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Last Updated: July 31, 2024

Tuesdays with TEL: Gale Presents: Peterson's Test and Career Prep Enhancements

Unlock the potential of Gale Presents: Peterson's Test and Career Prep with the latest updates in this engaging training session. Explore the comprehensive resource available through the Tennessee Electronic Library. Discover how to effectively utilize the test preparation materials, career exploration tools, and valuable resources for students and job seekers. Gain insights into the latest features and enhancements, empowering you to support test takers and career seekers on their path to success.
Duration: 45 Minutes
Welcome everyone to Tuesdays with, TEL Gale presents and career prep enhancements. This training is for the Tennessee Electronic Library, and my name is Tammi Burke. I'm a senior trainer at Gale, and I thank you all for taking the time out of your day to join us to learn a little bit more about Gale presents. Peterson's testing career. Prep.

Our focus today is on the enhancements. But I will be giving you an overview of the resource itself. All at the same time. We have a nice chunk of time together, so I will leave you today with where you can go to find training materials, also great marketing materials. If you're looking to promote these resources this year. Maybe that's part of your initiative for the year is to promote this

Fantastic resource that's great for upscaling and career prep. But also the practice tests are great within this resource.

For users of all ages.

So that's your goal. This year I have marketing materials available for you that you can utilize on our Gale support site. So I will leave you with that at the end of today's training.

The QA. Box is open. Ask any questions at any time I'd be happy to go over anything, and then also, if you have any additional questions. Towards the end of this today's training I will stay on and answer as many questions as you have for me.

First, st let's start with talking about access to the Tennessee electronic library resources.

And then an overview of Peterson's test and career. Prep.

We're going to spend our time on the new enhancements and content that you have within the resource any questions please feel free to ask, and I will leave you with where you can go for additional support. You'll have my contact information, but also you have one on one support with your Gale customer. Success managers, and they are there to support you in all things. Gale.

So I will leave you with that information at the end of today's training. It's also included in the Follow up email. So you'll have it in both places.

To access your TEL resources. You can utilize the TEL website, or you can use your direct Urls.

Why you would want to use your direct Urls Usage reports. That's probably one of the number. One reasons is that so you can see usage for your library.

I can provide you with that information of where you can find your direct Urls for your resources that you have from the Tennessee Electronic Library.

But if you'd like to use, and I do suggest.

Accessing the Tennessee electronic library site because that homepage always has great information about there's articles about TEL things that are happening, any alerts that are happening, featured resources. You'll see there. It is a great site to utilize, and if that is what you prefer to use for your library. Then by all means, please use. Continue to use that website.

Your library, then.

You may want to use.

Your direct Urls, and what I'll do is I'm going to. I share this at the end. But what I will do is I'm going to share right now. Let me go.

Change that page. There.

This is where I'm gonna put this in the chat.

This is a great site to bookmark, because.

And again, for those watching the recording. I will share this at the end of today's training for those that are attending the live session.

This link is available, and this is a great place where you cannot only grab your direct Urls, but training materials, marketing materials. And again we'll cover that at the end of today's training. But since I mentioned it I wanted to just post it real quick there in the chat box.

So Gale presents Peterson's test and career. Prep.

What you will find, and let me.

Hold on a second. Here.

Hopefully, you are seeing the right screen.

There we go!

Okay, yes, everything is as it should be.

You will with Gale Peterson.

Gale. Presents, testing career prep.

What you're going to find, the ability to prepare for a test. You have online courses. There are Pdf ebooks available.

So those ebooks that users will go out and spend a lot of money on those prep.

Ebooks, that.

That Peterson sells and other companies sell.

They have full access to those books here within tests and career. Prep.

So they don't have to buy them. They have them digitally for your libraries from the Tennessee Electronic Library.

You'll find prep for the act. Ap. Exams, and also vocational exams are all available here within this resource.

If you're looking, you're doing a school search or a scholarship, we have tools available to help filter to colleges and universities by location, you can filter by cost, size, and so much more. And then also you can use that similar criteria to find available scholarships, and it is a really helpful tool to find those scholarships that are available to help pay.

For college, which can be very expensive. I have 3, 4 actually in college, and it is very expensive careers. You can take online quizzes to find the career that matches your own interests and goals. There is a new.

And that's something we will talk about today. There's a new quiz that's available or career assessment that's available. Within the resource. So that's new. It was just launched recently in the last month.

And you can also not only take that quiz, and it is they have simplified it, but you can also build your resume under that career exploration set section within the resource you can find career advice. You can even do a job search.

So for those that are looking to change their career, or maybe look for a new job, or just want to build a resume as they're preparing. This is a great place to show them, because not only can they take that quiz and kind of find a little bit of guidance there. They can also, right from that same spot, build their own resume, or, like, I said, conduct that job, search.

We have some new resource enhancements, so a brand new interface users can browse content on a new easy to use, interface. The homepage.

Has been updated with more options that will allow for quicker access to highly used parts of the site.

As well as calls to action buttons. You'll find there.

It really helps students and patrons jump right into the content. They need.

And then there's a higher contrast in color which also helps this has been included for easier reading, experience, help, support, accessibility.

We've added Spanish translation. So it's really easy to toggle between Spanish and English with the new translation feature. It's located at the top of the page. You'll see right in the upper left hand corner.

There's goal settings available under my resources. So now this section you can organize.

Content within the resource and put it right into a folder in your my resources section. So this really helps users. When they're setting a goal. They can easily save that information. Even if they've done some school searches or job searches, they can put it right into a folder, and it'll save it right on.

There, right on their account, because they do create accounts within this resource.

And then more content. You're going to find new video lessons and interactive content that are great.

That have been at. They're fantastic, but they've added to courses, and they will be continuously added to courses. So students can remain engaged. When they're preparing for tests or getting ready to enter the workforce.

You can see here, there's this is part of the Ap. Exam, where you're going to find we mentioned videos. But there's also


I want. Why am I there? Cards that that students can go through checking their vocabulary? Or it might be questions that they can utilize when they're accessing not only the practice test, but having this feature available to to go through these flash cards.

And then here's an example of how those videos are.

Are organized. And this is, we're still looking at the ap biology. Exam, prep.

So this we're organized into this list. They select the instructional video that they want to access and then can work through that you could see in the upper right hand corner. This is one of 9 that are available so they can work through that process or work through that information.

Alright. So with that, let's jump right into the resources I already have.

The resource opened here. I just haven't logged in, so let me share that with you all.

So you can see. I had mentioned to the content.

Or the navigation here to Spanish. If I click on Spanish.

It automatically changes everything I'm seeing on my homepage, and will help me navigate through the resource in Spanish.

Easily change that back to English.

In the upper right hand corner is where I have the ability to log in or sign up.

You can see a few other features like, search my resources. This is where anything that I've once I've logged in I can see my resources. Anything I've saved in my folder.

I can very easily browse through the menu. I don't have to sign in to browse through that menu.

And then I have all kinds of tools on the homepage before I start going through everything I do want to log in or sign up, and I want to share with you.

I am on my own computer, and it remembers that for me. But I want to show you what sign up looks like just in case you're not familiar with this, and the reason why you want to create an account is because it does save your progress.

In the prep. Materials.

An email address is not required, but it's recommended, and I'll share with you. Why, when I click that sign up button.

So it's not required. But if a user forgets their password, it makes it a lot easier to reset their password.

And they won't have to delete their entire.

Account, because if they don't have an email, then it's hard to reset that password they would have to remember that, so that we give that little piece of information here, but it's not required. Sometimes schools don't want students to use an email address.

They don't have to. But then please keep track of their passwords because you'll wanna in case they forget them. You'll want to keep that information somewhere.

Nice spreadsheet or something. So keep that in mind. But you would create your users would create an account so that they can save all of the work that they've done, or any searches or like. I said that my resources section.

So I'm going to log in.

And then what I can do is I can again do a search. I can go directly to my sources. I can browse my menu I actually prefer. I'm more of a visual learner. So I really like to access each of these categories before I do go into these sections, I want to show you below. They're also pulled out. So prepare for an exam is also improve your test score, so you can see we have foundational.

Skills. You can kind of see what's inside of that section.

Foundational skills. We have the Ap exams. We talked about college prep, grad school prep, international courses that we have available, including Us. Citizenship.

When we talk about vocational test prep, you can see these categories that are available. Now, some of these, like medical and nursing, have quite a few subsections of practice tests available.

And then, as I continue to scroll down, here are our career, tools, career, advice, finding a career. This is where the assessment is is the find, a career section.

Online, resume builder, job, search. These are all hyperlinked out. So I can quickly jump to that section if I want to.

And then finding a school or scholarship, you can see what is in available. And that question, including the financial aid quiz. This is really helpful for parents that are preparing

And ha! Getting ready for that.

Financial supporting their kids. Maybe they're not solely supporting their kids financially, but just understanding. Find the financial aspect of like and what it looks like. Students, if they are thinking oh, they can just declare themselves independent. It is really extremely hard for that to happen. And there's a lot of things in place.

Even if a student is solely playing for school themselves, parents don't fully understand that they still have to share their information. Their tax return with.

For phf, so it's really very helpful in understanding that that financial aid quiz.

That. So I always like to stress that when I'm in trainings, because you have that tool available.

Ready to improve your test scores. You can set a goal right here at the bottom. If that's something, or that's a great tool also for students. If they're getting ready. They know the acts are coming up this fall in Tennessee. So if they want to set a goal right away at the beginning of the year. They can do that right from that homepage.

Alright. Let's explore each of these sections, as you can see enhancements to the homepage. There's been some changes.

Over the last couple of months that you're seeing here that one of the biggest changes is in the explore options the most recent, I should say, in the last month.

So we're gonna start there and then I'll come back around to the other sections and categories. But we're going to start there because I want to show you that new assessment piece, because that's the most recent update. So we're gonna jump into explore career options.

Now you can see this gives you a little bit of higher level information. What do you need help with? So you can understand what you're going to find in this section.

If I now I have added some of these to my my folder, my my resources, like career advice. I decided to add that to there now, you can see I can add any of these by just clicking. Add to my resources.

And I also have the option to undo that at any time.

What happens is whenever I add it to my resources. Up here in my folder.

It makes it really easy for me to jump right into exactly where I want to go. So if I did set the goal to pass the Ap biology test practice test by a certain date. I want to go through the entire course. I want to access the flash cards or do those test exams. I can set that goal and then put it also in my folder, which is a best practice, because it makes it really easy.

To jump back in and access that course and pick up right where I left off.

My schools.

Any schools that I've saved will be here. I can remove them at any time. So if I'm doing a school search, I can find that information really quick.

My scholarships are also here.

And then my jobs.

Here's a job that I've saved. I can again remove that at any time I can show.

You can see here where I can filter to how many I want to see on the page.

Okay. So my resources section, that's where that when I just set.

That career options. This is where I put it. I set it as a goal. So it landed in that top section. There.

So let me go back.

Let me go back to that homepage. I'll go back in this way. Make it quicker.

Okay. So when I added it to my resources, it added it to a goal at the top of my.

My resources, section.

Alright. So let's take a look at this.

So it takes you to now. I did already take the quiz, so I can retake the quiz and I can see my results. Now, if I go to start, this is where you'll land

The nice thing is is something we heard from. Libraries, especially schools, is.

We want.

Students to just start browsing careers before they even have to take a quiz before the requirement was you had that there were 4 quizzes, and you had to take 2 of them before you could even see careers which made sense because it connects.

Connects your users to certain careers based on their their quiz results. Right.

But we did have a lot of schools ask for just the ability to browse through careers, and you can do that now right from the start. You can click on browse careers.

And start browsing through.

All the careers. It's set alphabetical here. Now, I think this might be pulling in because I did take the quiz. I believe it's pulling in my information, because yesterday, before I took the quiz, I had a lot of.

Jobs that started with the letter A at the top of my list. And this is looking very similar to what aligns to my.


Quiz results.

So if you hadn't taken the quiz you would see a long list. It's alphabetical, and you do have some filter options on the left hand side. So if I did want to change any of these filter options like, maybe I wanted to change the job preparation level to little or no. Maybe I'm looking for a summer job as a student. I can do that, or if I am working through.

Some additional education or additional certifications, and it only requires medium job preparation. I can filter to that. Maybe I'm not there yet, but I know it's gonna happen. And I want to see what's available. I'm gonna take my exam. I've got it scheduled for next week.

Or next month, and I want to start applying for these jobs or seeing what's available. So great ideas and other new feature is apprentice apprenticeship, so internships available which is really helpful for our college students.

So you can take a look at that, too.

So that would be browse. Now.

And I can start the quiz.

I did already take the quiz. Let me see if I can access it without. Yes.

So I can see my results. So let me go back.

I wanted to see if I could just not retake the quiz.

Because I didn't want to go through all of it again. But.

This is what you'll see. The quiz questions, and then strongly agree, or strongly disagree, or strongly dislike, or strongly like are the options on the middle, so.

I can go through that entire quiz again.

And answer those questions.

I'm not going to do this during our training, but you can see how it works.

When I get through everything, and it will take me page by page, and I I do have to answer the questions before I can proceed. Then I would click. Next.

And go on to the next page, and it's not really that long of an exam. Let me see if I can go back to.

Nope, okay, so the career quiz my results, which I'm not going to have because I erased all of that. You would see, I saw those results before the preparation and career matches are all there. So I would have to go through. And I'm just going to really quickly go through these questions, see if I can get to a point I have. I did answer everything.

Before, and.

I apologize. I should have shared that with you again. This is a new feature for us, too.

So I am.

Learning a little bit along with you, not being able to. I didn't.

It does clear your results. So good, teachable moment.


I'm curious to see what my results will be.

After this.

Because I am not even reading those questions.

I did. I was. I have to say I was pretty honest. I'm always curious. It usually takes me.

Being a teacher.

I don't want to put out forest fires.



Or like a therapist, is another one that always pops up for me.

There we go!

So now I can see my results.

So you can see. Oh, boy, I clicked a lot in the artistic section. So usually, investigative is a high one for me. Social is number one almost 9 times out of 10. Social is number one. So interesting results. When you aren't really paying attention, you could see the top 3. Your results. Other interest that I have available. Now, when I click next, I can print this off too.

That's a feature now available.

When I click next.

Ask yourself how much preparation do you want to put in for your career?

So I am fine, with high preparation.

You can see the levels here.

And then.

Interpreters and translators. Okay, music. Yeah.

Definitely did not edit or okay, that I could see a little bit. And here we go. Teacher still shows up, even when I'm not paying attention. Now I'm answering the questions.

But here we are in our results. Now, couple of things I can do on the right hand side.

I can match low to high. I can look at these jobs alphabetically.

Reverse from Z to a.

Or I can just simply use the filters on the left hand side. If I only want to see top matches, I can select that. And now I'm filtering by my top matches.

Those I'm seeing at the top of my list, anyways, but now it'll only show my top matches. It won't show anything that's kind of a partial match.

If I wanted to know if there were any apprenticeships available, I could select that.

If I had certain interest areas. Maybe I wanted more on that social.

Musical therapist shows up from my cause. I filtered down. I've already drilled down to top matches. Let's see if I remove that.

So I get a little bit more when I remove that top matches.

On the right hand side I can see.

Here's the Median income.

Most common educational level.

This is postsecondary. So my higher Ed.

If I wanted to learn more.

When I click into it. This is extensive preparation. So this is Master's degree, and beyond.

Here's the job outlook. So if I want to teach at that college level, be an instructor, be a professor, I can get some background, information, knowledge, skills, abilities, personality. And then I even have the ability to explore more.

So this is the new, and I can print this off. This is the new feature that's available from.


And they've developed this career. Peach.

Assessment that you have available. Now to help you find the career of your choice. So that is one of the newest features that is available. We went through that whole process. So let me go back to.

The resource, and these do open in new tabs, which makes it really helpful, because you can go back to your starting point.

Now also under careers. You have career, advice.

I'm just going to select a few of these. I'm not going to spend a lot of time here, because I want to make sure we have time to go into the other assessments.

What you're going to see is anything with the

The test prep. It's going to look, SIM, similar to this. There's only one like the cosmopology looks a little different that that assessment. But majority of them look like this where you have, and the components or the course contents will vary, depending on what is available. Now, we're in the Virtual Career library. So it's focused on careers. But the test prep will look very similar to this.

On even the Ap. Or your sat test prep. That you'll look the similar format.

That you're going to find here, where you have these different categories.

You can see here I have self assessment, job, search, cover, letter. So this is all career advice that I have.

Available, and quite a bit.

Here available for within this resource.

All right, let me go back, and again opens it in a new tab.

Which makes it really simple. We were just in finding a career, find a career? Is the exam.

Online resume builder. Let me just touch into this real, quick.

And I do have some sample resumes available. So right away, I can create a brand new resume. I can create a cover letter, a website, my career journalists here. This is great when you're adding in awards or anything. If you want to keep track of what's happening, it's really easy to add it in this career journal, and then we also have still even additional.

Resources available in the knowledge center. So lots of information available for folks that are starting or wanting to.

Change careers that information is available or just interviewing.

Creating a new resume. I can copy an existing, but I wanted to just show you.

Use an existing resume, I can upload a customize it. I can use example content, or I can start from scratch. If I use an existing resume.

I also have the ability to pull in my Linkedin profile.

So again, use an existing is where I can upload something I have on my computer.


I can also pull in my Linkedin profile.

So that's that 1st section using example content or starting from starting from scratch self explanatory. It's just a blank canvas using example. Content is what I've done here with my templates.

So I use example content and pulled it in. And it has different jobs.

So I picked obviously picked. I think this is my business development one. So vp, president, sales marketing business development, where it's helpful is some of the language.

Right. So you might find a career that's similar to to your current career, or one that you're going for. And you want to model your work experience kind of around that potential job. You've done something similar in the past. That's where that sample content can be helpful.

This. These templates. You can see I have page layout, resume examples. Here's my templates. I can change my templates at any time. Let's touch into some of these.

Page layout is where I can make some really some adjustments on the page.

Resume examples is what I was just talking about.

I picked this one, the Vice President of Business Development.

But you can see we have entrepreneur, or we have digital marketing person. A pharmacist, a doctor we even have. Let's see.

Assistant project manager. So we have assistant roles.

They're a dental assistant. We try to bring in a little bit of everything.

I can.

Import my resume again. If I wanted to do that, that would overwrite everything that's here. If I imported it.


I can change my template at any time. I'm in this purple one.

But let's say I want to utilize this one. I can do that.

And then I can edit this.

I have options to edit. I can move this work experience down.

If I wanted to switch these, you can see I can delete them at any time.

I can edit right here in real time, right in the document itself.

Which makes it very easy, because I'm a visual learner. So it's really helpful for me to see it.

Rather than having to keep clicking preview. You can see your results.

I can.

Okay, so this is a new. This is a new feature services. If I wanted to add on anything now, these, I'm guessing might be a bit of a charge. But if I wanted to, yes, 10 min professional video feedback, these are Add-ons.

I have. This is very, very new. So.

Well, let's just click into it.

Yes, so.

Apparently they are offering you the opportunity.

To add on.

Any additional services that you may want.

You can share this content.

Now sharing a few things I need to point out to you. I have this set as unlisted.

That means that the Urls cannot be indexed by search engines.


Would mean that the URL could be indexed by search engines. So may that private information. You want to be very careful about what you're sharing.

If I wanted to just download.

Then I can just simply download.

As a Pdf or as a word document right onto my computer. So the link is, if I want to share a link to my resume download would be downloading the entire resume.

I have preview mode which would take out all of those.

So I can see what that looks like.

And then.

Again we went through. All the templates are here.

Again. That's the same thing as what I just shared with you in the upper right hand corner.

So export, only it'd be down is the download, and then we have unlisted. So that's the same thing, and then history would be. I would be able to go back and restore anything that I had worked on. So go back to the previous, resume.

Alright, and then I also have.

The ability to create a cover letter. Here's 1 of my sample cover letters.

And the last one is a website.

So I can pull in that content into a website. This is a dental assistant.

I have again templates. I can choose from.

For my websites, or the nice thing is, too, is these. With the images at the top I can upload my own image.

So it gives you that option.

To upload a background.

So I can change that image if I want to. I'm not.

I'm not married to it. I can change it at any time.

Okay, let me know if you have any questions about.

The resume builder.

Let's go into test. Prep. The nice thing is with test prep. As I shared.

Is that it's this, it's the same. It's just the contents different. So it's similar across all.

Of your pro of your exams. So I'm gonna go into the Ap. You can see. Please explore all that we have available. We even have some resources here.

I know I'm going a little quick through some of these.

The prep. For exam. I have the high school college test. Prep. So this is going to be, your act is going to be here, act, grad, school, prep.

And then international.

You have that. Let me click into that one English as a foreign language, or us citizenship are both here.

Test. Prep. You can see the subject categories. We have.

I'm going to select Ap. Exam.

And there are quite a few. We have all of the Ap. Exams here.

You have multiple pages at the bottom.

So I always just choose that 1st one. Well, let's go into biology, since that's where.

I have some.

Filled out, already.

When I am in a.

Ap, or any type of test, prep.

I have some navigation at the top here.

I also have this visual tool where I can go to the introduction. Here are my flash cards and study materials.

Instructional videos are now available. You'll see instructional videos here and then practice tests.

So going through this process with students can be helpful as they prep for those Ap exams.

And then they can take that practice test as many times as they like. This one happens to have multiple sections. We have multiple choice and free response. So this one has 2 tests available.

Some will have more. Some will have one. I usually see about 2 tests available. If I go into. I want to start that multiple choice.

I can start the quiz.

And you can see amount of time that it should take me.

And I can start that quiz. This is attempt number 2.

Answer those quiz questions.

And or I can quickly jump. So if you have a student, let's say they've taken this quiz. This is their second time through, and they know they struggled with question number 6, and the on the 1st page and 17.

They can quickly jump to those and retest their knowledge.

Or I can go through each one.

Answer the questions.

This is the multiple choice.

And then I'm just gonna go through that 1st page.

And then submit.

The 1st 8 questions.

I can go to the next page, or I can submit, and I only answered 80 out of the 60 questions.

It will ask me if I for sure wanna do this.

Because I didn't answer any of those other questions, and I can submit that quiz.

Now I can see my results.

And also if I received like, if I.

Answered them correctly. I did answer the 1st one correctly, not only if I answer it correctly or incorrectly, it still gives me the reason for the correct answer.

So incorrect. Here's answer A. And this is why so really helpful learning tool for students as they're preparing for those exams.

And the same goes for folks that are.

Preparing for their certification tests.

Alright. I can close that out.

And it gives me you can see some information here overall quiz that I'm receiving. I'm not doing very well my 1st attempt. I got nothing.

And only one on the last one, so.

Got a study.

Alright flash cards. We talked okay. So flash cards we saw in the Powerpoint. I'm not gonna spend some time on that. It's pretty self explanatory can go through the flash cards. But that was the practice test.

And you can see the content, the quizzes.

I just wanted to go through this top navigation. Here's my quizzes and the results. I can see my feedback. I can still come back. So if I go to quizzes, and I want to come back to my feedback.

On my attempt. I can do that at any time.

Grades are here.

So I can see my scores.

Class progress. This is a system, and I can print that off any of these. You see where that print button is.

I can see that information, share it with my teacher.

Teachers aren't coming in here. This would be something that students would have to print off and share.

And then the system check is exactly that. It's checking the computer to see if you have the right system.

So that's it. Just lets you know what system you need. If it's not working correctly, you can access that information.

And then each of these. This is a summary. I can go in to each of these categories to find additional information.



On my course.


Let's go back out.

So we talked about the prep for an exam.

I do wanna touch into before we leave up on foundational skills because there is.

A category I want to cover there. But let's go to find a school or scholarship.

School Search scholarship tool. And then there's that financial aid quiz. I talked about.

The school search and scholarship, tool, kit tool are very similar.

They look very similar. You have similar filter options on the left hand side. So if I'm looking for a school or a scholarship. I don't have to go back out. I can quickly jump to finding a scholarship, but I'm in the school section.

I'm looking for undergrad. Maybe I'm looking for a certain place.

And I'm in Michigan. So I'm gonna choose Michigan. Today. I have one.

University that I did not post that one of my kids goes to wouldn't be very happy with me. But you can see here in Michigan.

I didn't pick an area of study or program length, difficulty school size. You can really filter down and get very specific, even with your.

Gpa. SATA. T. Scores.

And find schools that are available.

So I've pinned quite a few already. If I wanted to remove Michigan, maybe I wanted everything.

You can see all the schools I have available. Maybe I'm looking for specifically an area of study.

I'm interested in. Let's stick with biology.

Here are universities that are available.

I can save any of these, or I can click into them.

And I have multiple pages.

And find out more information. So.

If I click into, and I've saved Valley as one of my schools.

You can see some information. This.

I don't know if that's an actual picture there. Small town setting.

Location. It is in Michigan.

And you can see all of the degrees, and it goes through. Navigation is on the left hand side. I can jump to student body.

And if there's a gallery I can look at the pictures. Okay, so that is a picture of it.

The fountain is new.

Okay, so.

Pretty, self-explanatory, right?

Filters, the more filters you add the of course, the smaller that window is going to be of schools.

And then that.

If if I'm also looking for it, what I really like is that ability to search or filter by a certain sat score that really will help you, because if you know that their you know, minimum requirement is a certain range.


You know. Maybe you're looking to retake it. But you wanna apply now. You can.

You know. Select that.

Option or act option.

Okay, so it gives you a bit of a range. There.

Just to kind of get an idea of what their minimum requirements are.


Scholarship, search very similar.

Where I have that ability to filter down by scholarships award type, award amount, school type. And the list goes on. Even sometimes they're specific to a certain state that's really helpful to filter by that.

That tool or that option.

And I can also search for a certain keyword. Maybe I'm looking at stem, and I want any any scholarships related to Stem. I could do that.

All right. So that was our schooler scholarship. Search.

Prep for vocational vocational tests.

Quite a few options available. I had mentioned that.

Medical and nursing.

Have quite a few available.

And again.

When I click into that practice test.

It's going to look very similar to where we were.

Right now, this one just has a practice test where our Ap. Had.

Flash cards, and so much more available there. So some will just have the exam.

And then, if there are books available, you see that book section and those are the ebooks I was telling you about.

They are available here, and the ebooks also will have additional.

Practice tests within them. But you can download that right onto your device and have that complete ebook at no charge.

More information. The about section will give you more information about that.

That exam, and that's on every single one of the courses.

If I go back out.

I wanted to share with you.

I mentioned that this is a little different.

Me make sure.

This is using.

As it loads.

The formats a little different on the cosmology.

Okay, it's taking a little while. Oh, there we go.

It's using milady.

So you can see it looks a little bit different.

Then our other practice exams.

Okay, but I am logged in. It didn't sign me out. I don't have to sign back in.

But I have a glossary in tests and reports, and.

I don't need a learning code.

But all of that.

Is available.

Okay. So I just want to share that one's a little bit different. Last area I want to go into is foundational skills.

And I save this one for last, because so there's a few things that are a little different. So we have math and science, basic skills, computer basic skills and reading and writing basic skills.

There's an area hidden under these that I want to share with you. So.

Basic skills. You can see.

For 6th through 8th grade. And the some of these will have videos.


They all have videos.

Now we added some new video content.

So no, this is a practice test. Some have videos.

So you can see when I say the practice tests are the same. They are the same. The tutorials are going to have those videos.

Now, math videos is what I wanted to share with you, because.

This can be.

As it opens up.

And when you open online videos, this is a little bit hidden.

These videos are really helpful to even parents. Because if you have a student that's adding and subtracting, parents might need a little bit of additional support, because it's been a hot second since they've done that.

Share these map videos, especially if you're coming from a public library. But also, you know, school libraries, you have these video math video tutorials available, and they're short. They're under. This one is, I think, 6 min long. They're 5 to 6 min long. And it really takes you through that process. So you can see when it comes to math, we've got a lot of categories available and a lot of video tutorials available.

To help support our learners, and also.

Our parents that are helping students learn.

So again.

That one is, we're still in the math videos.

But you have to open that online videos content to see that's where they're at.

They're in math videos. Go into online videos. And you'll see that nice long list.

We used to have all the the long list, and it was a little bit overwhelming, so they organized it a little bit more.

Let me go back!

Oh, wait! Oh, sorry! It opened up there.

And then you still have your basic math tutorials available here.

Math foundations, arithmetic. So this is a little bit because we imagine putting all of those videos here, we have quite a few. But that other list is quite a bit longer.

You do still have these available, and you can see.

There? How many parts.

Within this subject category are available. Pre algebra. There's 77.

And it takes you through step by step.


Are there any.


We went through new enhancements. We talked about each of these categories. The last one prepare for us citizenship, basically kind of what we've already talked about where you have those practice tests.

If I wanted to add this to my resources, I can do that. I have books. This one actually has articles also. So you'll see, don't forget about these features at the top.

Becoming us. Citizen. Test prop. We have here.

I can add any of these to. And this is with our public libraries. Popular exams are there in that Us. Citizenship section.


So what I want to do now is, go back to my Powerpoint, and share with you where you can go for additional support, and that's your gale support site.

On your Gale support site you are going to find. This is where your direct Urls are. Now remember, folks that are watching the recording. I shared a link in the chat with our folks that are attending live today. This is that link. It's right here at the top.

And this is where you'll find your direct Urls, your title lists, your markets. If you want database icons, or widgets, or the ability to contact your customer success manager. Directly you can go directly to this site, find your library from the Dropdown menu.

Click, proceed, and then you can access all of our materials, our training, your your Urls, training materials and marketing materials.

You will also have the ability to contact your customer success manager. If you look at the top navigation you'll see that option to contact.


Please click on that, and you'll be able to connect with them directly. But I will share their email address here in today's training, too. And it is also in your follow up email. So.

Lots of support you have.

In the training center. You're going to find tip sheets and tutorials.

Recorded webinars training decks. If you're in charge of training at your library, we have Powerpoint slide decks ready to go for you for the Peterson's resources. We have 2 different ones, one.

Slide decks, focusing on the resume, only the resume builder and then the other one is focusing on the overall resource.

We also have for your other. TEL resources Gale resources that you have. You have lesson plans and projects and scavenger hunts available, including, we have escape rooms and ready to go. Student activities.

We've just created toolkits for all of our resources. These are great. We call them click sheets also. But it's a training toolkit.

Where you can start with the basics.

Where you can go to find the webinar. What we've done is we've curated our training materials and broke them into these categories to kind of simplify it for you all.

What I can also do, since you're attending the live session today is, I will share with you a direct URL to all of your materials that you have available.

4. Gale.

Presents Peterson's tests and career prop.

So let me give you that link.

Oh, actually.

Take that back. I have to go back up to the top to do that.

But what you will do is.

Should take me to the right spot.

You'll have that ability to access all of the product information. Here we go.

The icons.

Anything that you need that I've just mentioned.

I'm going to give you a direct URL to all of that information.

So that you have that.


You'll also find.

Video tutorials. We have some documents. This is how to access and career prep. This is, you know, you can set these out or have them at your reference. Desk.

If you're interested in that.

That's a really helpful tool to have out on creating those accounts. So keep that in mind as an option.

And then we also have all of our marketing materials available.

So if you are looking to promote the resources, we have social media posts, we have email templates and blog templates available.

And you can.

Find all that information.

On the support site under the marketing section any shape and size for social media. We also have bookmarks and posters and flyers available. Some of our flyers are in Spanish.

So if you want to print some materials off like, I said, you have marketing materials, but you also have some training materials like this one where it takes your users through creating an account.

And I know we're a few minutes over, so I thank you for sticking with me. Customer success manager is here. They'll also be in your follow up email. My name is Tammi Burke. I'm your senior training consultant from Gale. So I thank you so much for your time today.

When you leave me. If you could click, continue, and leave us some feedback in the training, I share that information with internally.

Even with our product managers and also with our fantastic at the Tennessee Electronic Library. I'll share that feedback with her, too, if you'd prefer to use your phone. I have a QR code here. Please feel free to scan that and answer that survey. Love to get your feedback and join be on the lookout soon we will be posting new sessions. Again. Our next one is we're looking at the end of August. It'll be a back to basics.

Session for school. So back to school basics is what we're calling it. So we'll be adding that session. So be on the lookout for that.

Watch those that information that comes out from the Tennessee Electronic Library. Those great emails are always sharing great information and upcoming training sessions. So I think you all for your time today.

I hope you join us again in the future.

Do you have any questions?

Just let me know. I'll stay on and answer any questions that you may have.

Thanks. Everyone. Have a great rest of your day.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group