April is National Car Care month! Has your blinker stopped working? Were you told about a recall that MIGHT include your car? Are you paying for the appropriate number of work hours for a repair? These are all questions ChiltonLibrary from TexShare can help with! ChiltonLibrary supplies a solution for the “do-it-yourselfer” that is easy to use no matter the skill level. Repair, maintenance, and specification tables provide critical data on thousands of domestic and imported models of cars and light trucks from 1940 onward. It provides quick online access to information on seven decades of the broadest range of vehicles available, including cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs. Join this session to learn how to search Chilton Manuals using a vehicle’s make, model and year, find step-by-step instructions on vehicle brakes, engine, electrical, and all other systems and access service & maintenance bulletins for service updates, recalls, and maintenance requirements.