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Last Updated: August 30, 2024

For UOSL: Empowering Business Education with Gale’s Business Collection

Discover the power of the new Gale Business collection available from Utah's Online School Library. This training session caters to secondary librarians and educators teaching business classes, aspiring entrepreneurs, marketing instructors, and those guiding students in financial literacy instruction as related to exploring company investment opportunities. Dive into the resources, including Gale Business: Entrepreneurship, and Gale Business: Insights. Learn where to find business plans, access company profiles, and stay up to date with industry news. Gain insights into where to find valuable resources for business education and empower your students for success.
Duration: 45 Minutes
Welcome to your training for Utah's Online School library. Today's session is empowering business with Gale's business collection. My name is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior trainer from Gale. And I welcome you to this training about the business resources that you have available from Utah's Online school library. Our training today will focus on the gale. Business resources.

And these resources are great to support.

Students that are taking business classes or doing any type of entrepreneurship, even marketing any type of exploration through.

Either opening a business, managing a business. Those types of classes that are offered at school.

Are good. This is a great resource to, or 2 of these 2 resources are great to support all kinds of exploration. From company profile exploration to a business plan, sample business plan. So I'm excited to talk to you about the content.

That we have available, and I'll also work in the tools and features within these 2 resources.

If there's any questions, please feel free to use the QA. Box.

Access and overview is where we're going to start to your gale. Business resources we are going to mainly explore the majority of our time is exploring content and tools and features within the resources. The nice thing is, the tools and features are shared across both resources, and really all of your gale resources. So we keep it consistent and very easy for students to access information.

Within all of their resources.

Any questions that you have, please feel free to ask. I'll also leave you with my contact information. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me after today's training session.

To access your resources from Utah's online school library. Hopefully, you're already familiar with this website. Once you access the online library, you can go to high school where you're going to find your business resources. Once you click into the gale reference collection high School right here towards the center.

Then you'll find both of your business resources right at the top business entrepreneurship and Gale business insights. So we are going to go into both of these today.

And then, of course, if your students are accessing from home.

They will need their login information.

To access, since they're off campus.

So let's talk a little bit about these resources before we jump into them. So you have a better understanding kind of a what to use one type scenario.

So Gale business entrepreneurship. I'm gonna talk to you about what you're going to find within these resources. And you will find. And I mentioned real world business plans. We do have the complete business plans, guidebook.

Her handbook here within the resource, and the most current volume is available. So you'll find all of those business plans are great to use in your high school classes.

When your students, especially if they are tasked with building a business plan, these are great to use off.

Often even as a mentor text.

So keep that in mind that as a sample business plan or using it as a mentor text in your business classes.

You'll find reference, like the encyclopedia of small business within this resource. Great. And this is great for students to kind of understand if they're exploring an industry and want to learn more about it. It's to establish or maintain or otherwise manage a small business. So teaching them those skills and introducing them to directories that are available within this resource.

Plus. There's over 300 full text entrepreneurial and industry specific magazines and journals available within this resource.

The second resource we will be going into is Gale. Business insights.

Gale business insights. This is where you're going to go to find company information. We have these great company profiles.

They make it very easy for students to do some exploration. So maybe they're being tasked with finding a profit a for profit company, and maybe a nonprofit, or maybe they're looking at a public as compared to a private company. You could do great comparisons, or there.

They're taking a look. They're understanding. Maybe they're studying Swat analysis or Plunkett reports. You're going to find all of those examples for specific companies that they are familiar with here within the resource not to mention that this is global. So you're getting that global perspective, too.

So you're going to find Gale reference, content with over 4,000 full text periodicals, more than 430,000 detailed company profiles, and I absolutely love the company profiles, especially for student learning.

You'll find company financial data.

In depth, country overviews and comprehensive industry, profiles.

There's over a thousand industries that you'll find within this resource, and you'll find the reports. Competitive landscapes and Plunkett reports are available so.

Swat analysis, financial statements and case studies and articles, and then top industry, information by country or territory, and the company's base there with relevant article content. So you'll find all of that available within gale business insights. So with that, let's explore the resources again. We're going to start with Gale business entrepreneurship.

And you can see here.

I have access, the resource. I do have similar, the same as all of your other Gale resources, the ability to sign in with Google or Microsoft.

I can also translate all of my navigational tools to over 34 languages.

And this will help me navigate through the resource, and it is separate than our document translation.

Our document translation. When you're on a document you'll be able to translate the text into. I think we're at 54 languages. Now.

Few things I want to point out. Of course, you have basic search and advanced search fairly straightforward. But here, in our contextual toolbar, and this toolbar will change, depending on where I'm at. Within the resource. I do have a glossary which can be really helpful for students that are learning new business terms.

So I'm gonna share with you. First, st that glossary.

And you can see I have the ability to search through this glossary, but it is alphabetical.

So I can find terms that I don't fully understand.

So a great, helpful tool to all users, but especially our students.

I also have the ability to browse all the topics I have. My title list, Search. History is session.

And then get link and highlights and notes. We'll talk about these tools in just a moment.

You could see, topics of interest are scrolling here at the top of the page similar to the in context, resources.

That you've had for a number of years.

But you'll see that topics of interest here and then below. We've organized this.

Homepage into 4 categories, and we have.

Linked out some of the topic pages that align to that subject. So we have starting and kind of takes you through that process of planning.


Starting and then managing your business. So we we've broken into these 4 categories. So it makes it really easy for students to find content. And we have highlighted some of the topics that are in the planning category or the starting the business category. So we're gonna touch into a few of these today.

Of course I could do a basic search, but we're gonna jump right into the business plans. So if I'm planning my business.

Business plans might be a place. I want to start.

I have an image and essay overview to that. Talks a little bit more about business plans. But you can see here we do have some videos and some directories. But this topic is focused on our business plans. So we have over 1,200 business plans available.

Now I can search within the results if I'm looking for. Maybe I'm looking for a specific business plan on a certain business that I'm interested in or.

What I like to do is click on business plans.

And look at the newest see? We automatically in this resource. It's automatically sorted by newest.

Where you'll see in other resources it'll be automatically sorted by relevance. But here we filter it to newest

So I may be interested in. You could see these are coming from 2024. It's Volume 60.

The business plans, Handbook.

And I can see that this is a top topic overview, and a business plan which I would expect to see both those that in my document.

But I like to look at this because I like to see what is trending. So we have a gourmet hot dog stand.

Coffee, truck.

Which we have a coffee truck.

That was always. I always like to use this one as an example, because.

We had a coffee truck at my farmers market here. Where I'm located at, and we go. We go not every week, but most weeks. And it was interesting because there was this building.

The the line was always just wrapped down the street for this this little coffee truck.

And there was also a coffee shop on the corner, and both were always busy at the farmer's market. I always like the coffee shop because they had frozen. I like frozen.

So I would go in there. I go in there and get my coffee, but they recently sold that building, and these folks that have the coffee truck just bought the building, and are continuing to have a coffee store there, but then also still had the coffee truck at the farmers market so interesting. It was just tiny, I mean, you see, food trucks all the time, but it's the only place I've seen a coffee truck. Maybe you have them a lot in Utah.

But interesting, that it really hit home. Because I we're that's something that we're kind of looking at like, would we open a coffee shop. Would it be interesting? Just in retirement days, you know.

But a coffee truck is very interesting. So this business plan may speak to me. Maybe it hits home because I've gone to the farmers market with my parents, or something along those lines for students, or it's something they're interested in. Maybe they don't want to do food and a coffee truck or a drink truck. I've seen that, too. It can be really popular. So something they might be interested in. And as you scroll down you can see cat sitter. This is something that.

Students can do. Even, you know, we have, in our neighborhood a couple of students. They're middle schoolers, and they offer to walk your dog for a price. Of course they can't sit. So you have Kitty City.

Llc. Which is a cute name for that business, and I scroll down. You can consent, continue to see more of the businesses that we have available business.

A Mobile, Dj. Business, infographics, studio, mobile hairdresser.

And the list goes on. So I do like to click into this and take a look at what is new.

And so, since I talk so much about coffee, let's go into the coffee truck.

So what you can see here is the article does have contents, and this will. You'll find some. You know the executive summary. You're going to find some of these contents pretty consistent across all business plans. But these are actual business plans from actual businesses.

And so they might have additional.

Components here, or they may have a few less. So it really just depends on that business and what is needed. But I can quickly jump to any of these categories, or I can simply scroll down to learn a little bit more about this industry. They have an analysis.

And it's interesting to see a different organizations, market analysis, target.

Street fairs is here.

Farmers market. They're missing out but you can see competitors and what they've put.

Excuse me, even including their menu, what they've added to their menu. There.

Now a few things I want to share with you, and we're going to jump right into some of these tools and features. Since we're at the document level. We have great tools to support accessibility. I have the ability to translate the text into over 50 languages.

I can decrease or increase the font size. I also have display options available.

Where I can change the color behind the text.

I can change the font. Maybe I want open dyslexic, and I can increase the line.

Now I can anytime. I'm.

Exploring through this resource during this session, after I've set up my display options and customize it to my needs, it'll stick with me throughout my session, so very important for students.

To sub to meet the varying needs of your students. You have that ability to change those display options. And again, it'll stick with me.

No matter where I'm at in this session.

I'll always get this view of my article or my document. Since I made that change in display options.

To go back to my default settings. I just open it back up.

And go back to default settings or.

Close my browser, and that would do the same thing.

I can listen to the text being read aloud.

And it takes us a couple seconds to load while it is loading. It'll start reading right away.

And actually.

So I already have the enlarge turn on. This is not a default setting.

But it is a setting I wanted to share, because it pulls the text out onto the page, but you'll also see that the text will be highlighted here. So let me remove this and click, play again, and I want to also let me adjust my.

Audio for you also. You can hear it.

Okay, let's play it again.

Cobblestone, coffee.

Cobblestone coffee is a mobile coffee business, which.

So you can see it's highlighting. It's highlighting here. You see, it's highlighting chunks of text because of the comma, but it will also highlight a whole sentence. So it's looking at that punctuation.

And highlighting as it's being read aloud. The word that it's on is in blue. And then the sentence, or in this, in this case the section of text is in green.

So I can again open that up, enlarge the text, click, play.

And now it pulls the text out onto the bottom of the page for me.

Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, espresso, drinks, cold beverages, and.

Pulls the text out onto the bottom of the page for me, where I can still increase or decrease that.

Font, size.

I can also play or stop it from here.

A few other features under that more button, under settings.

I have the ability to.

Change the volume.

And also slow down the speed.

All the other features here in this box are related to the text.

Here. So if I wanted to increase this tech size, it would just increase the tech size in the box.

And then I also can change what's being highlighted. The colors that are being used.

And then see a preview of that.

Okay, so quick. Just a quick.

Jump into this. Listen feature so that you know that that is available is also here.

Okay, also have quick send options. So if I wanted to quickly send this to Google, drive onedrive email or print, they are here. But let's say I'm at this point in the article, and I'm looking at here. Target markets actually interested in the menu. And I've highlighted this text.

And I want to decide. I want to send this article. So let's say I've highlighted the text. I just clicked and dragged over it.

I'm gonna make it yellow.

I'm gonna market menu.


Click, save.

And then I can. Now I've marked up this document. I can send this whole business plan.

Google Onedrive email.

Download or print, and it will remain marked up.


This toolbar floats down the page with me. I don't have to go all the way back up to the top to send it to my Google drive.

I just can click on the paper airplane.

Select, Google drive.

And it'll send it the entire document to my Google drive.


I'm not gonna sign in.

No need to.

Do that. You get the idea right?

I can also again download or print this off.

What's also happening. Let me go into another article here. So I'm gonna go back out to my results.

And let's say I want to go to let me filter down to.

Because I want to find additional articles.

And let's go into.

Hmm! What's trending in the news? Let's see here. Well, maybe make scenes in journals.

What small businesses need to know according to 10 leaders. So maybe I'm interested in this article. I wanna mark it up a little bit before, because I found some interesting facts that I wanna utilize. Or here's a great quote.

Maybe I want to utilize this in my.

Let's include all of her information.

Maybe I want to include this quote in.

My paper, or my project, or my.

You know, I'm doing a business analysis.

I can do that. So what I'm gonna do, I did some highlighting. I again can send this to my Google drive.

Highlights and notes is being built out.

So I can view all my highlights again. That's in my toolbar. Also, up at the top. I shared that at the beginning of our session today.

When I highlighted. Then this box will pop up, and I can view all highlights and notes. So I do have to mark up a document

Best practice, especially for students, is to send their marked up somewhere. Please.

Send it to their Google drive Microsoft onedrive email print wherever they're going to find they want this document. Have them keep it.

And then they can go to their highlights and notes, because what these are I like to call them digital notes.

They're here for them to send also to their Google drive. So we still have that paper airplane again.

Google Onedrive email.

Download or print.

But I can also, before I send these digital notes, I can label the color.

I can edit my notes before I send them.

Maybe this is a menu I am interested in.

I also really like.

When you've highlighted a chunk of text, you're teaching students about plagiarism, putting things into their own words. This is a great tool to use for that also because they've got the text from the article.

But they can add some notes. I've had students that are working together on a project. Maybe there's they're in an entrepreneurship class, and they want to build a business. I had 5th graders actually working on this idea. Now, this resource is too high level, of course, for those younger students. But.

Just the idea of it right? They were coming up with ideas of building a business. So they were laying the groundwork where I could see at the High, especially the high school level where a group of students are, may actually be really interested in building a business, and they can work together, they can add these notes, send it to their Google drive and share the document that way. Cause what'll happen is not only will what they've highlighted.

But their notes will.

Show up to and turn, go, be turned into a Google Doc. So they have that information, and not only that, but from their Google drive.

The this title will be hyperlinked so they could come back to this article. Now.


What they've highlighted won't be there because.

It is they want to save it in their Google drive. That's why I always say, best practice. Please save the entire document in their Google drive. If they want to mark up the document more, they can do it in their Google drive.

But the beauty of it coming back to this article is, you have all of that information on the explore panel.

And let me talk to you about that in just a moment before I leave this.

You do have the bibliography attached, and I have that ability to again label that content. So if I come back to this article.

I have this explore panel. So maybe this isn't a business plan I'm really interested in. And I want to find more like this.

So I wanna utilize the more like this part.

Of my.

Of this article that's related to this article.

So it's just another helpful tool to bring students back into the resource and continue their research or exploration.

From the point that they were at from the article that they found interesting.


So we talked about business plans. Let me go back to that homepage, and I do want to make sure we have plenty of time to go through the other resource.

A few other helpful topics. Here, angel investors, and venture capital.

When you talk about funding a business, where can where do you go? And that's again another great lesson for students. And you have this great up to date, information.

Available. This one also has.

And then you're going to see some audio files, some videos, some websites, audio files are great to listen to.

So if you are looking for investors.

Here's some information on a program in Vermont. Women find new ways to raise venture capital puts money where technology is.

Women find new ways to raise venture capital. So it's the same. One morning edition. Oh, this is different, though this is Npr.


So that's the type of information. And if we have any websites, we have 13 websites here.

That that's a.

A higher number than than I typically see in our, especially in our in context resources, safe, vetted websites. You'll find them listed here if we have any available. And then we have some video content.

And our video content, too. Just so you're aware, does have closed captioning available. And the transcripts.


So let's go back to that homepage. We talked about.

The venture capital. I also really like to explore the women owned businesses.

You also have trending small businesses. So I took you through business plans to look at the most recent. But you could go to trending small businesses. That's a great topic page, too.

Networking, understanding.

It's a it's a great skill for students to learn. And then we have this. You know, women owned or minority owned businesses.

Again. Just another topic, page.

And then one that we hear often. And this is more for our, you know, when they do open a business, something students need to think about is managing their employees.

That's something that we hear a lot about that.

Businesses actually struggle with so thinking of that big picture, not just.

Oh, how, what do I name my business?

It's down the road planning right? You've got the funding. You've started your business. Now you need to plan.

So managing your employees could be a section of area or understanding, you know, financing your business long term.

If you do open a coffee shop 5 years from now, are you gonna need new equipment.

So things to consider right as you're teaching these courses or sharing this information with your teachers.

Alright. So this is our 1st resource, Gale. Business entrepreneurship. You can see all of the great content that I shared with you. Now let's go into Gale. Business insights.

Now, Gale, business insights is focusing more on the company.

So looking at company profiles again, this is global. You're going to find financial statements and case studies and industry information, global information all within this resource, and let me show you this homepage, because it has such great content.

You're going to see in the 1st section, most companies at the top, and these will take you directly to the company profiles. You get a little bit of information, but it'll take you to the full company profile, and we're gonna come back to Amazon in just a moment. You also have publications. Here's the most used publication. So maybe.

These are publications that are being utilized in your classrooms. Maybe students are using the economists in these classes.

And they might need it. Translated.

So we have that ability, or they might need the, you know, those display options, all those tools are available because they're accessing through the gale resources, they can translate it into over 50 languages. They can change the color behind the text or the font.

So keep that in mind that you have those tools available and share that with.

Your educators.

You can research by a particular topic.

So maybe you have students in marketing.

Or looking at operations, management, for example, or diversity and inclusion. All the things that businesses are.

Need to, you know, relevant articles and publications to that topic, to those 2 businesses. And then we have the most searched industries here coffee and T is on the top.


The most searched countries, so I could go into a country like the United States.

And or china, and C.

You know.

What is happening in that territory, in that territory within that country.

Alright. So let's go to Amazon.

And you will see at the top of my company profile. I have specific information about Amazon, including links to their social media, their website.

Annual Revenue.

How many employees.

Are there any subsidies? You'll see that here? And the list goes on headquarters, so on and so forth.

You'll also find a company overview this.

Company profile has some in depth, articles and company details. So information about leadership.

Historical revenue, also.

Swat analysis. Here's an explanation of what is but the swat analysis. Let me show you that.

This again can also be printed or downloaded.

And then you have the features to send it to your Google. Drive.

Or maybe I want to create a link to the swot analysis for Amazon. I can use the get link tool.

And I could in Gale business entrepreneurship. Same.

Same tool.

Same features, available in both.

It creates a persistent URL back to any spot within the resource, so I could take my students directly to a swot analysis and utilizing this again. Maybe this is similar to what they might want to use for a mentor text.

And understanding swat analysis, but also developing a swot analysis. Right.


You can also.

There's get link again. I can use a get link, tool and direct students directly to this profile.

I have the financial performance. Now, the nice thing is with this. When I click into one I can access all of the information. So if I click into this full balance sheet, I don't have to go back and forth to get to the income statement or the clash flow statement. They're all here. I can just quickly jump to each one, so I don't have to go back to my previous page or back to the company profile.

I do have the ability to filter by quarterly.

Or annually.

The period I want. I can filter this down a little bit as to what content I want to see, and I can compare it with another company.

I can also download this data.

Income statement is next.

And here is my income statement.

And with our public owned companies like Amazon, you will have a lot of great information, and you're going to see all of this financial performance. Now, with some of our privates, we may not have as much information, because it's a private company.

But we do have good information for our private companies, too.

Okay. I'm waiting for it to load.

There we go!

Below that.

We have.

Competitor Information.

Oh, and you can see here financial performance over time. We have a compare tool that.

Students can open and use.

We have competitors.

We have industry.

And these are hyperlinked out. So I can go to that industry. Retailers.

And access that information.

Take a look at that.

That specific industry in the retail trade, in the retail trade.

I also again have the ability to compare companies.

Or browse all industries.

I'm gonna come back to this one.

Company articles. Now this is all, and it's loading. There's a lot of content on Amazon.

But this is where you're going to find that again up to date documents, articles, brief articles, information. You've got, market research reports here that are available.

Trade, journal, articles.

Market share, ranking so.

These categories look a little different than gale business, entrepreneurship.

Magazine articles. Now we're getting into some similarities.

But you can see a little bit more specific information that is geared towards the business industry.

Great case studies.

But we do still have some media available.


Let's take a look at. I said I would take a look at compare companies.

And I can search by.

Company, name.

We have Amazon already selected.

I want to look for Walmart.

Just popped up for me.

I think it's this one.

I can look at revenue.

Amazon compared to Walmart.


Look at how they've gotten so much closer here.

I was guessing. Yeah, after 2,022, yeah, after Covid Amazon really took off.

So. I mean, it's always been.

It's Amazon. So it's, you know, used. I know we use it a lot in our house, but.

Still very interesting to see that jump.

Not surprising, and then you have employees.

I can remove any content, but it's a great tool to use chart tables also available.

If I want to use the table.

And then I have some additional. This is the 1st section is companies. If I wanted to compare industries or countries, so that compare tool is great for students to use.

And you will see it here.

So you can jump right into the compare Tool. I was on a company profile.

And used it here it is the compare companies, but it's the same. Compare Tool.

In both places.

And here's that graph. It was trying to load for a while there. Here's a graph of the financial performance over time and again I can use a compare tool.

If I wanted to browse a specific industry.

So this one.

I also can look at companies top companies by revenue, globally.

So you can see here, if I wanted to do a little bit of a deeper dive into a Comp. Into a certain that company, but a certain global territory.

I can do that from this screen also. But here's an industry reports again, this is a really really deep dive. Probably more information than students would need. But it is all here.


There, that homepage.

If I were teaching.

The homepage would be where I would have students access that information.

Look for their companies. Of course they can do a basic search. Maybe they're looking at comparing a public company to a private own company.

Or something choosing that, you know. A great project, too, is having students pick.

Something. They're interested in, something, a product.

Or a company that they're interested in, like.

Apple, for example, iphones.

And taking a look at that and understanding. So if it's related to something they use or they like, or they're interested in then, of course.

We all know it's going to register with them and stick with them a little bit longer. Maybe it's Starbucks.

Talking about coffee again, so Starbucks is here, but I would take them in this way. Have them take a look at those company profiles, and just an understanding of what is there. And of course, that industry news.

Our article information is there? And then, of course, you have all these other great categories. So it really depends on the course as to how deep they can dive into this. Maybe it's a higher level course.

Where they're diving in a little bit deeper to this resource, where your students that are taking some of these business classes.

And maybe on like, I said, looking at entrepreneurship.

This they might want to just stick in the company profiles completely is up to the teachers. But talk about up to date, information.

That is so easily accessible.

And now available.

From Utah's online school library.


So that's an overview of this resource. Again, it has the same tools and features signing into Google signing with Microsoft. If I'm set up as a teacher. I can post information directly in my Google classroom after I sign in with Google that was also available in Gale business entrepreneurship.

Just like it is in all of your other resources. So it's a great tool and feature that you have available.

Within the resource.

So let's go back to our Powerpoint. We're gonna wrap up here where you can go for additional support. Your Gale support site.

So you don't have to worry about this access information because you are accessing through Utah's online school library.

But there's great training materials and marketing materials available. I pulled out a few to share with you. Here's 1 for Gale business insights. It's find and analyze your industry. And we have an industry analysis organizer. This could be a great activity that could be used in the classroom connecting the business insights resource.

To an activity or classroom learning and an activity that can be done right there. In the classroom. We also have short video tutorials. I pulled out one here on accessibility.

And support for all learners. So this is looking at our gale tools, but we have them for each of the resources we have.

Is our business or our training tool kits. We have one for Gale business, entrepreneurship and Gale business insights. These are click sheets that take you through step by step.

How to get started.

Where to connect.

How to explore quick tips, deliver your own training. So all of the tools are there. We've what we've essentially done is curated. Our training materials for you all, so that you can do your own trainings and get a better understanding of the resources.

And then we have great marketing materials available on your Gale support site, too.

So that wraps our session.

My name again is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant from Gale, your one on one support, and all things Gale is your Gale customer success managers now with Uen and Utah's online school library. I would suggest reaching out to your UN. Folks 1st reach out to your folks in Utah for support. They're gonna be able to support you.

If you wanted more information on training materials or marketing materials again, they they know all of this great information, too. Your customer success managers can help with that.

But as far as all the access information that you have, if you're having any issues reach out to your folks in Utah.

And then.

You can utilize any of our support materials, our training materials and marketing materials at any time they are there and available.

And then training survey should.

Pop up when you leave me today. But what I would like you to do is if you are watching the recording, and you'd like to give us some feedback. Please feel free to scan the QR code and answer those questions. I do. They're anonymous.

Unless you want to leave your name you can, but they're completely anonymous, and I do share that feedback with our folks in Utah. So, and also internally, we'd love to hear how you're gonna utilize these resources, especially business resources.

At your schools. It's always great for us to learn more of how they can utilize in in Utah.

And that wraps our training session today there is one more slide. So hold tight. If you're watching the recording, I wanna make sure that you get credit.

The training center is here.

And you can utilize this link. So please feel free to access at any time future training sessions. They are also posted there.

And then, if you're watching the recording, and you would like to receive credit for this session, just scan the QR code.

And you'll be able to.

All you have to do is find your.

Sorry find your this this session name, which.

And then, when you find that session name which is empowering business with Gale's business collection, select it.

So that you can receive credit for watching this recording.

So you have the option to use the link or scan the QR code and then select the empowering business session.

Alright! Thanks everyone for your time today.

If there's any questions, let me know. But have a great rest of your day.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group