'll see.

Lungs. I get it right. I get a big checkmark mandible. When I get it wrong, let's put it for the brain. Here.

I get the red, and it goes back into my word. Bank.

Okay, so those that's that quiz question.

The next one is what organ blood throughout a mammal's body.

The heart.

Okay, those are pretty easy ones, and I can restart the activity.

Okay. So we talked about the links to the slide.

When I talk I use the quiz as an example.

Below that we have related articles.

Or I'm sorry related activities are below.

And then we have these 2 different views I want to share with you. So this is theater view. This is probably my favorite, because.

Hold on a second. There we go!

Because I still have my reference content here below.

But whole screen is great, too, which you're probably seeing that almost basically like they would in a classroom. But this.

Is great. If a teacher is modeling this information, I can hide my.

Content over here to the left if I want to, and just focus on my fetal pig.

That I can rotate.

As I mentioned, I can dissect.

And if I'm still interested in labeling these parts.

If I put my cursor over top it'll tell me what part that is. So that's the cranium.

So I can dissect it when I get to.


I like to show respiratory, because you can really see inside and talk about being able to dissect.

And pull apart.

Move it off, move it back on liver.


This one is labeled.


You get the idea. So again, you can rotate by right clicking.

And then left click and drag.

You can grab the part of the pig and dissect.

Okay to go back. I just can utilize this here on the bottom right.

To exit full screen.

And then, if I wanted to go back to my 1st view, the default view, I can choose that.

Right there.

But yeah, theater and whole screen are right here at the bottom.

So that is a dissection. We also have cells like the animal cell.

So you can see it takes a couple seconds to load.

But here's the 1st slide. I can click through these slides and it will move. I don't have to interact with it if I don't want to. I just want to learn.

And again, my content on the right is changing my reference content so great way to supplement the curriculum and the textbook is utilizing this.

Information on the right.

Again. I can pull this apart if I want to.


Click to the next slide.

And the information changes in both places.

So I get a little snippet here in the activity, and I get more information over to the right in the reference content.

And then this one has 3 quiz questions.

And you get them right. You get the green screen.


Let me know if you have any questions on this resource.

It is a very fun one to play with. I remember.

When this 1st was launched at Gale, and we had.

I mean, maybe 2 handfuls of activities.

And now it has just grown so much and is utilized in so many different classrooms. It's such a great tool.

And I shared a bunch of different ways that it can be used. I'm sure your science teachers can think of other ways that it can be utilized in their classrooms.

But really is a great tool.

For your students to have access to chemistry is a little different. So we might as well jump into chemistry, because, like I said, you're on that workstation.

So if I go into the models here.

It's opening my 3D viewer. And this one I definitely.

Like to, and it takes sometimes takes a little bit more to load.

I definitely like to use the theater view.

There we go. So it's zoomed in. I can start my activity. Watch what happens.

And here I have that information, and it highlights on the screen, as you can see.

What is also happening is, let me right click.

When I click through, you're going to see some changes. Everything on here is interactive.


Number 3.

And you can see I can right click and rotate.

Metals below post transitional metals. Let's identify those.

Let me!

It's a little tricky on my Mac Mouse, but I can identify those.

There I zoomed in a little too much.

To reset it. You can just go to the next slide and go back. So here, post transitional metals was my next slide. Anyway.

So it is a little different. The.


The chemistry activities.

Because they're on that workstation.

Balancing equations. Introduction. So that would be a great introduction. Here's another introduction. These would be great for that balancing, not necessarily. And you'd utilizing the workstation. The introduction to the periodic table would be great for introducing, utilizing that activity in that workstation.

Where this is just really helpful information. I know. I had my own children.

One struggled with that balancing was a challenge for her in chemistry.

But didn't stop her. She loves science, and is in her senior year.

At Michigan, State.

And is my molecular biology and.

Oh, my goodness!

It's not earth, science, biology.

It's something like that. I messed it up. Oh, my.

Oh, shoot! Kill me if she didn't get it right! But she's in the sciences. She wants to go on to be an astrobiologist, so.

Obviously the balancing equations in chemistry did not hold her back, but.

Utilizing some of this information in this resource, when my.

Children would use this great information. Is always helpful, because it's visual, too, and you have a visual learners that this those terms that.

Some information can be really challenging. For. So this helps that instruction. So it supports.

The instruction that's happening in the classroom.

Alright. Let me know if you have any questions on this resource. There's anything else you'd like me to go over again. We just covered everything.

In gale interactive science. So let's go into.

Gale in context, environmental studies.

So if you're not familiar with the context resources. You are going to find topic pages.

You're going to find content, organized.

Here in subject categories.

Our topic, pages.

Curated by our subject matter specialists and also our content editors.

We look.

Curriculum we look at.

Usage. We hear from you all, and then what our content editors will do is create topic pages, and curate all of our content.

Into subject categories that align to what you're doing in your.

So this focusing on environmental studies.

You will see right at the top. We have the ability to change the language, and this is of the navigational tools on the page. Let's say I want Italian.

You can see all of these navigational tools.

Have changed.

Okay, and this is separate than the document. Translation.

Me go back to English.

It's right at the top, in the right hand corner. Wherever you see this little information, Icon.

Is where you're going to have the ability to.

I can sign in with Google or Microsoft. I'm going to sign in with Google.

And then I am set up as a teacher. So all I have to do is click on the Google classroom icon. And I can post information directly to Google classroom.

We have our basic search and advanced search.

And then here let me grab annotate tool.


We have our tools.

Contextual tools. So these, this toolbar will change, depending on where I'm at within the resource.

Clear that out.

So you can the.

It'll supply me with what tools I need depending on where I'm at within the resource. So you'll see that change as we work through the resource.

We have on the top.

Our topics of interest or issues of interest, wildfires, hurricanes.

A lot happening right now in areas.

But you will see those change. They usually change about once a month.

And then we have.

481 topic pages available, but.

We have more information than that that may not be curated into a topic page. So keep that in mind.

You can see the different.

Categories we have here with earth systems and energy and global change.

Some of those subject categories that we have.

And we are going to go into the living world.

Now, once I'm here in this topic, I can go back and select any of the other subject categories. So if I wanted to go to pollution or states and provinces. I could do that quickly by using the dropdown menu over here.

For topics.

But I have all of these great topic pages available.

And maybe I'm interested in ecosystems.

Every topic page has an image, an essay, overview or topic overview. Now, something else I want to show you. Let's say I decided to do a basic search, because this is high school, and our high schoolers use.

Basic search a lot. You can see, I'm starting to type in the term ecosystem. And all of these topic guides.

Are all topic pages.

So they're at the top of the list. They have this nice icon. This is a recent update that just happened.

Think last week. So you have that great information there, ready to go.

And here's my ecosystems topic Page, which we're already on.

So we have an image and essay overview.

You open that essay, overview.

In the essay overview. You can see this is an introduction. This is a blat place for students to get started. Sometimes we have.

Some text features in here, and especially in some of our other resources, you'll find some text features like critical thinking questions and items along those lines.

But this one. This article does not happen to have one. Since we're here, let's talk about our tools to support accessibility.

We have the ability to translate the article into over 50 languages. I actually think we're at 57 languages.

So I can select the language.

And then it will translate it. I did not.

Do that. Let me check.

Let's do Spanish.

And it translates it, but it doesn't complete the translation.

Here's the thing.

Students sometimes are curious what other languages look like. So they're poking in there to just kind of see.

So we wanna make sure, do you really wanna complete the translation? So we do have that here. But we do give a sample.

And then, when they get to this point.

We give them the option to complete that translation also.

So once I do complete the translation. I'm not going to on this article, but if I were to, then, as soon as I did that all of my tools to support accessibility would return. I just have to make that decision So that's our 1st icon. I have the ability to decrease or increase the font. Size.

I have display options where I can change the color behind the text. So if black on white doesn't work for me, I can use gray.

I can also customize it further and use the open dyslexic.

And customize it even further, and increase the line, letter and wording.

And the nice thing is is that this will stick with me throughout my session. So if I go back to ecosystems.

And this time I click on.

Let me go into this academic journal.

You can see it sticks with me, and I increase that font size. So both of these are these 3, I should say.

Stick with you throughout your session.

If I wanna go back to my default settings. I just open that back up.

And it's in the bottom left hand corner.

Couple of things that you're seeing here. You have the.

Hyperlinking information. So what's happening with this hyperlink we call interlinking.

Is you will have if you're looking for additional articles related to a certain term.

If it's hyperlinked out. That means that we have related articles so related, articles on emissions, and you can see all of those related articles that are being pulled in.

Over to the right. Along those same lines we have the ability to explore additional content. So.

This is supplemental content to the document that we are currently on.

And I can go into or jump to any of these.

Other articles, and you can see here I continue to get the more like this.

Not only that in the explore panel I have related subjects, so I'm an ecosystems. Maybe I'm interested in global warming.

I can jump to that subject on global warming.


So lots of great things that I can do.

Right, from.

My singular topic. Page, let me go back to that.

There it is!

Little bit further down. I didn't put enough in.


So other things that I can do on this topic. Page. You can see all of the.

Content types are here. In the middle, we have academic journals. We have 731 different case studies. This one also has conferences.

And then we have what we typically see is reference.

Biographies, video audio images, news magazines. We have some safe websites, and any related topic. Pages are here, too.

We have the ability to search within. So I can search within my results just on this page. If I were to go back up here and do a basic search. It's gonna search through the entire database again.

If I go here the search within results, and look for a certain term, then it would only filter down this information that I have on the page.


So a great tool. Another one thing that I can do is if I wanted to share this entire topic page with my students.

Something I can do is grab the get link, tool.

Get. Link provides a persistent URL back to any spot within the resource. So it's right up here in my contextual toolbar. It always lives there.

I just click on, get link, and I can copy and paste it.

Or if I'm using Google classroom, I can select the Google classroom Icon.

Choose my class.

Choose my action.

Maybe I want to make an announcement click, go.


Goes, this.


Make it more of an announcement. I could do that.

Decide where I want to sign it.

And view.

And once I view.

Here's my ecosystems.

And it should.

Changed a little bit. Here, there it is!

It's posted, and I have that.

Topic page. So my students will get that notification. They can go directly to that topic page, and it opens right up for them.

Let me know if you have any questions on any of that information that I just went over with Google classroom.

Okay, so those are 2 ways to.

Get a little bit of an update 2 ways to share, get link or Google. And then if you're using a learning management system.

If you're using a learning management system because you are accessing through Utah's online school library.

Through the website, you would have to use the get link tool.

Okay, so you would to embed content. You would have to have your own direct Urls. But Utah has set it up so that everybody goes through the same portal.

And so you would have to use the get link tool to share information. And then I can share information. This entire topic. Page. I could. Let's go into.

Academic journals.

And something I wanna point out in academic journals is you're going to see peer reviewed.

Peer-reviewed are needed a lot, especially at the high schools.

So you're going to find all those peer review journals I can filter to just peer reviewed, which is going to remove everything else. Let me show you.

I can just select, peer reviewed, and you can see. Oh, there's some case studies, conferences, and one audio file that have been peer reviewed, but the majority land in academic journal.

I can remove that.

I can sort by if I wanted to. It's set the relevance. Maybe I want newest. I like to use newest when I'm looking at news, or sometimes magazines.

Relevance. I think, when you're looking at academic journals and reference content.

It's really helpful to have.

What's most relevant, but sometimes with news and magazines. I like to see. I like the relevance first, st but then I will.

Take a look at. what's newest. You can even do that with videos and images. Now, I'm in these topic pages a lot.

So sometimes I'll filter to see the newest images, because I've been in here a lot, and I want to see what we've added. So. Sometimes. That's a great feature to just utilize within that.

Content, type.

And then you have the ability to filter your results. So we talked a little bit about this with using the search within. On that.

The homepage of the topic page. It also lives here.

I can filter by publication, date.

By subject.

Document type. I can multi select or do a search for.

And this document type. Let me show you if I go into reference.

We're going to see different document types.

Even though whatever document type I select, it'll filter everything down at once.

It's going to show me different document types depending on what content.

I am in. So if I go into news.

By document types might look a little different. This one's a letter to the editor.

I'm not gonna find that in reference, at least, I don't think I would might.

But clinical reports, and same with magazines. So you get the idea with document.

Publication titles. If there's certain publications, especially if you have a teacher that likes to use a certain, let's say magazine or.

Maybe it's an academic journal. They like to site and share with their students. This would be a great way to digitally share that same information.

And you can always check under advanced search. There's a publication search you can always check and see if this is one that we carry that we have publication rights to all the time, or if it's just a limited if we just.

Worked with them for a limited amount of time, or purchased a certain amount of information so always good to take a look. If you have a teacher.

It's more, I think it's more at the higher end level that that happens. But you might have a teacher that likes to use certain publication, and could save them a little money because you get it digitally here, and you have all those tools to support accessibility. So.

It's not like the teacher has to print the articles off. They could have it all digitally access. So just something to keep in mind with your publication titles.

You have newspaper sections.

And then we have lexile measure.

So you can multi select, measure.

We also have content levels content levels in your in context resources.

You'll see. See, we have one through 5.

Level 3 is middle school. Everything below is elementary. Everything above is high school.

Now, you might have students that need that middle school reading level.

Environmental studies. They, you can filter down. You're going to find if they need more of that middle school reading level. You might want to send them to Gale and Context middle School, because we will have.

More, because that's designed for our.

Our 6th through 8th grade students.

You'll find more of those level that level 3 content there for them. So if they do need a little bit lower reading level, then

They might want to use gale and context. Middle school.

Most of our in contact resources start around a 7th 8th grade reading level.

But there's a lot of content here, especially in environmental studies that might be a little bit higher level. So keep that in mind.

That if they need that extra support, that you all, you also have access to that resource.

And then again we have the search within.

So if I wanted to filter by publication date, I want everything. From the last year I applied that. You can see it did take down.

Some of that.

The news articles.

And academic journals. I think we had 22,000.

And those don't come out as frequently.

So you can see this is, I can filter that content down. I can use my get link tool or Google classroom and pull this filtered.

Into those 2 share options, or one of those share options.

I want to remove that filter. I can do that.

And then the last thing I want to share with you.

Let's go into a reference article.

Ecosystem diversity.


Highlights and notes. We talked about the tools to support accessibility.

I wanna mark up a document working a little slow here.

This evening for me.

There we go!


When I'm on a document.

And I'm interested in.

Highlighting or saving this information. So I want to save this entire document. I have it marked it up. I just want to save it. I want to send it to my Google drive. So I can click, send a Google Microsoft email print.

Now these are quick. Send options.

We also have them up here in the toolbar.

And the reason why we do is because if I get to this point where I'm reading and I decide, I definitely want to send that article. I don't have to scroll all the way back up.

I can just click on that paper airplane and choose.

One of these formats to send it to or download or email.

Another feature that we have available is the highlights and notes.

Highlights and notes is a great tool for many, many reasons. It's 1 of my favorites. You just click and drag over a chunk of text.

Choose your color.

And put in your notes, whatever they may be.

Maybe you're using a document for claim evidence and reasoning.

And each color claim is one. Evidence is another. Reasoning is another.

This is a great tool to use to annotate.

Your documents and mark up your documents, or maybe students are looking for individual.

Quotes or facts that they need for a project or a paper.

Again, a great tool for teachers, also to utilize the information here, and highlight, and what they can do is.

They can send this entire marked up document.

To their Google, drive.

And then, if it's a teacher, they can share it with students, or to a student will have the entire document.

And everything that they've highlighted. So let me share with you what that looks like. I'm gonna highlight a big chunk of text here.

Okay, let's make these.


Okay. Now, I'm going to send this.

When I send it to my Google drive.

It lands in a folder, titled.

Oh, I think I need to go in. There's account.

It lands in a folder.

Go into my drive. I'll show you.

Titled Gale In Context:, Environmental Studies.

Oops I had to open. I had to create a new account. So a lot of my stuff is.

That's on my old account is missing. I accidentally changed my.

Why isn't it opening up here.

Change my password.

Just open.

Oh, there we go! I need to double click. So here's my document that I marked up.

There's the text I highlighted.

And then what happens is this is a 10 page document.

Below my source Citation.

Are the 2 passages and any notes I've taken.

So my best practice when I.

Talk or do training, or when I talk to teachers.

Is to tell your students to send this information. If they've marked up a document, send the entire document to.

Their Google, drive.


Download or email or print it off.

Because they will.

Have that information they can. It lives in their Google drive. Let's say they're using Google lives there until they choose to delete. It always is going to land in that environmental studies folder every time they're in here.

It'll land in the same folder.


Best practice. Send the entire thing. Now, something else is happening in on the back side of this document, and I'm gonna go into.

Let's go into a case. Study.

And I'm gonna highlight. Another chunk of text.

And this is a quote.

And save.


So my highlights and notes section up here, my contextual toolbar.

Is being built out.

So let me.

Annotate that for you. So right here.

The highlights and notes is being built out.

And what I can do is when I select it.

View all highlights and notes.

And this I like to call them digital notes.

And what happens is those 2 documents, the 1st one I had.

And now the second one.

I have just.

Those sections of text that I highlighted so.

Best practice. Keep the entire document. So you at least have that, because.

If your students don't remember to come in here and send this information somewhere.

They'll lose it. So that's why I always say best practice. Keep the entire document. You can always go back to that document from.

Google and go right back in there and find additional supplemental information. You can do the same thing here with your digital notes. So what do I mean by that.

When I send these highlights and notes.

To my Google, drive.

These, the articles will be hyperlinked out so I can go back into my article, and that's really helpful. If I'm interested in that supplemental information in the. That's in the explore panel. There.

It's really good for that.

Or just, additional exploration on that topic.

So what happens is.

I can send this.

But a couple of things before I do.

I can label, what is green? What is blue? I can label the colors.

And it creates a legend. So I think I said blue was a quote.

I don't know what this is. Let's just say a fact.


And then over. Here's my legend. You can see highlight legend.

And then my bibliography is automatically.

If I need to change that to Apa.

I can change that bibliography before I send it.

There's Apa!


My citation tool is here.


If I just want the citations. This here's the beautiful thing about this.

You have.

Your work cited pages started.


That could be a mini lesson in itself. Highlights and notes could be a mini lesson that you do with your students because you're talking to them about.

Grabbing content and what they can do with that content and information and create these digital notes. But they can. It creates a works cited. So this is session based also.

So they can literally.

Change the format if they need to.


Copy and paste it. So if I change it to Apa, I can copy and paste this.

Wherever I need it, or if I'm using noodle tools or easy bib or roughs, any of these locations.

Even send it directly to my Google drive. I can just send these citations to my Google drive. There's my bibliography. My works cited page is done. One thing I do have to do, though, is alphabetize.

But that's it.

It's all done for them.

So keep that in mind that it's a great tool if students are doing that and they're finding articles and they're sending them to their Google drive. Of course they'll have the citations already attached. So they're covered.

But this isn't just another tip and trick.

That they can use in their.

Resources is that site using the highlights and notes and the citation tool.

And then they send.

Just the highlights and notes to their Google drive. I again call them digital notes.

And this is a great place where they can share that document with.

Their group that they're working with or share that document with, their teacher can check in and see where they're at during their research, like it could be an assignment you need to hand in your notes. They've done. They've done it here. They can even edit their notes.

Before they send them.

And you could put all kinds of information in here.


Another thing that a lot of our.

Our librarians will do is when they talk to students about plagiarism.

They've highlighted this chunk of text. Now put it into your own words, and here's a great way to do that.

In the notes. Then I can save it.

And then send it. There's an assignment. So just some ways to utilize and get them using the resources and also all of the tools that are available, and of course we have the sent to is all the same.

Google, Microsoft email and print are all here.

Alright, we're right. Towards the end of our session.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all whatsoever.

I covered all of our tools and functionality. We have great content available. We talked about that. You can see how this can support so many stem classes.

So science classes.

But you have that environmental studies, and don't forget you also have Gale In Context: science, which has a.

Let me actually open that up.

Gale in contact, science.

Has a to talk about stem, math, engineering, and technology here.

So that is in.

Another one of your science resources. So you have the 3.

You have Gale In Context:, Gale and context environmental studies. And now you also have.

Gale Interactive Science.

Alright. Let me go back to my Powerpoint, and share with you where you can go for additional support.

And materials. That would be your gale support site.

And I'm gonna put this link.


The chat.

So you can copy and paste it. It's a really good one to bookmark. You're gonna find on the 1st page.

All of the upcoming webinars. So we've got 2 left.

On the right hand side, actually just one. And it's coming up. This is this is one. It'll drop off.

That you're seeing today.

And then you have.

Access to product information. So this 1st category here you won't really need to worry about because.

You're accessing through Utah's Online school library. The training center is where you're going to find tip sheets and tutorials and training decks.

We also have training tool kits which are.

Click, she.

Which have all of our training materials curated for you.

So if you would like to facilitate trainings in your building, you would like some guidance on where to get started with the resource from the basics to where to go for help. We take you through that step by step, with our training tool kits.

And then we have all kinds of different student projects and activities. I I linked out a few or showed a few here with the trading cards.

You're going to find. This is a tick toe.

Here's 1 utilizing the it's called the research lab. So utilizing gale interactive science. And then we also have great marketing materials like this one. I pulled out bringing science to life and bookmarks and posters, and all of that is available on this site that you're seeing at the top.

That I also put in the chat. So those watching the recording you can utilize that link. There.

And then.

That wraps our session.

Again. My name is Tammi. I am a senior training consultant with Gale. I would love to get your feedback when you leave my session today. If you could.

Put. Just click, continue and answer the questions. On the survey. That would be great love to get that information from you all. It's anonymous. You don't have to leave your contact information so. We'd love to get that again. Information from you all if you'd like to leave some feedback, and then finally the last slide.

Since you're if you're watching the live recording, you will get an attendance certificate for those that are.

I'm sorry.

You're watching the live session, you will get an attendance certificate for attending the live session. Watch your email for those that are watching the recording. You can go directly to.

This link, or use the QR code and scan it and select.

Exploring new gale resources for Utah's Online School Library the name of this session. If you select that, then you can get Webinar credit.

From Utah's online.

School library.

Alright. Let me know if you have any questions, but I thank you all for your time today.

And I hope you have a great rest of your day.
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