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Last Updated: October 13, 2022

For TexShare: Gale OneFile Resources for Academic and Public Libraries

Take a deeper dive into Gale's OneFile product suite from TexShare. Gale's OneFile resources provide millions of articles from thousands of magazines, journals, newspapers, and other authoritative sources. With intuitive search features, and extensive coverage across wide-ranging topics, users will find accurate information and articles to support their interests. View this session to explore authoritative periodical content, learn best practices for the tools and workflow features, and ways to share content with your users from within your Gale resources.
Duration: 45 Minutes
Hello, everyone, and welcome to your tech share training today's training is Gay is on gale.

One file resources. This training is for academic and public libraries.

My name is Tammi Burke i'm a senior gale trainer, and any questions you may have, please feel free to use that Q.

And a box. I will be monitoring it throughout the session today's training. we'll take a deeper dive into your gale.

One file resource collection. Within the one file product family, you will find periodical content, including academic journals, magazines, newspapers, and also multimedia, such as videos images.

And so much more. Within this session I will cover some of the tools and features that are available.

These tools and features are shared across all of your gale resources.

So if you find the the translate, button in one resource you're going to find it in another.

So I just wanted to share that with you and that's What we'll be covering today are a brief agenda that we have.

We are going to start with an overview of the gale.

One file resources, and then we are going to explore the content and those tools and features I mentioned, including workflow tools and any questions that you have please feel free to ask throughout the session.

But I will stay on the line at the end if there's any additional questions.

I will leave you with where you can go for training materials and also marketing materials and contact information mine.

And also you do have a gale customer success manager.

That is there to provide you one-on-one support in all things.

Scale, including getting all of your gale resources set up on your library website.

They can help you with all of the direct urls that you have available.

If you'd like to pull that information yourself. you can access the text share resource, site on the support site.

So here is the link, and I will share that in the chat box right now.

So for anyone watching the recording. they'll be able to see this link for everyone else.

I just posted it in the chat once, you access the site. you will be taken to this page where you can from the dropdown menu click onto your libraries and name, and then and you're your location.

Id is already there for you, and that location idea of identifies your specific library.

So once you select your library name you'll click proceed and from there it'll take you to all of your products.

So these are all of the gale products that you have access to the location.

Id will be built into the link that is available, and you also can access your ebooks here.

Your training materials, including upcoming training webinars and the recorded webinars live there, too, and there's all kinds of other training materials print and resource guides and video tutorials all available.

There we have marketing materials, your State links, technical documents, including documents to cover discovery and authentication.

So if you have any questions around that we have some technical documents already available for you on the site, and then any vpat information that you need is also linked out there on that page.

So let's. talk about your gale one file resources, and I'm going to share with you this picture or this this slide in my Powerpoint.

But this is not all of your gale resources so, or all of your even your gale.

One file resources, you actually have 38 different one file resources.

Now that seems like a lot right, and you have a lot of great content.

So let me talk to you a little bit about these resources.

So what you're finding I have academic one file in general, one file at the top of the list.

These are our larger periodical resources. So if you had to if you have a user coming into your library, be it a student or faculty member, or you have a public library patron coming into your library, or maybe it's a student looking for homework

help. These are 2 resources that I would suggest. Starting with the academic.

One file is geared towards our academic students, and Higher Ed.

It is cross, curricular, general reference, and general. One file is our largest general interest, periodical resource, and so general.

One file is used a lot at the public library for our everyday patrons that are coming in.

Also for your researchers beginning and advance. and then if it's also used in the schools.

So both resources can be really helpful. Stemming from these resources you have additional Gale, one file resources.

And as I mentioned, this is not all of them. Looking at the titles, you can see, you have the specific information. in this periodical resource.

This one happens to be focused on business. You have diversity studies.

You have one which we call one of the big 3 academic, one file, general, one file, and then Gale, one file news.

That is available. and we're looking at just news publications you can see in the title what resource or who this resource would really benefit health and medicine.

I will share is one of those resources that is designed for our students, medical students, and healthcare professionals.

I'll talk more about that educator reference complete is a great teacher.

Resource, and all of your periodical resources that you're going to find with from texture are being updated throughout the day.

Every day, and you have everything we have available. So you have the complete file, the complete collection for each one of these resources.

High School addition. I want to point out high school addition. If you do have students coming into your library that need that homework help or home Schoolers High School addition is a great periodical resource for those students.

For our higher Ed. We have contemporary women's issues and gender studies.

One other resource I really like to point out is in for my academic and for my academical actually has Spanish and Portuguese publication.

Information. So the periodicals are actually Spanish and Portuguese publications.

You can in all of your Gale resources. One of the tools to support accessibility is translating the text to any language.

We have actually over 40 languages available, so that is available within all the resources.

But informing academico specifically has publications from that are Spanish and Portuguese publications.

Okay. alright, Alright, So let's talk a little bit about some of these resources, and I have included this gale.

One file collections icon up here at the top, because I do want you to know that you do have 38, different one file resources available.

Now, as I mentioned, you do have a lot of information in academic one file in general, one file, and some of those title lists are going to be found in the other one file resources in the in the product family.

That you have here, but you'll also be fine unique content and unique publications for each of these 2, so you may find some overlap.

But you're also going to find that unique content that's specific to health and medicine or computer science or leadership and management just to name a few.

Let's talk about the big 3 a little bit more and I do have a slide for each of these that I want to share with you to dive in a little bit deeper.

So you understand what is You're going to find within these resources. Now, remember, you're going to find some of these publications in your other one file resources, too.

So, gale, general, one file, general interest periodical resource it's available for all users at all levels.

You're going to find some of the publications that you'll find with this resource, the New York Times Booklist, Texas Monthly, the Washington Post, good housekeeping chronicle of higher education thousands of full text

magazines and journals are available. we've included reference newspaper audio content that complements the resources, robust collection of magazines and journals.

You're going to find within this resource it is the largest general interest, periodical resource.

So it has access to over 204 million articles from 14,000 magazines, newspapers, reference books, and so much more.

And it really does cover a wide audience of readers with the content that's available.

Gale academic one file. This resource has been streamlined for your students, and it keeps all that discovery or the discovery of information at their fingertips.

And that really connects the learners to the information they're looking for with tools that make discovery fast and easy.

All of our gale resources are mobile, responsive, so they can be accessed wherever your users can access a browser, they can access your gale resources from texture, and you do have the the mobile.

Responsive soul they will adapt to whatever type of screen your students are.

Your users or patrons are using, and that is even down to a cell phone kill academic.

One file provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources, including Npr.

And Cnn as well as thousands of podcasts and transcripts videos from Bbc worldwide and world Bbc worldwide learning.

You're going to find extensive coverage in key subject areas.

There are more than 11,000 peer reviewed journals from publications, including the Economist, the New York Times.

The Times and financial times are all available. so over a 110 million articles across 19,000 publications are available.

Within this resource, you'll find full text articles from periodicals covered in major bibliographic resources, such as senile Mla, Eric and Ecan lit, and others I should say sin all sorry about that Gale one

file news, Us and world newspapers and Media Gale. One file news provides access to more than 2,300 major.

Us regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world.

And again, just like in your academic and general one files, you are going to find images, radio and Tv broadcasts and transcripts available.

Users can search through articles instantly by looking for title they can use headlines.

They can use a date and author a newspaper section there's all sorts of fields available within this resource, and you're going to find over 1,700 leading titles from around the world available within this resource Gale one file

health and medicine. Now, this is a resource you've had for a while, but it is one that it really deserves some attention, because it is a great resource that is created for students.

Your medical students or pre-med students knowledge it has knowledgeable, or it's also created, for I should say, knowledgeable consumer, health researchers and healthcare professionals.

Now, if you have what we call consumers self so if you have a patron coming into your library, and they want that more of that consumers health approach, or they they're looking for more information. they've received a diagnosis then

I would direct them to gale health and wellness it's a different resource.

We will have a session down the down the road, looking at all of the resources that you have available for how, and wellness, or health and mental wellness.

But this one is design, its health and medicine. so medicine in the title just keep that in mind that this is really a perfect resource for that.

Up to date information on a complete range of healthcare topics.

It has more than 3,000 non-embargoed, full text, periodicals, reference books, pamphlets, and more that are available within gale, health and medicine.

It really ensures that researchers get current scholarly, comprehensive answers to health, related questions.

So again, a great resource, that's available for those medical professionals, but also, I should say, healthcare professionals, but also for the students premed students and those researchers that have that knowledge are beyond that consumer health.

Knowledge. they need. More than that. This is the resource. I would direct them to some tools.

I want you to keep in mind to share content. You have some tools available.

You have the git link tool, you have the ability to share to a learning management system.

So if you say you have canvas or d 2 L.

Or maybe you have blackboard or schoology, any of those learning management systems and more are available that are being used.

But we have the integration available here, so you can share content.

There is some setup on the backside that needs to happen.

But your gale resources can be integrated right into those learning management systems.

You have the send to option where you can send content directly to Google Drive and Microsoft one drive.

You can also email download and print that content to support accessibility.

You have the ability to translate the text on the documents to over 40 languages.

You have the ability to increase or decrease the font size.

You have display options available, including the open dyslexic font, and you have the ability to listen to the text being read aloud to encourage analysis.

You have the highlights and notes tool, and it really promotes that deeper learning.

It provides the option to color code and annotate any document within the resource.

It's a great tool used at all levels and really you have the ability to just pull out the highlights and notes.

If that's something. you're interested in or if you want to save the entire marked up document, you can send it to your Google drive print email download options are all available to support research, we have some great tools and one of

those is advanced. Search advanced search is as simple or as complex as you need it to be, and it really helps your users find content quickly and drill down to that content quickly.

Topic finder is a visual representation, of your search results it's another search option that's available that I'm going to share with you today, and then, of course, you have the citation tool.

But also the citations are attached to Every document image video whatever's available in your gale resources.

You're going to find the citation attached to them. and we out do have multiple formats available, including Mla, where Mla.

Ninth edition, Apa, Chicago, and Harvard are all available, so you can change the format of that citation if you choose to.

So with that. let's dive into our first resource and let me see.

I think I saw some questions come through here. Yep: Okay, So I do have a question about Pdfs, and let me share with you that information.

So all of your resources have the ability, and they share general one file here.

To download content as a Pdf. But the question is, if there is original appearance from that source.

Publication, and I find it most in the books not as much in the magazines and newspapers.

But you will find that more in the books and i'll show share that with you as we're working through this resource.

Okay, So let's take a look at gale general one file first is where we're going to get started.

Few items I want to point out on the homepage and again.

You're gonna find these across all of your gale resources basic search and advanced search.

Very intuitive here at the top. You also have the ability to translate the text into over 34 languages.

Now this is translating the navigational tools so it's translating the platform.

So these navigational tools. So if I wanted to have these in Spanish, I would just come up to the top and choose Spanish.

And then right here, and then it would translate all of my navigational tools.

I can see in with Google or Microsoft i'm gonna sign in with Google real quick here, and now i'm signed in and anytime I send information to my Google drive or if I signed in with Microsoft i'll

have a folder that's created and it'll be titled, whatever resource i'm in. so i'm in gale general one file. If I send information from this resource to my Google drive it'll land in a folder

titled gale, General One file. I also have some options on my gale, General.

One file resource where I can browse by topic.

Now we do have this capability available. in general one file and academic one file, with all of our other one file resources.

We don't have the browse by topic because they're already specific.

So you're already getting if you're going into business you're going to be looking at business information that's what you're doing a search for but with general one file academic one fella as I shared they have more of

that jump that all subject area content available. So it helps to have some topics here on the homepage and some curated information.

Few other things I want to point out. You do have search tools on the homepage.

Now all of these tools and all of your gale resources live under advanced search, but in our one file resources we pull them out and put them on the homepage.

So you have topic finder, which is a visual representation of your search results, and it's interactive.

I will model that for you. Today you have subject, guide.

Search where you can search our subject index to find articles tagged with specific subject terms, and you have publication search where you can search through publications available in this resource, which is gale general one file alright So

Let's take a look. we're gonna do some searching here, and I'm actually going to go into news and current events.

And I see a question come through about self-help and self-improvement.

Okay, and you wanted to look at the magazine articles let me. Let's look at that at the end.

If you don't mind waiting to the end I have some searches, I wanted to share first, because they show many different content types.

So i've selected them to really show with you all that you have available.

But I can definitely go that route at the end of the session.

If I don't remember just remind me okay but i'll i'll try to remember.

Well, so we're circle back to that so we're going to go into news and current events, and actually go into animal rights before I do.

I just want to point out some of these like let's go into commuters, computers, and technology artificial intelligence.

One of my favorites to search for. But you can see we have some curated information where we have these topic pages available where the contents already been curated for your users careers Same idea.

You have personal finance and taxes so we're going to go into news and current events.

You can see all of the the subjects that are available here, and we are actually going to go into animal rights.

So again. this has been selected by our content editors.

The information. Some of the information's been selected by our content editors, but it is loaded under this topic of animal rights. On one ever new information comes into the resource.

And it aligns to this topic, it will automatically be added to this page.

So, looking at animal rights, I just want to point out a couple things that you have available.

You have all kinds of different content types available. So magazines, news, academic journals, images, essential overviews.

You have some videos of available, and also some books. Now remember not going to see a ton of books, because these resources are periodical resources.

So you're going to see more in the magazine news and academic journal areas.

But we do have some multimedia also available and Then we have some of these essential overviews, and i'll talk about those in just a moment when I scroll down the page.

You can see all of the content types. We show just the 3 we just saw 3 different.

Well, this one only has 2, but 3 different results. but I can see next to like news, for example, has 3,000 over 3,000 documents available. But we're just showing 3, and then you have images and the videos are also available essential

overviews. I just wanted to touch into real quick.

These are published by Gale and they are exactly that you're going to find a bit of an overview on the topic that that the subject category is on.

So or if it's a search term and there's any essential overviews.

They'll they'll populate in your search results so you will see those there, and these again.

This is. These are written by Galees so our our content teams are making sure that they're added to these subjects that they correlate to. Okay.

So we talked about those let's talk about filtering down your information.

So anytime I choose a filter from your filter.

Your results. section here. it will apply to all of my content at once.

So if I wanted to filter by publication date or by subject, we have document, type, and I can multi-select or search for a document.

I'm looking for a certain publication or multiple publications I can do that multi-select those sections relates a little bit more to newspapers, but I'm in all content types.

So i'm seeing section here if I were in magazines I wouldn't have that, I mean because it really applies to newspapers, and then I have that ability to search within if I wanted to drill down for a certain search term which

I use this a lot, then I can really quickly filter down all of my content.

I have the ability to filter by document that contain images, or just my peer reviewed journals.

If I wanted to. I also can pull these this search my search results into topic finder.

So if I wanted to pull this into topic, finder I could do that, and it would just give me these search results, or what I'm going to show you is how to kick off your search from topic.

Finders. So it's a little different approach but that also is available, and I just want to point it out.

So when we do go into topic finder, I want you to remember that that option is here, too.

So if I want to filter by publication date. if I want everything within the last year, it filters down all of my content at once, and maybe I want to share, maybe in my library, and We're doing some programming around animal rights.

It's a hot topic that's been coming up and I wanted to share this information, but I just wanted to filter down to what I have from the last year the most current information. What I can do is use the Get link tool get link

provides a persistent Url back to any spot within the resource even filtered content.

So I don't I could remove that filter and I can share a link to this.

The subject category page or this topic, page that I have.

I could add in multiple filters and grab a link, or I could go directly to.

Maybe I just wanted to share all of the newspaper articles.

I can grab a link. we'll take my users right back to all of my news articles, and I can also, at the document level grab a link, and it'll take my users right back to that document so all different levels

as broad as I wanted. I want to. I can share a lot of information, or just one individual article or image or video, whatever it is.

I want to share. Okay. so I did have a question come in and I'm not sure.

Let me see with this book if this happens to be one, download it real quick and see.

So some of our Pdfs again. this is a lot of periodical content.

So when you are downloading a pdf of a magazine article or newspaper article, it's going to be just that a Pdf of that that text in any images it's not going to be the

actual source publication. Information like this one is we don't have it for this one.

But we do, and I did. Do let me see. I did a search on artificial intelligence.

Let me go that route real quick, so I know we do.

Here. I have 27 books I believe let's see this one.

I hope, download it, and this will help answer that question.

So you can see I do find it more in the books in the one file resources.

If you have, you will have a larger ebook collection. Also you're going to find it available there in your ebooks. So tech.

Share is working on picking out those titles so you'll see more of ebooks added also soon, and then I do also find it available in in your reference.

If you look in the reference area within in context resources so great question, let me go back to my page here.

Okay, so we let me show you a couple things so we filtered down.

We're going to go into advanced search real quick, because you do have some options that you have available here.

As I mentioned topic finder is one of them. We will touch into subject.

Item publication search. But I want to show you these in your other resources, because I don't want to spend all our time in one resource topic finders where we're going to go.

Now if I were doing a search on climate change

It's working there. We go so topic finder is looking at the first 100 words of your top results.

So first 100 words from a subset of your top results, and it really it feeds them into this algorithm.

So this is the keyword it's the top hit so think of it as your your top hit search results is going to be topic finder.

So topic finder is top hits, and you can see I have 2 options for visualization.

I have the tiles which is defaulted to.

I also have the wheel. Some people prefer the wheel, some prefer the tiles.

The larger the tile, the deeper the color the more information we have Under that subject you're going to see some of the tiles have 3 dots.

We can't fit in scientific consensus here so that's why we have the 3 dots.

But if you just put your cursor over top or your mouse over top, you're going to see what is in that section.

But if I choose one of the larger ones like let's choose extreme weather, climate change in extreme weather it zooms in, and then I can filter down, or I can drill down so it's an interactive tool.

So if I am in climate change I filter to extreme weather, and maybe I want floods.

And we were talking about extreme less. do extreme weather events with hurricane Ian just happening. so you can see on the right hand side.

I have all of my search results. And this is going to be documents.

Videos, images is going to take me to everything that I have available with these terms in relation to climate change and extreme weather.

I can reset this, and it takes me right back to all of the tiles.

Okay, there's one other thing I want to share with you in gale, general, one file, and we're going to go into advanced search, and is you have some an advanced search is again as simple or as complex as you want it to

be you have the ability to enter in and select the field if you're not really sure your users aren't really sure.

Well, what will the database search for? If I select subject?

We give that information on the right hand side. We also provide some search tips.

So operators and special characters. so If your users don't really understand what to quotation marks.

Do we give some examples of using quotation marks in your search?

Terms with search assists. If I were putting in multiple terms and I use search assist.

I don't know if it'll come up for what i'm typing in now.

But dishwasher it did so i'm putting in dishwasher, and when I do when I use searches this, it automatically puts it in quotation marks for me so that's a really helpful

tool. The reason why i'm looking for that search term is I wanted to point out a few items here.

You do have the same items that we had in our search results.

Do you remember? under the filter box documents full text peer reviewed, contains images.

I also now have some pre-search limiters here where I can add in the publication date, can it filter by document, type, publication, title, or publication, subject i'm going to do document type, and i'm actually going to

do product service and evaluation and click search and Here I was looking for results on a dishwasher.

I'm looking for some information on any valuations on dishwasher, which are good, which are not so good, and you can see I have some dishwasher ratings here available within the resource.

Some from good housekeeping, but you can see some of that information that I do have available.

So again I went into advanced search I put in the term a dishwasher, but it's the document type.

I chose prize typed in product, and it get took me to the product service and evaluation, and that would take me to those search results.

And I can always grab a link and share that information of the search results with whomever I want to. Okay.

So just some ideas on how you can utilize some of the information available.

Again, Remember, General, one file is your largest general reference periodical resource that you have from Gale.

Let's go into another. resource i'm gonna get rid of these, and we're gonna actually go go into gale academic. one file Gale academic.

One file is, remember, full of those scholar, scholarly journals.

We have over a 110 million articles from across 19,000 different publications available.

As you can see, we have the subject categories on the homepage.

Here again within this resource. i'm actually going to i'm gonna change it up a little bit.

I'm gonna go. I want to show you search alerts and also talk to you about peer reviewed and then tools to support accessibility.

So I can go right into political science and Bill of rights, and I can filter down.

Maybe I want to filter by subject freedom of speech.

So I filter down all of my content and I can grab a git, link a url and share this with my students.

If i'm a faculty member or i'm in the library I'm.

Working with students. I can do that. that's always an option and students can share those links, too.

It's not just for our educators it's also for the students.

But let's do some different let's go into advanced search and let's do

Typing in freedom of speech and i'm going to use searches. So it puts it into quotation marks for me, and i'm gonna do women's rights and click search and see what happens.

So you can see I have some academic journals.

What I want to show share with you in your academic journals.

You are going to see if it is a peer-reviewed academic journal, you are going to see that in the summary with the little checkmark I can always filter down to just my peer review journals if I

wanted to by using this filter on the right Oops on the right hand side, under my search, filter your results Backs and I have magazines, newspapers, and images available here.

Now if I wanted to set up a search alert anytime.

Any new information has been added, related to freedom of speech and women's rights.

I will get alerted. I up in the contextual toolbar.

I have search alert, where I can email have it emailed to me, or I can grab the code for an Rss feed.

So if you use that in your browser, then you have that code available, and I would be alerted.

Anytime new information has been added to this resource on those subjects.

So this would be specific to academic one file. Now that feature is available across all of your gale. One file resources.

That's a product family tool and feature. but it is only available in your one file resources and one other tool that i'll share with you down the road.

Once we get everybody on boarded and comfortable with the resources There's another another tool i'm going to share down the road with.

You. but just understand that in one file it is available that search alert is available within this resource.

So let's go into one of the articles let's go into this magazine article

Okay, No, this is not a long on. This is not a good choice.

Let me go back. I had a different one picked out but I think I filtered things down a little too much, and now it's not there. Okay, let's go into a news article.


There we go. Okay. So what I want to share with you are some tool and this doesn't really apply to the whole article.

But I like to show display options on a longer article, but you have some tools to support accessibility.

You have the ability to translate the text you're in over 40 languages.

Here that you can translate the text to you can decrease or increase the font, size, display options.

You can change the color behind the text. you can change the font.

You can increase the line, letter and word spacing, and then, no matter where I go.

During this session. This will stay with me so now that i've set this up on my first document when I continue to search and read other documents.

I'll see this the same the features whatever i've decided I need to read these articles will be set up for me.

But again, this is such and base, so as soon as I log out that'll be clear that information will be cleared.

But it is nice that it stays with you, and I also have the listen feature where I can listen to the text being read aloud to me Now one thing with the listen feature.

If I have transferred the text, say to spanish and I click the listen Button.

It'll read the text to me in spanish We are at 41 languages to translate the text.

We are at 23, but I just heard heard the other day that we're at 24, so we may have added 1, 24 to listen to

That text being read aloud in another language 24 different languages available.

There. Okay. So we talked about tools to support accessibility. Within this resource.

Let me see, I thought I saw a question come through. Okay?

So the question about resources that are useful. to information seekers in a public library rather than research at a university.

Students or professionals. Yes, so the example that I use and You may have asked this before I was in the resource. I would suggest your gale, General. one file, if you wanted like our it's. general. interest so it has the largest amount of

information is used a lot at the Public Library, so that would be a great one to suggest to your public library.


Okay, question came through. Is there a designation for primary sources?

So, for primary sources we're looking at all the different content types, primary sources.

What I would suggest for you to do is go into any of your in context, resources, or also your literature resources that you have from texture.

So those gale resources have primary sources available I would say you're in context high school middle school college.

You're going to find some in you might find a few in opposing viewpoints, but not as as money in that resource.

Biography has some great primary sources available. So look at those.

Look at your literature resources like your literature, resource, center or lit finder, and then also ebooks.

You may find some in ebooks I don't know what your collection looks like yet, because they're still selecting.

But your ebooks, too, you may find primary sources.

So thanks for asking. But no. these resources. your one file, just remember one file is periodical content.

Okay primary sources. You'll need to go to some of those other resources.

But thank you for asking about that. Okay. So academic one file, we went through those tools to support accessibility.

Let me go into see if we cover anything else. I want to go into our gale.

One file news, and I wanna show you I have that one open already.

I want to show you a publication search and what it looks like.

So we did. Topic Finder. Subjugate search is is pretty straightforward.

We went into advanced search. We did a basic search so let's do a publication search.

We haven't done that yet and title list I did see a question come up about titleists and embargo dates so you didn't you didn't miss it I didn't I didn't cover it yet

but the news as far as like the news content and what it's what's up to date, and if there's an embargo day we work with a we publish a lot of our own content.

And then we also work with publishers where there's no embargo date.

But we do still have some of the publishers do have embargo dates, and if you are curious as to what those dates are, go to the title list.

You can access it in the resource it's also titleists are also available on the gale support site.

I would suggest choosing either academic one file or general one file, because they tend to have the most publications there to get an idea.

But if you have a specific resource, that you know is going to be really successful in your library like culinary or fine arts, then I would suggest using that one and look at the title list and see there's a section, on

the spreadsheet. You do have to download the spreadsheet, and there's a section there for embargo dates.

If there happen to be any. Okay, So looking at your gale, one file news Gale, one file news.

We are going to do a let's go into publication search and publication search.

I have some research limiters here on the left hand side.

I can list all my publications if I wanted all of them.

So this is another way to see what titles are available.

I do like the spreadsheet, though, because it gives more information.

I feel like, but you can look quickly in the resource for some publication.

Information on the right hand side. I can filter that down if I choose.

The all publication list I can filter it down using some of these filters, some of these limiters, but i'm going to go to the Washington Post

Let's say this is one that i'm really interested in or maybe it's the times or maybe it's the New York Times.

But i'm gonna say Washington Post you can see we have videos also from the Washington Post.

When I select the Washington Post I can see all of the issues I have, or all of the the from, or how far back I go from 2,014 and we are 2. current.

So this is one that we have all the time let me see, and it tells you publication frequency 7 times a week.

I don't think we have the embargo date here so you will want to go to that spreadsheet.

Now, if i'm interested in the in the Washington post or I only want information from the Washington Post, I could do a search within my publication.

If you see that over here on the right hand side and I can search within that publication, and i'm going to do that in a moment.

But before I do I can also create a journal, or just like I can a search alert.

I have the ability to create a journal alert where I can have be notified through email or Rss.

Feed every time anything for the Washington Post is added. Now, if I wanted to do a search within the publication, Oops, not the

I already have it there. good hurricane i'm finding information from the news you can see 129 different news articles that I have available.

I have it is filtered to relevance. But maybe if I wanted the newest information I can filter to newest, I can see all of the content I have from the Washington post related to Hurricane.

Ian, if I wanted to share this, I could use that git link tool, if and then again there's my search alert, so I can add a search alert also.

So not only can I add a publication search or a journal alert.

I can also add that search alert to alright if this is information let's say I am at a document level winters coming Here's what's to know about long range weather outlook.

So I'm in this document I we went through all the tools of support accessibility.

Let's talk about some of our Workflow tools. I have quicksand options to Google Microsoft email download and print.

I also have this contextual toolbar that when i'm scrolling down the page.

You can see it's stick with me and I have the same options.

The sun 2 options download and print. I can grab a link to this article.

The source citation is also here, so if I just wanted the citation. I have the option to change the format copy and paste this wherever I like.

Or if i'd like to choose where i'd like to export it to.

I have that option available also at the very bottom of every document, image video, anything within your guill resources.

You're always going to have the source citation. and you do also have the ability to change that format.

So if i'm sending this to my microsoft one drive, and I need A. P. A.

Seventh addition, I can come to the bottom, change it to Apa, and then send it to send the entire document to my Microsoft.

One drive very easy to do, all right. So we talked about the toolbar.

One other item I want to share with you is you do have the ability to highlight text by clicking and dragging over a chunk of text.

You can select the color, make any notes you want.

And I can. Now, when I send this document to Google or Microsoft, one drive downloader print, it will be marked up for me.

And what happens is all of my texts and notes will live below my source.

Citation. so it's again an intuitive process but I do want to point out that when you've marked it up here, and you send it.

Anything you've marked up goes with your documents so it'll turn it into a Google deck, and it'll have this nice blue section below.

My citation will be this chunk of text in blue and also any notes I've taken.

Okay, all right, and there's other features with highlights and notes that we'll cover in another session down the road, because I do want to cover one more.

Well, 2 more things. One is more like this. So you have researchers, students, people, patrons, coming into your library.

They find an article that's interesting the explore panel provides supplemental information where they can continue to do their research.

They can continue to explore. So you have that where additional articles are linked out.

These are all you can see coming from the Washington Post, because I limit it just to the Washington Post.

But I have some related articles that are available. Okay, the last publication I want to briefly show you is your health and medicine and I'm actually going to go into the product Menu, Your product Menu.

If you and your gale resources you're not familiar with this and I don't have to be on the homepage.

I just went back to the homepage and the upper left-hand corner.

You have library menu

I can view my product menu. and it'll say your library name I'm. i'm in tech shares account, and this is your product, menu, and this is a really quick way to jump between your resources.

So the first page takes you to all databases second one is in context.

You have ebooks. we're going to go into periodicals. Now i'm in all of my periodical content, and I want health and medicine.

Oh, before I do, I just want to scroll down and show you.

You can see how many different resources you have, and these are more focused.

Remember they also have additional information, a different additional publication that's specific to their that title, or that subject that these resources are designed for like nursing an allied health or physical therapy and sports medicine a psychology.

You have histories here, too. science also available. Okay, So we were going to health and medicine, and I wanted to do a quick search.

We've covered all the tools so I may jump to another idea to here. but if I do a quick search, so let's say i'm a student

I'm. a physician assistant and i'm I decided not to. school might not be the route.

I want to go. I want to be a pa, and but I need some information.

I need an understanding of What I can do with this degree or what I can do, because it's a really competitive field.

It's really hard to get into the pa schools you have a lot of questions, even in your in the application process about health equity, and, you know patient care So, coming into a resource like Gale, one file health and medicine can help even

support students at that level in their process. I found one article really interesting here that I wanted to share with you.

I'm talking about what p parent or patient sin patient satisfaction with outpatient orthopedic surgery.

So it is a the higher the it's actually their set of status.

Satisfaction is higher with having a pa with orthopedic surgery.

So I thought that was an interesting article in that connection and may support a student who is considering going that route or something.

They're interested in. once they get into pa school which again is super competitive, especially right Now, again, that more like this is available.

But you're gonna find this type of information on top of anything related to Let's say, if I wanted anything related to epidemics

I'm going to find all of that content here or maybe heart disease

Great content that I have available again. Academic journals starts with, and you can see over 200,000 are available within this resource.

Another thing I want to share with you that I I really like to do within the resources is maybe I want to see if there's any video content available.

If there might, then some of these, especially this resource, has some unique video content.

I can go to advanced search document type i'm gonna look at video files and interactive video files.

I'm not gonna put in a search term and just click search Now at this point here's all the videos I have available.

I can sorry here's all the videos I have available I can filter by subject.

I can filter by publication, title or dates.

Maybe I want the most up to date information. I can do that here, too.

I can sort this to newest information health equity lessons from the pandemic, from the Washington Post videos.

And then I can play that video some of the videos will take you out of the resource to but they're safe vetted resource information.

So it's not like it's taking you to Youtube where you're gonna have a bunch of pop-up ads.

It's not that at all and some you will live inside the resource. And you don't leave it looks like a lot of these are Washington posts, because I filtered to the newest information. Okay, alright.

So let me see if there's any other questions and I believe I answered everything here.

Oh, one about the date range for consumer reports on general one file.

So again. Look at that spreadsheet, and see what we have available.

All of our resources. the the one file product family resources are being updated every day throughout the day.

So if we have those that information available, you will find it within the resource.

So now consumer reports is not a magazine that that we own, but we do.

If you noticed in my search results we did Have some information there available. Alright. So let's go back to my powerpoint, and just share a couple of quick slides with you about where you can go for additional training support you have the support site and we

have created a special site for tech share. This is where you can find, and I shared that at the beginning of the session all those remote and just want to remind you.

You have all your access. Urls title lists you're going to find Mark records there.

Database icons, widgets. All of that information is available on the gale support site.

To get your direct urls. You can go to this link here. it'll also be included in your follow-up email and it is support Gale com forward slash texture training center you're going to find tip sheets

tutorials, recorded webinars, training decks, resource guides, and all the upcoming webinars.

The tutorials are short they're 2 to 3 min long.

You'll also find great marketing materials bookmarks posters.

You're going to find email templates and blog templates and social media posts.

If you want to share information with your library community, you can do that, or share information with your university and your your faculty members.

Utilize what we have available ready to go for you.

You can very easily use one of our our social media post images. Maybe pull it into a newsletter, use our email template and link out.

You can add a link directly to that image so that you're your your Patreon, whoever you're showing it with can access the information.

Okay, had a question come in about video tutorials.

Do we have any in Spanish? so the short tutorials we do not have any in Spanish.

I will take that back to our team to let them know that that's something that was asked for.

What we do have in Spanish is, we do have a resource.

Let me think resource guide available for informing academical.

We also have been adding most recently in spanish some projects, and in both English and Spanish.

You'll also find some tip sheets in both both English and Spanish.

So if They're available when you go into the training center you can look for a certain product, and you'll see them they will be listed there available.

We also have been adding new content focused materials training materials like we have a day of the dead for one of our elementary resources that you all have access to.

So that's fun to pull that into your public library programming if that's something you're interested in.

We? I know those documents are in both English and Spanish.

Okay, So I think that is all for questions. I just wanted to share with you my contact information.

Again. I'm Tammi burke i'm your gale, trainer, Your customer.

Success managers their your one-on-one support, their email address will also be in the follow-up email.

But it's here on the screen for anyone watching the recording in the training survey.

Please feel free to give your feedback but also in that comment section if there's anything you're looking for.

I mean as we're launching these products we're planning a lot of training moving forward.

Let us know I like it would be really helpful to have this type of training.

We I will share that. we are looking at some subject focused training.

So here's everything for business and then we'll go through and focus more on business.

So we're going to do a little bit of that in the future along with going over the support site and sessions like that that we do have planned.

But let us know, because again we're doing some planning and I want to make sure that you all get the most out of these trainings, and that wraps our session.

I will stay on the line, I think there was one question I needed to follow up on, and I will about the self-help.

So i'll stay on the line and cover that but thank you all for your time today.

I look forward to seeing you again at a future session and you'll find all of your upcoming texture training sessions that you have from Gale on the support site, and the link is here on the screen so thank
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