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Last Updated: February 21, 2023

15 Minutes to Mastery: Gale Product Links Provided By TexShare

Gale provides library administrators with several materials to support the TexShare resources. Adding direct product links to your library website provides a clear access point for patrons, students, and faculty to your Gale resources. View this training to learn where to find your library's product links for databases and eBooks. We will also cover MARC records for your catalog during this training session.
Duration: 15 Minutes
Welcome everyone and thank you to thank you for joining your 15 min to mastery Gale, product link session.

This training is provided for texture. My name is Tammi Burke.

I'm your Gale trainer. Any questions that you have thrown this session?

Please feel free to use that Q&A box today's focus is on one component of the Gale support site.

And that is your product links your ebook links and your technical documents.

So, looking more at the links that you have available through the site, and then also I will mention a few other items that you have available on the support site.

But our focus is on getting you access to that information. So that you can add those product links to your library websites.

So our focus today again, as I mentioned, is on product links.

We will start with access to the text, share Gale resources.

I will share with you the gale, support, site, and where you're going to find and what information you're going to find training support, I will share that with you.

Also it is available on the Gale support site. I don't just mention it today.

Contact information. I will share it. The end of the session, where you can go for additional support.

So first, access to your tech share resources, you can utilize this link here.

I'm going to put that in the chat for those of you attending the live session for those of you watching the recording.

That link is here and available. So take that link. Once you do it will take you to this screen.

So this is a page that we've created a or, I should say a site that we've created for text share.

And that's available for each individual library to access their product. Information.

So you just simply would put in your library name. Click this nice blue button that says, proceed, and then it would take you to your product list.

Now I'll talk to you further about this, and model this for you before I do.

I want to share with you a few items that are available on the Guill support site.

What we're focusing on today is access and product information.

So your access urls title list. Mark records I will also be sharing technical documents with you today.

Where you can go to find your database icons, your widgets, and then you also have contact us.

Information now what? You'll also find on the support site is a training center in that training center.

You'll find tip sheets and tutorials.

There's recorded webinars and upcoming webinars.

We have training decks with Powerpoints and trainers, notes available, and then also resource guides and self much more.

There's projects and tip sheets. I'll mention tip sheets and then marketing materials.

We have bookmarks and posters and digital assets available.

Email templates communication, templates social media posts, and so much more available on that Gale support site.

So keep that in mind that all those tools are available to support you with all of your gale resource that you have from texture.

So with that, I'm going to share my screen.

And we're going to jump right into the support site.

So this is the link I shared with you. This is the page, or site that we've created for texture. Now, what I can do is simply enter in my library name.

I'm going to use one of text shares accounts.

And click proceed, and that will take me to, and it takes a little bit to load.

There will take me to this page. So once I access my library site, and I want to really pull the links for my library site for usage reports right?

This is not new information to you all, but you want those usage reports so utilizing your sites that have your individual location.

Id built built into them is very important. So you could see, here's my complete product list of products around names on the left hand side.

I have the direct URL, or the link product link right in the center.

Here I can go and access my products here, and then here I can copy the link.

So if I wanted to do that for just individual products, I can do that.

If I would like all of my products, I can export the links into a Csv file.

Now it will export and download it right onto your device.

And what you'll be provided with is the Id. Also the name of the product, and then you'll have the link, but also the icon will be included, and the description so if that's information that you want on your library website downloading that list is going to be really helpful to you

all if I wanted to look for a certain product family. Maybe I just want all of my one file resources.

I can filter down to all of my one file resources, or I want just my literature products that I have available.

I can do that something else that I want to share with you.

And this is at the very bottom of the long list, and I'm going to share with it here now, because I shortened that list instead of scrolling all the way to the bottom.

We do have some easy proxy examples. This list lives at the very bottom of your product list, where you have some information about easy proxy examples.

I have some additional information about proxies, so I'll share that with you in a moment.

But you also have access to your guail page resource site or Gale page website.

What that looks like is this, and this is another option.

For users to access your resources that you have from texture.

This is complementary. It's available to every library, and it can be customized.

So I can create multiple pages at the top. If I would like to.

Maybe from my public library. I want to organize all of my business resources into a tab or a page I can do that, so you can customize using studio.

You do need your Gale you do need your Gale admin credentials to access that information, and I do highly suggest connecting with your Gale customer.

Success, manager to talk through that, using this as an access point, and how it can be customized because you can't even add in resources from other vendors.

It's not limited to just Gale. So keep that in mind, or maybe your programming for your academic library and your organizing.

You know that you have a group of students that always there's a project that happens in a course every single year, and you want to organize your resources into one spot.

This is an option that you have available. Don't know how often I think you a lot at the academic level.

You're using a lot of LibGuides a little bit more, but just know that it is an option available, and it does live here below your product list.

You can go right to your Gale page website. All right. A few other items.

I wanna share with you is it shared the links you also have ebook links and it takes a couple seconds to load.

Here Zoom tends to slow it down a little bit for me, but my ebook links are available too, so I have my title.

I have my ISP on. I have the direct link to, and individual ebook if that's information, I wanna share, maybe during my library programming.

Or again, a certain course of study, and I want to highlight information in my library, including my ebooks.

This is a great way to do that again. The same information is here where I can access that individual instead of product.

This would be an individual title. I can also copy that link.

I can export all of my links to my ebooks if I want to use individual links to my ebooks.

This is, you already have all of your ebooks are loaded into into your product.

Gale, e-s! And they all live in that platform.

But if you want the individual links, sometimes we have libraries that want the individual links to their ebooks.

You can do that too. This is also a great place to grab your mark records.

So you can download these personalized mark records that have your location.

Id built into them. So you have that option available here to you're training with your training section and marketing materials are also here I'm not going to touch into those that would be another session today.

But I do want to point out that you have undertaken again all of those upcoming webinars additional training documents like tip sheets.

There's short video tutorials. Marketing is going to have everything you need to promote your marketing resources.

Technical documents I do want to touch into this area and then we're going to go up top to talk about your icons and widgets.

So real, brief technical documents. You have available 4 year gale resources. You're going to find information.

Such as can I add my proxy, URL, to the Gale persistent links here's some easy proxy, configuration.

You can also find information on links to holdings. Talking about discoverability.

We have some documents there for your interactive guilleractive science.

Here's some instructions, you to me, user access or user account information as I scroll down, we have some specific texture, academic dash for Libguides again.

Here's more of information about mark records which I shared some.

But this is a little bit more, and then usage reporting, overview.

Now you will find there's a couple different types of documents that you have available.

So, for example, you may find that the information, when you click into the link like this one about adding your proxy, URL.

The information lives here on the site on the page. You may have another one, where, for example, the Udemy, the the single sign on Access request this one you have to download as a document, and then the last one you might see is this one, this is again, for you to me but this is the user.

Account information where you have the stack that you can download or print off.

So all those options you'll find when you go to that technical document.

Page so be prepared. I just wanted to front, load you with that information.

So the last thing I'm going to share with you is where you can go to find your widgets.

Now I can go into product support at the top of my text, share page where I can browse all my individual products.

I can browse my e-books, my product updates, direct Urls Icon.

So we've got it segmented out here, too.

Now what I want to share with you is 2 things, browse products and icons.

So let me go into browse products first.

And again. That's in your top navigation. So here are all of my products.

And if I want to go into an individual product, let's say, Gale, health and wellness.

It takes me to that product. Page. Here the navigation tells me everything that I have on the page, and I can these are this navigation is I can quickly jump to if I wanted to jump to all the title lists the Icons the widgets. They're all right.

Here here's my direct URL. So this is for each individual product.

Here are my icons. I scroll down. You can see mark records.

Title is Vpat. Here's my widget, and then training documents, marketing materials all live below.

Okay. If I want to go to all of my icons.

I just simply click on icons, and here they all are.

I can download them. I can export the Icon list.

I can filter by product. Family provider should all be yeah provided purchased by the library or provided by text share.

So you will see those so that's really helpful to.

If you have your own subscriptions with Gale, and you want just the resources that are provided by texture, because so many were added this past year.

That's something that you can do, and you can filter that information down or you can filter by an individual.

Or product family. So all those options are available. You have app icons, and then, under additional information.

These are additional resources. Or if you wanna add a link to Gale pages, or if you, these now not necessarily will.

These widgets. Are this information be available from texture?

But there's just additional information. Additional icons that are available here.

So if you're looking for some general general ones like to Gale pages or you're using the access.

My library app. Those options are available here, too.

All right. Let me know if there are any questions I will say on the line for any questions that you may have, but you can see how you can quickly find that information.

Utilizing the support site. The link that I shared with you going to to the text share site.

All of those that we went over. Product. Urls Ebook Urls training, marketing, state Links.

And we talked about technical documents. We looked on your at your Urls primarily and tech technical documents today.

And then again you can go to product, support and grab all of your icons.

So this is a route you can take to get all of your icons.

One more step I want to share with you I'm gonna go to the homepage, and this is the homepage of the support site.

The general Gale support site. I'm still logged in as you can see up in the upper right-hand corner.

I'm still locked in to my account, but if I need to connect with my Gale customer, success manager, I can send an email or make an appointment right on Kevin's right on Kevin's calendar so your your customer success manager information will be linked out

here. Please feel free to connect with them again. They're great for that Gale.

The gale pages resource site, or any additional information, or if you want to walk through anything, I went over today and want that one-on-one support, you can reach out to your customer success.

Manager, let me go back to my Powerpoint. I just wanna quickly share with you again the support site is where we want today.

Your Gale customer, success manager. If you want to just email the general, the general inbox, you can do that.

And information is here. I do suggest connecting through the support site, because then you can connect directly to your customer success manager.

But their information is here, too. Training survey. Please feel free to scan that QR code and give us your feedback.

You should have the survey should pop up when you leave today's session today.

So that should pop up on your screen those of you that are attending the live session again.

My name is Tammi Burke. I'm your Gale Senior training Consultant.

Thank you again for your time today. In the short period fifteen-minute mastery, session, I will stay on the line. If there are any questions.

But thank you all, and have a great rest of your day.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group