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Last Updated: November 29, 2022

For TexShare: Explore the Gale Support Site

Available through the Gale Support Site at you will find materials for all your new resources from TexShare. Tools and materials include direct URLs, icons, MARC records, webinars and video tutorials, discovery documents, marketing materials, training outlines, social media posts, and in-resource activities. All materials are organized and available on our support site 24/7. View this session, intended for public, and academic librarians and administrators, to explore the variety of materials available, and best practices for their use.
Duration: 30 Minutes
So let me start that recording and get started on our session here today.

Welcome to your TexShare training session today's session.

We will be focusing on exploring the gale support site.

My name is Tammy Burke. I'm your gale trainer, and any questions that you have.

Please use that Q. And a box today we will be covering the support materials.

You have available on the gale support site. We will be going through the TexShare link that I share pretty regularly, and all of your training sessions, and I'll share that here in the next couple, slides, and it's a great access point especially if you're you are not sure of what your

Location. Id is so every every library has its own location Id, and that location Id is linked to your resources, that you have access to through TexShare, and it also is a great way to pull your usage information.

So, if you are sharing direct urls to any of your texture resources that you have from Gale, then you will be able to track your usage for your library.

And we did have a gale usage, dashboard session just before the Thanksgiving holiday, so that recording does live on the gale support site.

So you'll I can share with you where you're going to find those training materials today, too.

So we will start with access and connecting with your gale.

Customer, success manager, and I'll talk to you about why, it can be really helpful to connect with your gale customer success, manager, what you may just want to access the site individually on your own to start and then down the road you may want to connect with your gale customer success manager I also

refer to them as Csms. Customer, success, manager.

We will explore, explore the gale, support site and materials.

You have available any questions. Please feel free to use that. Q.

A box. I will also share training materials. We'll cover that during the session.

I don't need to wait until the end, but I will hit you with one more review before you leave me today, so that we can kind of wrap up everything that we want over to during today's session right at the end of the session and also share contact information

So to access the TexShare, support, gale, support site that we have available.

You can use this link, let me put it in the chat for those that are attending the live session

And this is a great link to bookmark on your site, and I'll talk to you about when you access through the site, and how you can still access all of your the home page items that you see on the gale support side if any of you have ever access through the gale support site it does look a little

different than what I'm about to share with you. And I'll talk to you about both of those and and how you can get to both areas.

It's really quite simple, so the link I shared with you will take you to this site, and this is a site that we've created for texture.

And it has everything organized for you where you have your product, information, your ebook, information, training, materials, market materials, also technical documents.

So if you're looking for any of those discovery services, any private information you're looking for those type of technical documents, you're going to find that in that technical document section and I will cover that today too when you do get to the site and you sign in you can find your

Your library name from the dropdown menu, and then once you click, proceed, you can go.

It'll take you right into your product lists and every URL will have your location.

Id built into it so within that link you will find your location id

So let's talk about getting started and where you can go for one on one support.

So if you would like that one on one support, and I do suggest connecting with your gale customer, success managers get to know them.

You can access through the gale, support site all of the information I'm covering today, and you can also connect with your customer success managers through the support, site, too, so collaborate with your Customer success manager your csm they are there for that one-on-one support they can walk you through

Every within the gale support site they can talk to you about your library, website and what we have what tools we have to support you and support that access outside of direct Urls you actually have a gale page resource site that's complementary and available for you to customize so that's an option that's available and they

can talk to you about that, too, but they are your one on one support, and all things scale.

So to find your gale. Customer. Success, manager, I'm gonna give you another link.

This one takes you to. If you remove the text, share part of the first link I gave to you.

This is what you would have left, and this is the general Gale support site.

You can still go to all of the TexShare information and I'll show you what's that looks like.

But when you do access this link, you will log in with your location right in that section here that you see the circle around

And then once you do log in, then you will be have the option to connect with your customer success, manager.

You can email them directly or make an appointment right on their calendar, and they will call you at the time that you designate

So that both those options are available, and then, if you notice right below here the enter your location, Id.

You have that option to find your location so, even from the general gale, support site, you have that ability to find your location, so with that let's jump in and I go back and forth with what I want to share first with you all so let's go this route, and I've changed

My mind probably 10 times today already, but I have shared this numerous times in multiple sessions.

So it makes sense to start here just so you can see when you do access through the support page that we created for TexShare.

You can find your school or your library name could be A. If you're coming from Higher LED from a university or a public library, you can find that all here

I worked closely with Austin Public Library a while back, so I'm gonna use Austin.

And then, when I click, proceed.

Taking a couple of seconds to load here and add all my information for my library

Now I have all of my direct links with my location.

Id for my library, built into them ready and available to go, so you can access the product right here.

You can copy the link, or if you'd like to export all the links into a spreadsheet, you can do that too.

So all those options are available from that products. Menu.

If you are looking for a specific product like let's say I am looking for any of my high school products I can type in.

Hi! If I wanted anything related to business. You can see I just started typing business.

Here's all my business resources. So if you were looking for specific links that you wanted to add to your library, website.

Individually. You can do that too, so you can filter by product by using that filter option

If you noticed as I was doing, some quick stuffes at the very bottom of the list.

I have some information about easy proxy examples, and then also gale pages.

So we have some easy proxy examples. This is different than the technical documents I'm going to share with you in a moment, but we do have some examples here.

Available you also have gale pages. You can view your gale page website from this point, too.

So your gale page website is that complementary resource site that I mentioned.

It can be a one-stop shop for all your gale resources, but you can also customize it, and add in resources from other vendors to you're not limited to just your gale resources living on this site so keep that in mind if you were looking for a place we find this a lot too.

With our some with our public libraries, and and some of our community colleges higher LED.

Or, I should say, the 4 year colleges tend to have quite a vast website system available.

So this is a great tool that is available. If you are.

Maybe you want to customize your site. But don't have access.

You have to go through your tech person every time. This is an idea that you can utilize the scale page resource site.

We have a lot of librarians that do that because the link never changes and you can customize it.

However you you like, we've done all of the work on the back side of your gale.

Page. You can take it from there, and your customer success managers can help. With that process.

We also have great training materials available talking about Gil pages and how to customize that site.

And I'm going to share that information with you in just a moment.

So as I scroll back up. If I want to access my e-book information, I can click on my ebooks, tab

Is moving a little slow today, and you can see I actually have direct Urls also for my individual ebooks.

But if I wanted my mark records, I can access that information here and download all of my mark records.

If I wanted individual links for my titles that I have available. You can see they're listed, but I can also, just like I can export the links for my databases I can do that for the individual ebook titles, too.

All of your training materials are going to live here, and this will be any upcoming webinars that we have.

Available so we do have today's is here so when we start the New Year you'll see more sessions added, but all of our webinar recordings are listed here, too, and some of these recordings are specific to texture and some are like our 15 min to mastery.

Series. We have maybe specific to a certain tool within a resource, for example, advanced search and this was a session that was facilitated by one of the gale.

Trainers, and it was facilitated on the open calendar.

So it was available to anyone to watch. But then, as you scroll down, you're going to find any of those that are designated for TexShare.

You'll see texture listed within that type of okay.

So this is where all your recordings will live below the training recordings as I scroll down we do have tutorials, so these are some tutorials that i've added to this page for you all and these tutorials.

Are under 3 min long, so they are short and sweet, and then below the tutorials is where you're going to find print information.

So we have some projects. We have tip sheets, available we have resource guides and scavenger hunts in this isn't everything if I were to list every single resource guide that you have available it would be quite a long list I did pick out a few of that and added them here same

With lesson plans, more the scavenger hunts those types of pieces of information that you would find helpful.

I am a I really love short and sweet things. So the tip sheets I find extremely helpful, but if you're looking for more of an in-depth approach look at anything with the resource guide that's going to be step by step through the product projects.

Are going to be exactly that these are projects and activities that we have available.

So if you were looking for in your public library, and you're covering talking about the solar system with elementary students.

We have a solar system trading cards available here within your projects, just to name one of them?

We have quite a few like. Here's a gale.

Literature, Resource, center writer, analysis, Project pack that we have available.

So a different projects that we have available to connect with your patrons or your students at that community college or for your college level.

So those are some of the training materials that you have in these again have been linked out specifically for your resource, that you have from TexShare at the very top.

If you didn't, weren't able to join the usage.

The database usage. Dashboard session.

I did share this document, but we do have it linked here.

Now, if you're looking for in ways to increase usage, we do have this document available.

We also have great marketing materials available for all of your resources, and these are organized by the individual products.

So if I wanted to find everything on gale books and authors, I can open that up, and you can see I have some web banners, a brochure, some social media posts.

Available. I can scroll down to

Let's go into health and wellness, and you can see I have same thing.

Banners and everyone's going to have. Some may have more than others.

This one happens to have email templates, flyers, social media, postal health and wellness has a little bit more content available.

But if I click into one of these, let's look at one of the twitter cards

You can see here I can just grab this image, add my direct URL, and share this on twitter, so we have it for all different types of social media. We have images available in your marketing materials.

Okay, close. That back up. Let's talk about what else you have here.

So State links is an exactly that you're going to find.

And this is going to you can find the TexShare.

Webinar portal is here. The technical documents is something I really wanted to share with you today, too, and it does live here.

Now, will you find these technical documents available on the General Gale support site?

And that's where this home button would take you.

Yes, you would, but we've organized them here for you.

So the the difference between the the gale support site created for TexShare and the general Gale support site.

Is this one has been curated for you all, including the technical documents.

So we've selected those documents that we heard from from all of you that are needed, and we've curated them here for you, so you don't have to scroll through our very long list of technical documents on the general gale support site because we have organized that information here for

You. Okay. And we do have 1 one that's come up a lot.

We have the live guides, information, the gale usage, reporting overview, and then your discoverability options that you have here, and one that did come up a question about you to me for our cause you to me is a available Gale presents.

You to me is available for our public libraries. And single sign on access requests.

So you're going to find that type of information. Probably the biggest is the different proxies. Can I add a proxy?

You? URL, to my gale persistent links, and we've got some technical documents there to support that.

Okay, and then any vpat information you're going to find here, too.

Now I'm sorry in as Austin Public Library. I did come through my TexShare, guil support site.

But I want to go to the general Gale support site.

So I'm going to click on this home button you can see texture will live here.

I can at any time jump down to this purple button and come back and access these technical documents.

If I want to but I'm gonna go to that General Gale support site.

So I want to show you some of the benefits of accessing information.

Here, too. So you do have that ability to connect directly with your gale.

Customer, success, manager, you can send a direct email to Kevin, or make an appointment right here on his calendar, and you could have it.

You're probably going to have a different customer success manager Kevin does cover our public libraries, and that's why you're seeing his image and information there.

You do have the ability to view all of your products right on the homepage.

You have some options where you can browse your products, go into the training center, go to the marketing materials.

We pulled out some icons here to information that is accessed fairly often like direct Urls icons, titleist mark records, vpets and widgets below that you're going to find some of the most viewed materials for the week training materials marketing materials technical

Documents, so those are going to be highlighted at the very bottom of the page I'm going to show you the top navigation because under product support is where you have the ability to browse your products browse your ebooks find any product updates we so we add information here we

Do post a lot of our product updates to on our blog, which is block dot Galecom, and it's a great site to take look at and bookmark.

Your direct Urls, Icons. Mark records also title list vpets, widgets, a lot of the same stuff we saw below.

What I want to share with you is the Browse product section because this is a really great feature that we have.

So if I want everything for one individual product, and let's use health and wellness as an example.

So I'm going to filter to health and wellness.

I didn't have to put in much information I'm gonna click on health and wellness, and then I have everything I need for this individual resource.

So you can see some navigation here. So if I needed to jump to my widgets I can.

But as I scroll down I have my direct URL.

I have my description. Here's all the database icons, and remember my direct URL has my location Id.

Built into it

Mark records title list. Here's the Widget, so if you need an iframe code for your Widget, we have that we have a link and you can also customize it then, as you Scroll, down this will take you to all of your training.

Materials for this resource below that you'll find all of your marketing materials.

So everything you need for one individual product is all available here, and all I did was go into product, support, browse, products, and i filtered to one in particular and that is gale health and wellness and the nice thing is is this direct URL will take anyone within my library that's working on maybe they're in

Charge of adding all of the icons, or maybe they need more information.

They needed description, and you want to share this information, or you want to share it with folks within your your staff.

There, at your library. You can just grab that individual link and share all of this information at once.

Once for this individual product

So that's an option that you have available browse ebooks.

I just wanna talk to you about a couple of things here.

You have that ability to export all of your e-books.

Mark records is going to be different. So Gale Mark records, lives down at the bottom again.

It was available through the brows. Product Section 2. But if you're jumping in here real quick and you know I specifically want my mark records.

How can I find that information go to product, support, gild, mark records. And this is where you can find all of the products and e-books

And you can download all of those file. So you've got over a 1,000 records available that you can download.

Maybe you want to just download the most recent. Then I would suggest using invoice date.

Now I'm only showing one cause I'm in texture, or I'm in. Well, I'm in Austin's. I meant to be in textures. Let me sign out of this and go into TexShares account

There we go!

So I am going to go into mark records here, so I wanted to share with you again.

Ebooks, so individual accounts. As you all know, you may have additional information or different additional content that you purchase from Gale so you're going to see that still listed here with your TexShare you'll also have your individual purchases available and you can sort by invoice date so if you

Have if you want the most recent titles, you can sort by invoice state, and you'll find the texture ones also listed by invoice state.

So there were 50 new titles that were being selected for you all.

It looks like it may have been completed, here just at the beginning of November, so you will have those titles, available the in your mark.

Records just find the most recent invoice state and then you can grab those those titles.

So I would just select that which it happens to be everything.

Here, and then I can select the titles and download 74 records.

Okay, let me know if there are any questions on that same goes for the K.

5 ebooks. Okay? So that's under product support.

Now, maybe you're coming in, and you want to look for just certain training materials and that you can go right into the Training Center I could go to home what I like to do, though is I typically browse by type or by by product you also can go right to all the video

Tutorials that we have available. Every webinar, and then we also have content specific materials which I'll talk to you about in a moment.

So if I wanted to browse by product, there's 2 things I want to share with you here.

I can again, this is since I'm logged in.

It's only showing me the resources that I have access to through my library.

If I didn't log in, it would take me to the entire list of all the gale products.

So keep that in mind. But if I do want elementary, and I just want the training materials for elementary this is how I can grab that information and you can see it takes starts with digital assets and then it goes into lessons, and activities.

On demand, training and printable tools. And this is everything that we have available for gallon context elementary including we have some powerpoints.

We've created powerpoints with training notes for those Powerpoints.

We have all kinds of different projects and scavenger hunts and lesson plans.

Here's all the webinars that we have available.

Some of those webinars like develop early research skills also has a document to go along with it.

So you will find some of those that are linked that have documents available.

But maybe you're looking at. You're just looking for tool information like on the gale tools.

How to use the get link tool, or you have canvas or schoology, or and you need some of those resource guides and those those materials we do happen to have those listed here also in the printer tools okay, alright so now there was another feature.

I wanted to share with you in the training center. If I browse by product again.

But I just wanted everything on the gale tools, if I put in tools should be.

Oh, you know what? Because I'm on

That's interesting. So I'll have to go through and on our general site.

The gale tools pops right up with product, but we might have to individually link it 2 accounts.

I'm gonna have to check into that so that was a new feature I just wanted to share with you that we've recently added.

Where you can filter by the gale tools. Let me see if I can go in by pro by type.

Nope doesn't look like I have that X action option.

Okay. So I have to look into that and why that wasn't popping up.

But typically I can search by tools, and then, it's going to give me just all the training materials for all the tools.

Now will those also be linked out on the individual products?

Yes, they will. They'll be there, but I was just gonna show you a different path that you can take.

Now I did this route. I went into the training center and I went in by type.

So if you were looking for infographics or case studies, or you wanted any gifts, you can do that.

You can pull that information very quickly here again. I really love the tip sheets we have tutorials and the ucoming webinars will be listed here.

Where you're going to find those Powerpoints I mentioned is the professional development materials is where you'll find that, and the rest are pretty self-explanatory and what you're seeing here.

I go into infographics. Let's see what we have available.

Okay, so not much for the product list that you have. That's a newer one that we just recently added to

Here, all the the powerpoints that you have available, and as I mentioned, they we do also add our training notes to these Powerpoints.

Now marketing, materials, same idea. You can browse, but oh!

Before I lead training center. Let me go to that content, specific materials.

This is a newer feature that we added I'm in the last couple of months, and we now have it organized.

These are themes, and they're organized by month.

Are featured, for November has been native American heritage model.

When I click into that featured monthly focus you will see that we do happen to have tip sheets.

Here's one for books and authors. Here's another one for literature, Resource Center.

We also have some lesson and activities to go a along with them.

So a tip sheet for books and authors. If you wanted to share this in your library, discover native American authors within gale books and authors, and it talks to your patrons about how they can.

Find that content utilizing this resource? So, if this is something you want to highlight that month along with what we're highlighting.

You can do that. And again that lives under training center under that content specific materials.

And you'll see the featured one at the top, but you can click into any month and then find information.

The November one is being highlighted.

We did also do a day of the dead where we had some documents available in both Spanish and English.

So activities that we have available in projects in both Spanish and English.

So if that's something you'd like to highlight in your library. Keep that in mind.

We will be adding more of that type of information where we have it in both Spanish and English available

Alright. Now let's go into marketing materials so again you can browse by type or product.

Same idea. Let's go into product, and I'm still logged in using my TexShare account.

So I can click into add product. We could go into bail gale business, entrepreneurship.

And here are my communication templates at the top.

So I have that ability to utilize the information that we have created for

Where we have a press release template. As these are new resources, maybe this is something you're interested in doing.

You need marketing, materials to promote these resources with your patrons, with your students, with your faculty members, you utilize what we already have here done for you don't recreate.

The wheel. Maybe take what we have. You don't have to use it exactly.

But here's some help. So we have some press release and blog templates and product descriptions. You.

You'll find email templates here also below is going to be all of those social media posts.

So you can see. Here's some instructions and recommended posts, and then below is where we have the images.

Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter available. If we had any flyers, as you saw in health and wellness, where, if we have flyers, or bookmarks you would see those in that print area?

We don't happen. Have any for entrepreneurship, but if you browse again by product and lend into a different product like health and wellness, was the example I used earlier you can see printable materials.

I can quickly jump to

There we go those principal materials, and this one I happen to have a bookmark and a flyer available.

I click into that flyer here it is available for me to download or print

Okay, additional tools. This is where you're going to find things like access.

My library, access my library is an app. It's available on both iphones.

So let me click into it and share with you. So you have both the app store.

So Iphones, the Apple app store or Google play.

And this is an app that can be added so that you're users can access the resources right from their phone.

They can be taken directly to your library through this app and access.

Your resources, and don't forget your Gil. Resources are mobile, responsive.

So this will help you, and if you want that one-on-one support with access my library it's fairly intuitive.

But you may have some questions. Your customer success managers can help with that.

This did receive. It? Is a newer version? I'm in 2,021 February, the twentieth, 21.

It launched in the, and I love the newer version.

That's that we created. And it really is a very helpful tool.

It's super easy to add, I added my public library in seconds right on my phone, so I just found the app, and it found my library immediately.

But this is a great tool that you can share with folks that are coming in.

Into your library if that's something you would like to use.

This is also where you can access gale, Admin your gale pages.

Those technical documents I mentioned, and your usage dashboard.

So these are all of those types of tools that are admins.

Use available here under the tool section, and then you also have the connect with us.

So I did share with you on the home page that you could connect with your customer success, manager.

But if you're looking for your sales Rep, you can connect with them, or you're looking for technical support.

Those folks can be reached here, too, and then, of course, we have where we started the TexShare page.

So that's where we started our session today.

So let me know if there are any questions I'm just gonna go back to my Powerpoint and just review.

So in a quick summary, your gale support site, you will find all of your access.

Urls, Titleists, mark records database icons widgets, and the ability to contact us in the training.

Center some of the things you are going to find are tip sheets, tutorials recorded webinars, training ducks, probably scavenger hunts, and so much more and then in your marketing section bookmarks posters digital assets, email templates communication templates social media

Posts, just to name a few, and don't forget.

You also have all of those tools like accessing Gale Admin or your gale page resource site. And then all of those discovery are technical document tools are available, there, too.

So for that one on one support. If you are not seeing which this did happen, one session on the support site, someone did not see their customer success manager.

You can send an email to them here, and I will put that in the chat box.

It's also in the follow up. Email. So let me add that information, and we'll make sure that they reach out to you

And connect with you to answer any questions that you may have.

Okay, so there's that email address. But that wraps our session.

My name is Tammy Brick. I'm your senior training consultant from Gale any questions that you have.

I'm happy to stay on the line and answer any additional questions.

The training survey should pop up. But if you'd like to use a QR code and fill out that training survey using your phone, please feel free to do so.

What does it mean if you're if my your school is not on the list, so sent the this, let me touch base with you after the session.

If you're coming from a K. 12 school, that would be text quest rather than TexShare TexShare supports our public and academic libraries.

So if you are not, if you're not finding your your school on the list at all, then it may be that you need to be set up with text, quest, and I can talk to you further about that.

So let me send you an email after the session and see if we can help you out that way.


But that otherwise, Cynthia, I'll follow up with you everyone else.

Thank you for joining us today. Have a great rest of your day, and I hope you join me again for our trainings after the after the holidays after the New Year, in 2,023 will be coming to you with more training sessions.

That you have available regarding your texture, resources. But thank you so much, and have a great holiday.

© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group