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Last Updated: February 23, 2022

For CA: Discover Gale Interactive: Science

You now have access to Gale Interactive: Science through California’s K12 Online Resource Program. This resource allows secondary students to manipulate and explore models focused in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Human Anatomy. Each model helps students visualize abstract scientific topics, while providing reference materials for support. 3D printable model files keep the learning going offline as well. Join this session to review the content, navigation, and model exploration within this engaging resource.

Duration: 30 Minutes
Amber Winters: Okay, so let's go ahead and get started, so to make sure everyone's in the right place today we're taking a look at gail interactive science.

Amber Winters: Which is one of the three new gail resources you're going to get through your California K 12 online content project.

Amber Winters: My name is amber with tears, and I am the gail training consulted for California and i'm really excited to be here with you all to kind of go over this resource.

Amber Winters: So a quick agenda here we're here for 30 minutes, just so everyone knows so we're going to go over first.

Amber Winters: What exactly gail interactive science is just a brief overview of what you can expect within the resource.

Amber Winters: i've pulled out a few popular simulations I just want to point out to you, so if you're trying to get buy in.

Amber Winters: You know from your science teachers are from students if they're coming into your library.

Amber Winters: And we're going to give you some some things to throw at them we're going to spend the most time actually walking through the resource, though, just so you can get a feel.

Amber Winters: Of the different workflows and of course we're going to actually run through an activity live so we're not just talking about it we're actually going to explore.

Amber Winters: And then again at the very end of the session i'm going to try to leave time for any questions you have so if you want to hold on to them till the end of the session, you can.

Amber Winters: But you don't have to you can ask it anytime and I do have some contact information for you, at the very end of the session as well, in case you need to follow up with any of us here at go.

Amber Winters: So let's go ahead and get rolling so gail interactive science is going to be 3D models specifically designed for I say upper level the researchers.

Amber Winters: Where they really made us high school students, I will say a lot of middle school students have found success with these resources, a lot of.

Amber Winters: middle schoolers your country are using them.

Amber Winters: But it's technically was designed for the high school level student So if you are a middle school librarian take a look at the resource, you know your students better than I do.

Amber Winters: And you can decide if this content will be helpful, I will say there are a lot of earth science.

Amber Winters: bits that are helpful, you know talking about things like aquifers, but also things like ecosystems.

Amber Winters: So, while it is kind of targeted at high school level students, I want to just make that clear, you can always use it for different grades, it is an core subjects that you're going to see at the high school level, though things like biology chemistry earth and space science and human anatomy.

Amber Winters: In addition to the actual models themselves that's just kind of click through a pull apart and manipulate and rotate and anything you can imagine.

Amber Winters: We also have some supplemental content that's going to support those activities things like reference materials you'll see here and my screenshot.

Amber Winters: Every activity we have some nice reference material on the right hand side to give them a little bit more detail so you'll see for this.

Amber Winters: I was on the periodic table introduction activity so it's giving me information about the periodic table so just trying to deepen their knowledge, a little bit to make sure they understand kind of the background about to the activity.

Amber Winters: We also have 3D printer files, so if you have a 3D printer in your library that's a great way to bring our resources kind of to life, you know as a gift send your.

Amber Winters: Your science teacher as an animal sell printed out put some 3D printing you know, in your library just to get kind of that student engagement.

Amber Winters: you'll find those files right on the platform all ready to go free when the correct formatting so we'll take a look at those and how you can explore those and, lastly, we have quite a few different ways for you to share information excuse, where it says patrons that should say students.

Amber Winters: Unless you are with a public library here today in case it is patrons for you, but you can send activities.

Amber Winters: To patrons or students, you can also link it's within Google classroom or you can send a link via email, you can post it on your social media account if you have a library a Twitter, you find a really cool activity want people to take a look at you can set it up that way.

Amber Winters: And we do also allow for integration within your LM s so if you're using school year canvas you have that option to integrate and i'll give you some contact information at the end of the session that can help you out with that.

Amber Winters: So I just want to point out a few popular activities for you in case you want to just have some footing when you're bringing this to your science department first category we're going to take a look at is chemistry, so the number one.

Amber Winters: activity that I always point out that I always mentioned that I always want you to click through is the interactive periodic table introduction because almost every.

Amber Winters: Chemistry activity is going to have this kind of basic platform and so here with this little workbench.

Amber Winters: And then it kind of moves forward from there, and having that introduction it walks you through how this platform works, because this is a really, really powerful activity.

Amber Winters: you'll be able to see periodic trends you'll be able to see like you know what the atoms look like you'll be able to see the electron shells you'll get front of it, of different information on all of the elements, so I always recommend if this is going out to chemistry students or teachers.

Amber Winters: Make sure to take a look at that introduction and I would even build that into a lesson, you know you're going to be using this act, this resource throughout chemistry, but this is where you need to start, so you understand how to manipulate it.

Amber Winters: And then we have some great reaction sequences on this platform, as well, I have included here the combustion reaction.

Amber Winters: So it'd be able to play through you'll see we've got all of our little atoms here and it's kind of going through.

Amber Winters: What exactly is going to happen in this fraction that also gives the equation of what's going on, so really great way to get that kind of microscopic a bit of information to the macroscopic skills, make it a little bit easier for students to understand.

Amber Winters: Moving forward from chemistry, we also have some great biology options here mitosis is a big one, of course.

Amber Winters: Something students struggle with we have information of both mitosis and meiosis so they're trying to take a look at those different steps in the process, they can do that zoom in pull apart the difference.

Amber Winters: The different bits the different structures within this process to kind of gain a deeper understanding of how it works and i've also included on here we have a coronavirus activity now it's not specifically.

Amber Winters: it's about the coronavirus kind of family of viruses as a whole, so they don't just include coven 19 but it's also.

Amber Winters: You know the the virus that causes SARS and things like that, but we have that activity available, so they can kind of pull apart see what a virus actually looks like because when we're talking about viruses.

Amber Winters: it's sometimes a little bit abstract you know we know the virus is a very, very small, but we don't know what they look like so with this we can kind of pull That apart, to see the different aspects of the virus.

Amber Winters: It looks like we have a question from JESSICA, are the interactive activities for science aligned to NGOs standards.

Amber Winters: Yes, they certainly are Jessica and we'll take a look at, you have the option to filter through those and you can also see their attachments just by clicking into an activity, so we are going to take a look at that once we happen, a lot of them are also linked to common core standards.

Amber Winters: So, moving on from biology earth and space science, you have quite a bit of information i've included here.

Amber Winters: Be coral reef ecosystem, just because it looks so interesting you'll see here it's that really kind of diverse and dynamic to click through.

Amber Winters: Also, the sun those different layers of the sun are usually pretty exciting for students, take a look at.

Amber Winters: We also have a great feature that I didn't put on here but it's also a big one is volcanoes we do have an interactive model about a volcano also things like aquifers so.

Amber Winters: Just a few to kind of get that interest, I always recommend if you are going to be demoing this for students for teachers for fellow Librarians.

Amber Winters: try to find something colorful you know they're all very interactive and fun to play around with but.

Amber Winters: find something really colorful with lots of different pieces to move around you're going to see a lot more engagement So these are a few after earth and space science with that kind of.

Amber Winters: That kind of feel that human anatomy we have some really great options here.

Amber Winters: The heart is always great you'll see there are so many different structures, you can pull apart, and if you are an anatomy teacher or physiology teacher, of course, you know.

Amber Winters: The heart is one of the hardest things to teach because there's just so much going on.

Amber Winters: So they can click and drag and pull apart the human heart, and we also have one about the full skeletal system i'll be able to hover over and see the names for different bones and kind of pull the skeleton apart, a little bit to get a feel of how everything interconnect.

Amber Winters: Now for me that's enough talking, I want to actually dig into take a look at all of us good stuff i'm going to switch over now to the resource, but if you have any questions go ahead and type them into the chat or the Q amp a for me and i'll answer those.

Amber Winters: And here we are on the homepage of gail interactive science, please let me know if my screen lags behind what i'm saying at all, I want to make sure i'm not going too fast.

Amber Winters: But this is our homepage here you'll see it's a really basic homepage we're not trying to add too much just because the.

Amber Winters: The activities kind of speak for themselves for the top here you'll see, they have the option to search through activities if they have something specific they want to take a look at.

Amber Winters: fetal pigs are a big one to search through, especially if you're working on a hybrid situation or you know your school just doesn't have the funding to have a fetal pig dissection.

Amber Winters: We actually have the activity built in here, so you could run through it that way, so we have for search here.

Amber Winters: I have a browse activities option that will allow me to just do that look at all of the activities we have within this resource.

Amber Winters: No filters know limiting just we've got them all listed, we do have a desktop viewer if you want to download this onto your desktop as opposed to going through it virtually you certainly can.

Amber Winters: You get the same functionality, it just is a desktop application, we also have an application available for ipads through the apple store so they can put it on their iPad desktop.

Amber Winters: If they would like to as well, or the iPad screen I don't know this call the desktop they'll have an APP on their iPad.

Amber Winters: i'm scrolling down underneath you'll see you pull out a few topics of interest so again the interactive periodic table introduction is a big one.

Amber Winters: With our volcano here and then we've got a monarch butterfly that we kind of pull apart, take a look at.

Amber Winters: underneath that you'll see we break it into different categories here so biology chemistry earth science human anatomy and 3D printable models and within earth science that also includes space, so I know it's that doesn't say earth the space science, but this includes space here.

Amber Winters: we've also pulled out our 3D printable models here so let's browse these, for we get to an activity.

Amber Winters: So, again they're already in the correct file free to use unlimited downloads you can print out.

Amber Winters: An animal cell until your hardest content you just download the sql file uploaded into your printer and it's ready to go, you see, there are a lot of kind of cool different features some different skeletal structures, a beluga whale or carbonic acid.

Amber Winters: goes on and on, I really like this.

Amber Winters: Little guy here very interesting frog sniffer hip joints and these are really great if you know you have teachers who are looking for something like this, but they don't have the budget to buy the actual scientific models.

Amber Winters: From the scientific suppliers, because a lot of times those are pretty expensive, so if they come to you saying you know I really need to teach on the human spine I.

Amber Winters: You know I want to have these vertebra available, you see, you can read this here and give it right over to them so again that's free they don't have to go into their limited funds to buy the standard models.

Amber Winters: And we're not going to go all the way through them, I do, I will mention that, like the piston as well we're not going to go through all of them, but you get the idea you'll be able to just click them and print them out, Nice and easy.

Amber Winters: It looks like we have a question about physics and where we're teachers find patent Gil interactive so we don't have a specific physics section within this so if they're looking for physics it's most likely kind of going to be intertwined and some of the different.

Amber Winters: sections here, so they if they're talking about physics, a kind of a chemistry level they have a here, but as of now, we don't have a strictly physics section, rather, be able to pull physics specific activities.

Amber Winters: So let's go ahead and dig in I am an awkward to cook and through this way i'm actually just going to browse all of our activities here.

Amber Winters: Because I don't want to filter at all, I just want to see everything.

Amber Winters: So a few things I want to point out, while we're browsing here, obviously you get the title.

Amber Winters: Of the activity here but you'll notice, these are our standards attached, so our NGOs s in our common core and it's showing you where it is kind of in this selection of information, so this is a periodic table.

Amber Winters: miscreants I can click on to any of these so maybe I just want to take a look at this standard that's listed under aquifer and see all of the activities we have related to the standards, I can do that and you'll see, we have to relate it to that standard specifically.

Amber Winters: And I will see on the left hand side here, I have checked off that standard as a filter now I can uncheck it and i'm pulled back to my full list you'll see all of our standards are listed here the next gen and the common core.

Amber Winters: So I can click really any of these scenario down if I liked him.

Amber Winters: let's close that up though you'll see, I have human anatomy pulled out again earth science chemistry and biology.

Amber Winters: I can take a look at say all of my biology, if I want to just by clicking the biology and here we are, or I can narrow it down, maybe i'm interested in cells.

Amber Winters: But i'm just getting the cell information, and that is cellular biology so you'll get things like chromosomes DNA all that good stuff.

Amber Winters: This is also where you're going to find meiosis mitosis you'll see, we also have information on photosynthesis.

Amber Winters: photosynthesis one is great, because it actually shows you the chemical reactions that are taking place, which is pretty important is oftentimes the most difficult part of 13 photosynthesis so we have that.

Amber Winters: But let's click into animal cells today so we're going to take a look at our animal cell activity here.

Amber Winters: While this is loading you see on the right hand side, again, as I mentioned, we have some reference material.

Amber Winters: Just so they can kind of break through understand what they're going to be looking at you'll see this when it sells books great at the bottom you'll see it gives some key terms, so we know we're going to be most likely learning about organelles festival lipids things like that.

Amber Winters: And we have our citation here as well, so if students are not only using this activity, just to learn if they're also using.

Amber Winters: This reference content for a project that they're working on, or something like that they can cite it right here from this platform, which is a great feature available to them.

Amber Winters: underneath the activity, I do also want to point out, we still have our links here, so are in gfs this is under the cells section, we have all of those links.

Amber Winters: Again, we can click them at any time to pull forward just the activities related to those i'm not going to because I want to stay here and my animal cell, but we can.

Amber Winters: We can also share this out, as I mentioned, we are integrated with Google classroom here you'll see our Google classroom icon, we can also integrate with LM s which won't appear here, but it does appear on the activity.

Amber Winters: And we could also link to the activity itself are linked to a specific slide in the activity.

Amber Winters: So if I click through and i'm interested in the mitochondria slide and we're looking at a second and I just want to send that slide I can do that, right here, I can copy and paste it wherever I wanted to go.

Amber Winters: And if I do copy and paste this link students will have access to it without signing in.

Amber Winters: If they want to go anywhere else within the resource then there'll be prompted to authenticate However, your school or your library authenticates I will say, with the new California leaks, you do have GEO GEO authentic authentication.

Amber Winters: Which.

Amber Winters: As long as you were in California, the user, will be able to access the content, without having to have a password.

Amber Winters: Or if you're integrating with LM s then it's going to work, just like normal with your boss.

Amber Winters: Now we got this loaded though so let's take a look at the actual activity, the good stuff that why we're actually here.

Amber Winters: So first you'll see I can make this full screen if I want to get the full view, the only thing with full screen i'm going to exit now.

Amber Winters: Is that I lose this reference content, so if I actually want to read i'm going to have to keep this with a smaller level i'm not worried about reading it all.

Amber Winters: I can make it bigger, but today i'm worried about reading okay so we're going to exit full screen we're just going to leave it here you'll see, we have a little question help here.

Amber Winters: it's going to kind of show you how to work through everything i'm not going to go through the whole activity, but this can help you walk through.

Amber Winters: You can also start to kind of click through on your own, so we have this animal cell here let's just start playing with it.

Amber Winters: To see I can pull apart my different structures, if I right click I can rotate let's see it from different angles, I can zoom in and zoom out using the scroller on your mouse.

Amber Winters: to really take a look and you'll see I can hover over any of these things and see exactly what i'm looking at, so this is our nuclear lists, we see this is our mitochondria are rough endoplasmic reticulum.

Amber Winters: Can kind of go through and look at all of that and what's great is I can completely pull this apart and not know where anything goes anymore, and once I start the actual activity it's going to pull it all together for me.

Amber Winters: So you'll see here, this gives us the starting point tells us about an animal cell and now I can hit my arrow to start the activity to go to the next slide or I can use these little buttons down here.

Amber Winters: let's just use this so when I hit next slide you'll see it pulls all of it back together for me, I think that's super helpful because, of course, a lot of times students are just like yes i'm gonna.

Amber Winters: pull this all apart and going to throw this over here and some here this over here and next thing they know.

Amber Winters: They have no idea what the model is anymore, every time they get to a new slide it's going to pull that model back together and set it up how it should be for that slide.

Amber Winters: So you'll see now on this side we're talking about the cell membrane you may have already noticed my reference article now has changed before it was cells, but now it's plasma membrane because that's what we're talking about on the slide so they'll be able to click read read that.

Amber Winters: will have brief little bit of information here, you see it's telling them that this yellow guy is the cytoplasm and then the plasma membrane is this pink they can move forward again.

Amber Winters: And also, at any point they can pull this apart as well, so, even if they're actually engaged in the activity, they can click and move anything they want to no problem.

Amber Winters: And it looks like we have a question are the interactive features, easily accessible on chromebooks yes, you shouldn't have any problem on your chromebook right now we are not available on phones, but you should be able to access on your other devices.

Amber Winters: So again, we can pull parts of my reference work again has changed, and I can keep moving forward i'm going to skip ahead a little bit now.

Amber Winters: Because the very end here you'll see we get some quizzes and I do like to mention there isn't a way to verify that a student has completed a quiz just because they don't have named user accounts.

Amber Winters: So we can't recognize, you know who they are so i'd say, these are just for students to kind of quiz themselves to see if they're ready for the test coming up or if they've learned anything from the activity so it's really up to them to complete this.

Amber Winters: But you'll see you built to answer some questions let's see this one here where cells in a store and.

Amber Winters: Some of them require you to click on specific parts here, so you see this what is click on the rough er if I can't click out of here, I can zoom in because we know we need to look at the one that has arrived was on on it click here.

Amber Winters: What organelles produce energy mitochondria.

Amber Winters: And then activity is completed, so the quizzes are extensive, I will say some are longer than that the heavens relatively short, some of them may have you know four or five questions, some may have five or six.

Amber Winters: But just really simple questions, to make sure they understand what they just looked at and the activity and then they can restart the activity and the right back to the beginning again very easily just pull everything apart.

Amber Winters: And then again at any point they can click into something else here let's say they want to look at an actual animal that you click into the cat here.

Amber Winters: And again most also while we're waiting for this to load the book there goes periodic table.

Amber Winters: activity takes a little bit longer to load just because of how much content is actually included.

Amber Winters: So if you do have students click into that just make sure you tell them, you know you need to give it a minute or two it's going to take a second.

Amber Winters: And then it will load up for them, just so you know so you'll see here, you can actually pull it's a little creepy to do this, but you'll see we could actually pull apart the cat as well.

Amber Winters: To see all of the different structures here with them the CAP so different bones all that good stuff of course cat dissection of sometimes.

Amber Winters: use in human anatomy classes so again we don't have the funding for that that's something that we can do, virtually right here don't need to worry about it at all.

Amber Winters: See, this one is starting off with muscles as moving over to the skeleton talking about the claws specifically.

Amber Winters: So you see this one is a little more in depth, you see how many slides there are just by looking at these little dots here.

Amber Winters: And then we have again, we have our quiz.

Amber Winters: See, this one is a little bit different because it actually requires you to label the parts of the cat so I know this one, so you distracted that's the heart.

Amber Winters: answer some of the easy ones right, you know go through and be able to answer all of those again they can zoom in at any point to make sure they're looking at the right structure, they can still move it around this way they can still rotate it to get a better feel.

Amber Winters: And they'll be able to go through, and they can complete the activity without answering the quiz questions so if they're not looking to doing that to do that, right now, they don't actually have to.

Amber Winters: Let me go back to home here.

Amber Winters: Now, are there any questions at all about interactive science when we use it what's available.

Amber Winters: The browsing features, the standards linking anything like that at all.

Amber Winters: Okay, well, I don't see any so let me jump back here to my slides it looks like we've got about five minutes, so you guys might get out of here a little bit early and i'm sure you were just so upset about that fact.

Amber Winters: But you have access to a gale customer success manager and I want to point that out, because what today was a nice overview.

Amber Winters: You may get into the resource and just you know, want to dive into a deeper with someone at gmail.

Amber Winters: and your customer success manager is the person who's going to be able to do that with you to really dig into the activities.

Amber Winters: So you get the best understanding how to use it, they can also go over best practices for using the resource, they can discuss your school, so you said they could talk about you know, promoting the resources.

Amber Winters: they're kind of your go to person if you're interested in LM s integration at all again your customer success manager is going to be the one to help you out with that.

Amber Winters: If you don't know who your customer success manager is that's completely fine you can send an email to gail that customer success at cengage that calm.

Amber Winters: And it's going to send you to the craft individual and then you can schedule meeting with them and get all of your questions answer.

Amber Winters: Of course, you have access to your sales consultant, as well as well, so if you ever want to reach out to them, and you know who, that is, you can go to support di gail COM forward slash REP Finder and there'll be able to help you out.

Amber Winters: You will get a follow up email with the recording attached you get it tomorrow you go to 24 hours after the session has completed.

Amber Winters: And it will have my email address So if you have any questions, for me, or about upcoming gail training sessions, we do have two upcoming one specifically for environmental studies.

Amber Winters: And one for National Geographic kits if you have questions about those you can send me an email and you'll have that tomorrow, and your inbox.

Amber Winters: And I do have a session survey as well, it should populate once you sign off of our session today, if you have time I would appreciate you filling that out it's just bit that leap forward slash guilt training survey.

Amber Winters: And it looks like we've got about four minutes here so i'll stay on for a couple more minutes in case anyone is typing out any questions if not please enjoy the rest of your day and I hope to see you on some of our sessions coming up in the future.
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