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Last Updated: August 28, 2024

For UOSL: Navigating Utah's Online School Library Health Resources from Gale

Discover the wealth of new Gale resources available from Utah's Online School Library in the Health and Wellness Collection. This training session, designed for secondary teachers and librarians, will provide comprehensive coverage of resources to support health classes, students interested in the medical field, and counselors focusing on mental wellness. Explore the content, tools, and features within Gale Health and Wellness and Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine. Gain an understanding of additional health collection resources that are available, along with best practices and resource selection. Prepare to navigate the Health and Wellness Collection with confidence and enhance student wellbeing.
Duration: 45 Minutes
Hello, and welcome to our training for Utah's Online School Library. Today's session is navigating Utah's Online School Library health resource from Gale. My name is Tammi Burke. I am your Gale trainer. If you have any questions throughout today's training, please feel free to use that. QA. Box.

Those of you watching the recording. I will provide you with a QR. Code that you can scan at the end of today's session to receive credit for watching the recording. So please watch this session, and you'll have that information at the end. Today's session. We will be talking about one of the resources that you have available from Gale that supports health and wellness, but also support.

Health classes or students interested in the medical field. It also is a great resource for counselors that are supporting students with any mental health issues that they might be having or anything that's happening at home. It's also a great one to suggest for parents. So this is one of those resources that really works for all audiences.

And again, can support your health classes, but also your phys classes, because of the content that's available. And then.

In hand, enhanced student, wellbeing.

So I'm excited to talk to you about this resource. There are a few other one file resources that are available. I am not sure where Utah's online school library is with providing those they are reviewing some of the resources that are available at the Public Library. For schools. And but this one is definitely a resource that is available, and that is Gale, health and wellness. So I'll talk to you.

About that little bit more. So you have an understanding of what you'll find within that resource, and then talk to you about how you can utilize it in your schools, and this is a great resource for secondary students.

We'll 1st talk about access and overview of the Gale, health and wellness, resource. And then I'm going to spend the majority of our time exploring the content, the tools, and the features within the resource. And then any questions that you have please feel free to ask. I'll also provide you with my contact information. So if you have any questions after today's training, you can ask them.

Feel free to follow up.

To access Utah's online school library. Hopefully, you're already familiar with this link that I'm showing at the top of the page. Once you access that link. You'll see this 1st page where you can select elementary middle school or high school.

Once you select and I've selected high school. You'll find the Gale reference collection for high school right here in the center.

When you select that it'll take you to this page. And this is where see this picture of the heart, where you're going to find Gale health and wellness. And this is the resource that we are going to be talking about today.

If you are. If your students are accessing from home, then they would be prompted to log in.

So then they'll see this K. 12 home access login. If they're accessing from school, they should be able to get right into the resources, and you have great folks at Utah's Online school library. If you need any additional support with access, they can help you out.

So let's talk about Gale, health and wellness. This resource in particular.

This is a great resource. Again, as I mentioned, to support your students.

At any level. But if specifically courses or classes that are being offered, if you have students that are taking any health classes or Phys. Ed classes which are typically a requirement for all students.

To take. You can utilize this resource to supplement the curriculum.

It's also a great one for counselors for any cte courses. You would find that this is a really helpful resource for that, and then for parents and students, just, you know, looking to.

Promote that better health and it, and that includes physical and mental health.

It's really this resource delivers content with benefits. So it you'll find an extensive collection of pertinent reference, like Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. But we also have included in this resource the Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative medicine. So you'll find both there. And it's a great digital resource that sets it apart from free online resources because it's safe, authoritative content.

You'll find 24 7 access to full text medical journals, magazines, reference work, multimedia, and so much more. This is perfect for researchers at all level. But, as I mentioned specifically for students.

The comprehensive. It's more of a consumer health resource to content so.

So it provides that authoritative information.

On a full range of health, related issues from current disease and disorder, information to in-depth coverage of alternative medicine practices. As I've mentioned.

And we're going to talk about how we can utilize this resource. In the schools you will find more than 75 topic portals. So topic pages.

That pull together, or curate.

Multiple types of content. And, as I mentioned, some of that content journal articles and more.

You'll also find that the guaranteed health news from trusted resources or trusted sources.

So both scholarly medical journals and general interest. Health magazines will be included or are included in this resource.

It's also perfect, as I mentioned, for all levels of researchers.

And then to present information with audio and visual content. Users can stream audio or download images.

To bring health topics to life. And I get this question a lot, too, with our images or our videos with our images? Can students use them in their classroom work, and absolutely they can. We just asked that they don't use them commercially. And then, hopefully, you're teaching them about citing and site and citations. So they're probably going to cite the sources that they.

Are able to utilize within their.

Within their projects or papers, or whatever they're working on. So we have those easy citation tools that are part of all of your Gale resources.

They are the same here, within Gale, health and wellness, and that's the beauty of your resources. If you've been utilizing any of the Gale resources in the past that you've had access to from Utah's Online school library.

Then you will find that the tools and features are exactly the same. So it keeps it consistent across all of your Gale resources. And I'm gonna talk to you not only about content today, but also about some of these tools and features that you have available.

So with that, let's jump directly into Gale. Health and wellness.

Health and wellness. It opens up.

And looks like this. Where you land on the homepage where you have a basic search, advance search in the upper right. You have the ability to sign in with Google or Microsoft.

If you are set up as a teacher, then a go Google classroom within Google classroom. Then when I sign into Google, I can automatically post information directly to my Google classroom.

So great tool that you have available within your resources.

I also have the ability to translate.

The navigation tools on the page I'm at. This is separate than our document translation. This is to help navigate through the resource, and we're at 34 languages here. Actually, I think we're at a few more. I'm seeing a few additional ones.

That we have available. But let's say I needed my navigation tools in Spanish. I can, as soon as I sit down wherever I see this translation. Icon means that I can translate something in this. In this case it happens to be the platform itself, and you can see now I have all of my navigational tools in Spanish, so it can help me.

Work through this resource. There's some additional Spanish content I want to share with you today. Utilizing the advanced search tool.


On the homepage. You'll also find our contextual toolbar.

This toolbar will change, depending on where you're at, within the resource and what tools are needed.

You also will see topics of interest. These are scrolling topics at the top of the page, where you can easily jump to explore this topic.

By just clicking on this explore. This topic. Button.

You can see the 3 that are being highlighted this month.

As I scroll down, you're going to see different subject categories, and you can see how many topics are listed underneath each of these subject categories. So diseases and conditions has 170. Where community health has 79.

So for our training today, we're going to take a few different search paths.

I want to share with you a few different options that you have available.

We can do go right into a subject category. So let's say, I want to go into mental health.

And I can quickly jump to a specific topic page such as depression.

Topic. Pages are curated, collections of information.

In health and wellness, you will find some of the majority of the topic have an image and essay overview.

In your Galel. In context resources, you will see every topic. Page has an image and essay overview. But health and wellness is a little different.

We do have a lot of them, but sometimes it's just a curated.

I do like to utilize the essay overviews for quick information. These are being, when you see a tag next to a topic page that says updated. What that means is that the image or essay, overview, or both, have been updated. Not that the information has been updated because the information on the topic pages anywhere within your resource.

Is being updated every day throughout the day.


Read more will take me to that overview topic overview of the topic of depression.

And another reason why I really like utilizing this information is again, it gives me.

Overview of that topic. But also I have this explorel where I can explore additional content related to this.

Article I'm on, and you'll always see this explore panel.

When we're at the article level. Sometimes it's a video, an image. And you're going to see that explore panel pop up where you can find supplemental information. And a lot of times students are tasked with that. They're tasked with finding multiple documents, multiple articles, brief articles on a re on a topic, and it's easy to find that related or supplemental information by using our explore panel.

Go back to that topic, page.

You'll find on this page. These are different content types that we have available. So we have reference and magazine audio journals.

Images, audio files, or, I'm sorry. Academic journals, images, audio files, and related topics.

At any time I can search within my results.

To filter down my content.

And then below all of the these content types are organized in these boxes.

We show the 1st 3.

But anytime I want to access all of the reference documents, all 106. I can click here or view all at the bottom, or I can go directly into.

One of these.


As I scroll down, you'll see we have videos.


Audio news, academic journals, something I want to point out in our academic journals. If it is a peer reviewed article, you will see that Peer reviewed majority of our academic, I would say good amount of our academic journals are peer reviewed. So you will see that checkmark there. Those peer reviewed journals.

And then at the very bottom, you're going to find any related topics. And these are related topic pages to depression. So sometimes it's suppression and anxiety or depression and stress that you'll see linked together.

So we have them linked out there.

Okay. So we talked about that, I want to talk about some of this video content and some tools and features that you're going to find within this resource. And then we're going to dive into different search categories and different search options that you have so.

When we look at, let's start with the documents. So at the document level.

As I mentioned, you have your explore panel, but you also have tools to support accessibility.

So I have again that translate feature. But this translate here will translate the article, and we are at over 50 languages. Now. I think we're at 54.

So we have over 50 languages available.

Where I can translate the article.

I also can decrease or increase that font, size.

And this feature will stick with me throughout my session.

Another feature that's really helpful for schools and students is the display options where I can change the color behind the text.

I can change the font like. Let's say I need open dyslexic.

I can also increase the line, letter, and wordpacing.

And this is also a feature that will stick with me throughout my session. So if I go to another article, or even another topic, page.

It will stay with me exactly how I set it up.

Throughout my training session or throughout my training session. Yes, but throughout my session, within the resource itself.

Another feature that we have is the ability to listen to the content before I show that, let me go back. If you want to go back to your default settings. You just open display options back up, and it's in here in the bottom left.

Listen. I can listen to the text being read aloud to me.

And it'll start reading the title.

Give it a minute to load here.

Multiple depression.

We also have. Let me pause this.

Multiple depression.

We also have a few features. If you open this more button, we have a few features and settings.

Where I can.

Customize the text even further.

I can also turn the volume up, slow the speed down.

Here's the speed options.

And this, these features here in the second box are specifically for this pop up box. So if I wanted to increase the font, I'm increasing the font within my pop up, box.

So really, these 2 control.


The listen, or this the read speaker feature.

Another feature I want to share with you. Under that more button is enlarge.

So, and and you also have the ability to download this as an Mp. 3, and then go for more help. You have that information here, but in large text.

When I click play again, so you can see what happens.


You can see.

Depression, sometimes called.

It pulls out that text onto the page. Now, I can increase the font size here, too, so I can make this quite large.

I also can play.

And stop.

And decrease that font size. I already enlarged it, but it pulls that text out onto the page, and this is a feature available in all of your resources.

When I close that box.

It'll remove the read speaker option. So those are your tools to support accessibility. You also have quick send tools like Google download and print. They also live in the contextual toolbar. Well, why did we put them in 2 places? Well, if you are doing your reading and researching and finding information that you're interested in. We don't want you to have to scroll all the way back up to the top to send this to your Google drive.

We want you to just quickly do that here. So your toolbar here will stick with you and float down the page.

So I have the send to which is Google Microsoft email.

Download and print.

We'll talk in a few minutes about get link highlights and notes. But I wanted to talk to you about the citation tool at the bottom of every article, and I'm gonna go all the way to the bottom. You do have the source citation attach. It is defaulted to Mla. 9th edition. If you need Apa, Chicago or Harvard, Harvard, you can change those now if you're getting ready to send this to your Google drive. And you know you need. Apa. 7.

Addition, then coming to the bottom and changing. That will be a very quick process. Then I can send it to my Google drive, and I will have the exact.

Citation I need. But let's say we forget. Let's say we send this to our Google drive. And we realize, oh, I really needed that 8. I needed that an Apa.

Well, you can always come back into the article and.

Choose the citation tool, or if you only need the citation, maybe that's your best practice, as you're telling your students to always use the citation tool. They can do that, too, especially if they have to change the format.

The citation tool is here, and you have all of the formats again available.

And all of the options to export. So if you wanted to just export your citation, you could do that.

All right, let's talk a little bit more about content, and then we'll work in a few other tools and features as we go.

So I did. I use the went to the.

Home, page.

And I went through mental health and went to depression.

Now, if I wanted to take, maybe I want to look at something a little differently. Maybe I want to do a basic search. And I want to find out more.

About, vaping.

And e-cigarettes.

So vaping is here.

When I have a topic page related to a term I am putting into my search box.

I will see it bolded and at the top of my page. So I know I have a topic page on vaping. Now, if I wanted information on vaping devices or the vaping epidemic. You can select that and still pull back information. It just won't be a topic page.

So you'll still just have a list of articles. You won't have the boxes or the image and essay overview, but you will have all of that great information still available.

So what are what are subject matter? Specialists and content editors will do is they create topic pages based on. We take a look at usage. We look at curriculum standards.

We hear from you all what's happening, what's being studied in your buildings? And that's where they come up with their topic and pull that content and curate to curate it together for you. Now, if I wanted to share, maybe we're doing a study of vaping in my health class.

And I want to share this with my students and also with parents. What I can do is I can use the get link tool.

I can provide a persistent URL back to any spot within this resource, even a topic page. So I can use click on, get link.

And copy and paste this link wherever I want to use it.

I can also do the same thing for Google classroom.

I can click on Google classroom.

Choose my class.

Let's say biology. I know I was saying health.

Choose my action. Maybe I want to make an announcement.

Click, go.

I enter in information to announce to my class.

Maybe I want.



About, vaping.

And I can post it.

Then what happens is I have this view option.

Which is going to open in a new tab.

When I click view, it takes me directly into my classroom.

Here's maybe, Be informed about vaping.

And I made an announcement. So in a moment I'll see a link there at the bottom. There it is.

So it populates. And it'll take my students from Google classroom right back.

To that topic. Page, on vaping.

So really easy process to post to your Google classroom.

Now, if you are using.

A learning management system.

And you want to integrate these resources into your learning management system.

That is.

It makes it a little tricky because you are using the Utah's Online school library access point. So what I would suggest doing.

Is using the get link tool.

You can talk to your utah's online school library folks. You can reach out to them.

To the UEN. Folks and talk to them a little bit further about your learning management system and utilizing your Gale resources within that if you want to talk further about it, for today, I will share with you the easiest way to add content into your learning management system is to use the get link, tool.

So again, you'll be copying and pasting that get link, tool, or that persistent.

Back into your learning management system.

Now I can utilize that get link to a variety of ways. Let's say I am on my video content.

And I wanna grab a link back to this video content. I can do that.

Or I'm on my video content. And I wanna filter it down by a certain subject.

Youth, smoking.

Not only does. Whenever I add any filters, these filters will not only be added to the content type I am on, but it applies to all of your content at once. So now.

Everything. I am seeing.

In these different reference and news and magazines is all related to vaping and youth smoking.

So again, I can use the get link, tool and share this with my students. Or I can pull it directly into Google classroom. Even after I filtered the content down, it still creates a persistent link right back to the spot.

Something else I want to share with you.

With your video content. You do have transcripts available.

And if I translate.

It will translate the transcript only. It does not translate the closed, captioning, closed captioning is always in English unless we happen to have another option available, but typically in English. So I can turn that.

The captions on or off.

Caption settings just provides me with additional settings.

If maybe I want the window transparent or not black. I want it white.

You know it helps with that. Those visuals and yellows and greens are here. I should say blues and greens are here which can really help folks.

Without having any visual issues. Those are tend to be ones that they can see a little bit easier. Background, size.

There's a lot of options here that you have available.

And closed captioning. Of course I can turn off, and then again I have the transcript below, so if I needed to translate it, I could translate.

The text for the transcript.

And again I have this explore panel to the right hand side.

Using my breadcrumb trail. I just went back to videos.

And I can remove that filter at any time by just clicking on this X, and it will remove that filter for me.

Okay. So we talked about video content. We talked about peer reviewed academic journals.

Our reference content again, you're getting a lot of encyclopedia. This is Gale Encyclopedia of Environmental Health.

Of Public Health.

Of medicine.

Of nursing and Allied health. So your reference is exactly that it's going to be all of that great encyclopedia content.

Organized for you.

Here in an easy format, with all of those tools to support accessibility, a great way to supplement the curriculum.

A great way to supplement any text that are being used in the classroom.

So keep that in mind when you're sharing this with your teachers, that this is a tool that's available. And again, you have the ability to reach all the varying needs of your students, because you have all those tools to support accessibility.

Alright. So we talked about vaping. Let's go back to that homepage. One area I want to point out. And I was doing a bit of research.

When I was before the session.

Looking at.

Utah and the State of Utah, because here in I'm in Michigan.

And we have at the school district that my kids attended. Now they're all in college.

We had a pack of dogs, and they were therapy dogs, so I always like to take a look at therapy, and I did notice that in your state you do have a great groups that can train people and train their dogs to become pet therapy dogs, that you have programs where students are reading with with dogs at their school, and such a great option for.

For those connections. I can see why Utah is rated so high for education.

Year after year, which you are. I don't know if you know you're aware, if you're aware of that, but your your schools are rated. I think it's number 2 in the Us. And have been year over year, but Utah also. Has been rated number one place to live. So the last 2 years running so little bit of information on Utah that I discovered, and I'm just thrilled to be able to share.

This great resource with you, because it can help so many folks. And so you have this pet therapy again.

You have that image and essay overview all of this content available, even some great audio files that you can listen to.

Reference content news articles, something else, too. I really like with the news articles it's set to relevance. But sometimes, you know, we have over 1,000 news articles.

I might want to filter that to the newest information at the top. Although this is May 20, th that may be the newest. Let's see.

Because again, Nope, August So just yesterday we added additional information on pet therapy here within the resource. This is speaking to Alzheimer's.

Harvard University. We've got a few here from August, actually quite a few from just the summer.

So I can filter sort by newest.

And then, of course, I have all these great filter options available. I can search within. I can look at certain publication dates when I'm in news. I have the sections.

Ability, this filter available. So if I needed that, I can utilize it. And then document type is always available.

If I'm looking. Maybe I want just clinical reports.

Again. It's going to filter everything down at once.


So let's now switch gears, and we are going to go into advanced search. So I just whenever I want to go back to.

My main page, my homepage. I just click into the banner on the title in any of your Gale resources, and it'll take you all the way back to the homepage.

And I did that because I wanted to kick off my search with advanced search. So advanced search can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be.

And do you have a few options available under advanced search? So yes, of course, we have advanced search, but we also have subject guide search available. That's another search option. We have publication search. So if I wanted to look for a certain publication, I could do that.

And then we also have topic which is a visual representation of our search results. So let's do topic finder 1st and work.

Back to advanced search. I'm not going to touch into all of these today, but I am going to touch into advanced search and topic finder. Or maybe we will. We have time, because we're only focusing on one resource today. So we have a little bit of time. So I can jump into them real quick.

Looking at keywords. So if I were maybe looking at anxiety.

And I know with college students I have some that are ones, you know, a senior, and so she's got it all under control, but still even has a little bit of anxiety as she goes into these new classes, and the requirements for a senior are much different than they were when she was a freshman.

So do they all have different things right, and it and the schools.

Middle School High School. There's all sorts of different

Areas that students are dealing with the stress of of school and studying and wanting to do well so that they can go on to college. If that's the path they want to take.

So you have not just your.

Counselors, but also teachers.

That are trying to help students right your administrators in your buildings, librarians where so many hats in school buildings.

All the way down to the folks that are helping your paraprofessionals that are helping students.

In the lunch room or outside or just so many folks helping students, so.

Knowing that this tool is available, and again, great one for parents, but really sharing with counselors to share with everyone.

You can utilize this feature, which is a visual representation of your search results. It's called topic finder. It is available in your Gale resources.

Where I can click into any topic area I can see here.

Maybe I want to just click into stress.

It zooms in and I can click into. Maybe I want.

Mood, disorder.

And on the right hand side it takes me to 2 different articles or school.

Here we go depression, anxiety versus Internet addiction and early and middle school adolescent groups.

So, looking at some of that content, you can see how this could really be a helpful tool to easily drill down and find content, because what this tool does is it looks at keywords.

Shown in about the 100 words of the article, so to look at the title, it'll look at the 100 words.

And then it'll feed it into this tool.

To show your search results. And it's interactive. So students always love it. And we have the tiles which we were on.

As a visual option visualization option. You also have the wheel.

It's completely up to you what you choose to do, or what your users like to do.

Okay, if we're working backwards publication pretty straightforward.

You can put in a publication or list all publications, and then you have additional search limitters here available.

Subject. Guide, search. This is a great one. If you're looking at a topic, and this is more for the researcher level. Maybe your high schoolers might use this.

But when they put in a term additional.

Terms may pop up. So let's try it. Let's try.

Depression, and see what happens here.

Okay? So you can see the 1st one mood disorder. But we have subdivisions and related subjects. Bipolar support, alliance.

And as I go down you can see childhood. You can see a lot of different options. With that subject guide, search the subdivisions.

Give you, and we'll take you to case studies.

Under pressure.


Maybe I want.


I wonder if pet therapy's on here at all?

Prevention is.

So you can see.

How you can access any of these topics.

Locations, dates all. You have some filters here available for the subdivisions.

Of depression, and then we also have related subjects available.


And then the last one I'm gonna share with you is advanced. Search.

And I wanna talk to you about a few things here.

So I can put in a term.

I can change the field.

Anyone I change. Let's say I'm looking through the entire document for a search term over here on the right hand side filter.

The results. It'll filter the results and tell us a little bit more about what the resources or what the advanced search is looking for.

Does it contain these terms? Let me choose a different one like.

Company name. Have these terms in the company name.

So whatever I put in the terms, it just gives you a little bit of information. This is really helpful for your juniors and seniors using advanced search, because when they get to the if they go on to a 2 year, 4 year, college advanced search will be a tool that they will need to use absolutely have to use because there are so many resources available there. I have a lot of higher Ed accounts. I shouldn't say a lot. I have.

Some of the higher Ed accounts I've worked with.

Will have advanced search as their landing page.

They jump past home the homepage, and go directly to advanced search.

So I've seen that on on accounts that I've worked with.

So, anyhow, keep that in mind that utilizing this tool and showing it to students early will help them feel comfortable in the long run.

You have some research limits here that I have, that you have available publication dates.

Different content types. If I was looking for different document types, I can see those here.

And if you notice, I have some in Spanish.

So I wanted.

Excuse me to point that out to you. I can also pull back content in Spanish. Here.

So this is a brief article.

If I click article, I'm not going to put in any other terms. I'm just going to put search.


And it pulls back brief articles in.


Let me go back to advanced search, so you can see that again.

So within this resource we have that capability.

So I select a document type.

Let me remove that selection.

Because I also can.

Pull back information.

In Spanish. Now, I think when I use when I use this limiter.

And it gives you.

Information limits your search to documents that are in part or wholly written in the selected language, so you might see some still in English.

So if I wanted it fully in Spanish, I would want to translate the article into Spanish, but.

It will bring back.

Publication information that we have in Spanish.

Now, let's see, last time I have to put in a search term.

So let's do something a little bit differently. Let's put an exercise this time.

And click, search.

And now the language is Spanish. I'm getting full text documents, and here are all the documents in Spanish. Now you can also see in my search results. I have topic pages available, and this will take me to the on the, to the topic page of exercise.

Or stress tests, or nature prescriptions.

But here in my results, I'm seeing.

Videos and documents there must be. There's some information in Spanish here.

That's why it said in part or whole.

A lot. Looks like they're whole documents.

So another great tool that you have available within Gale health and wellness to support those.

Learning needs. Of course.

Any document can be translated into a any of those 50 languages. But I did want to share with you under advanced search, that you have that capability to filter to.

Content specifically in Spanish. Or, again, the different document types you can see that I have available. There's more than just the brief articles you'll see more available here in Spanish, too.



So we are right towards the end of our time together. I wanna share with you where you can go for additional supports. Let me go back to my Powerpoint.

And you have a Gale support site that is available.

On the support site. You don't need the access information because you are accessing through Utah's Online school library. So continue accessing.

The same way you always have.

But in the training center you will find tip sheets and tutorials that tutorials are short, 2 to 3 min long tutorials you'll find recorded webinars. We also have all of our training decks. So all of our Powerpoint slide decks are available there with our training notes. And then we also have added training tool kits. So you're getting started with the resources. Maybe you have a meeting with your counselors, and you want to talk to them about.

This resource. But you want to do a little bit of a review 1st for yourself. You can do that. We have this click sheet available. This training toolkit where we take you through it.

Where to go for the basics. Here's a get to know Gale health and wellness, or you want to get connected. Here's some additional support. There's even some activities linked out here. You're looking for some quick tips. We have some video tutorials for you, or you're ready to design your own Ti training or deliver your own training. Here's a Powerpoint slide deck for you, and then you need additional support. Managers or.

Check our blog post. We have lots of great blog posts available.

And then you'll find different tip sheets as you're seeing here on the right hand side on Gale health and wellness, and then all kinds of marketing materials, bookmarks. We have.

Social media posts and templates, all available email templates, all available on your Gale support site. Just utilize this link here at the top of the page, and you'll be taken directly to Utah's page, and you can access any of that information in the training or marketing sections.

So that wraps our session. If you need any help, any support, additional one on one support. Utah's Online School library

They are the 1st group you want to reach out to. They know how to get a hold of us. Your Gale customer success. Managers are here to support you also.

Training survey should pop up when you leave me today. Oops, I went.

A little too fast. I go back.

There we go. Training should pop up when you leave me today. If you'd like to use the QR. Code, feel free to do so.

And answer some questions for us. I share that information. It's completely anonymous.

But I share your comments. I sometimes share them internally, but I do also share them with the folks at UEN and Utah's online school library again. My name is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant from Gale. I thank you for taking time out of your day to learn more about your health resource that you have from Utah's online school library.

So thank you for your time.

Please come back and join us again. We have quite a few trainings coming up over the next couple of weeks. I would love to share with you more content. So please come back and register for a training session.

I would love for you to join us again and then share your success stories. Please feel free to do so. We have. We are on social media. Here's how you can reach us.

And for those watching the recording, and would like to receive credit for watching the recording.

Here's the QR. Code. You can scan.

Or the URL, and you can. All you have to do is select this training session.

Which is on your Gale health, resources.

When you select. And then the title of this session is navigating Utah's Online School Library health resources from Gale.

When you scan using the QR code or using the link that training session.

Alright! Thanks everyone.

I will stay online. If there's any questions. Have a great rest of your day.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group