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Last Updated: September 25, 2024

Revving Up Automotive Knowledge: Exploring Gale ChiltonLibrary

Get ready to accelerate your automotive knowledge with Gale ChiltonLibrary, the latest addition to BadgerLink. View this recording for an exciting training session where we will dive into the world of ChiltonLibrary, an authoritative vehicle database trusted by automotive enthusiasts and professionals for over 100 years. Discover how this invaluable resource provides access to ASE test prep, OEM repair, maintenance, and service information for most cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs on the road today. Explore the detailed content that simplifies even the most complicated tasks, empowering users to tackle automotive challenges with confidence. Don't miss this opportunity to rev up your knowledge on ChiltonLibrary!
Duration: 30 Minutes
Welcome to your training for BadgerLink. Today's training is revving up exploring Gale's Chilton Library. My name is Tammi Burke. I'm your Gale trainer. I'm a senior trainer at Gale, and I welcome you all to today's training session. Any questions that you have, please feel free to use. The QA. Box.

I'm going to start with talking about Chilton Library today, and I want my goal for you. All is to have a better understanding of the resource and the functionality of that resource. So we are going to spend a little bit of time in the power in my Powerpoint slides going over. It's going to. I'm going to provide you with an overview. And then the majority of our time is going to be spent within the resource itself. And, as I mentioned, I will also be sharing.

Those support materials with you.

So feel free to ask questions at any time.

But I thank you all for joining us today.

And agenda. Basically, what I just mentioned is that we're going to get to know Gale's Chilton Library. We're going to walk through the resource, and then any questions that you have ask at any time I will stay on at the end of today's training session. If you have any additional questions, and then you'll have my contact information. If you have any questions you can reach out to me directly.

Or also the great folks at BadgerLink. They have a great way to communicate with them a contact us page, so you can reach out to them too.

To access your BadgerLink resources. Hopefully, you're already familiar with the site. I will post it right in your.

Chat. Hopefully. You're like, I said, very familiar with already using your digital resources from BadgerLink. But just in case I always like to cover it during our training sessions.

And this is how you can access your newest resource, which is Gale's Chilton Library.

So let's talk a little bit about Chilton Library and what you're going to find within this resource. And What on Library is on? Demand automotive information. You, if you're familiar or you have any car. Enthusiasts or mechanics in your family, might be very familiar with Chilton Library. Already it is been a trusted resource for over a hundred years. It's very well known and loved by car enthusiasts.

And professionals alike. It's the books come in when they have the physical books, and I don't know if you have any in your libraries, but the physical books have very thin paper within them. They're green, and they have very thin paper within, and so you'll see them at mechanic shots, mechanic shops. But.

The paper just gets damaged, because, they're working on cars. So what's on their hands up on the paper and like, I said, very thin. So now, with Chilton Library.

All of those folks can access digitally to this resource all the same content and the same information. They can do it from their phone because we're mobile, responsive, or an ipad. And it's a really easy way for them to find the content that they've been using for a number of years in the physical book on a digital resource, and through their public library.

Or if you're, if you're coming to us from K. 12.

Front through the K. 12 library. Because this resource is great for those cte courses, you're going to find a large selection of vehicles that contains detailed information on most years, makes and models, and this information comes directly from the manufacturers. So we receive this information, and it is put into Chilton Library. Of course there's a lot of work to make it.

Look the way it does in our resources. So we have great product team and content specialists and experts that work on that to make it look the way that you're seeing it within the digital resource.

So. That's not how the manufacturers deliver it to us.

But you will find varied content. So step by step, service and repair information, there's a fantastic video library estimating troubleshooting, guides, images, diagrams, and also the Ase test prep.

So we do have multiple quizzes available for those that are preparing for that certification that they can take right here within Chilton Library, and they can take those quizzes as often as they like to continue to test their knowledge. There's.

Not like. They only get 3 tries. They can take it as often as they'd like.

So they could continue to prepare for that certification.

Test navigation and accessibility. So last year we designed it was a newly designed platform. Maybe it's been a little bit longer than that. I think it was last fall, but I want to say it's been a little bit longer than that.

That we des newly designed platform.

That has streamlined both searching and browsing, and it really ensures that users find exactly what they need. Very quickly. The navigation buttons are now featured prominently within the body of the resource.

And you have a great table of contents that also leaves a breadcrumb trail. So it's great for users to be able to go back to previous steps.

We have enhanced the readability tools. So I'm going to share those with you today, our listen tool. And you have the ability to change the font type, the color, the size, and easily customize the view of the of the content there, in utilizing that. Listen.

Or our reader, tool.

Of end decoder is also available, so to do. A vin search.

We now have that available within the resource. So you'll find it on the homepage. I'm going to go through this navigation when we go live into the resource. But you can search by vin number to find information specific to your automobile, and you can see on the left hand side a quick screenshot of what I'm seeing. It takes you from the overview. You can look at specification safety and recalls right from entering in your vin number.

And then utilizing the ven, also ensures that you're finding the most accurate content.

Because sometimes you have to pick, and I'll I'm going to model that for you today, because in case you don't have the Vin number. But sometimes you need to decide. Is it a twofive engine or a 3 point leader engine? At which model is it? Is it an le, is it? And.

I know my cars very well, my my kids cars, too, but I still second guess myself, and have to look it up because it can't always keep all that information straight, and I know I'm not alone in that.

We also have a fantastic video library.

Your video library. It's coming from experts that actually, our mechanics in the field that have this great video content. Where with, Youtube. You don't necessarily know if the person that is creating the video is an expert, they may claim to be in the and maybe they are. But here you're guaranteed that correct information. And again, it's from a.

Trusted source. That's been a trusted source for over a hundred years.

So now we have a video library that's accessible right from the homepage.

Videos are organized also by topic.

From breaks to engine mechanics to wiring.

There. The videos are both browsable and searchable of contents, and then each video includes captions and can be downloaded for later use, which is always a helpful tool. And, as I mentioned already, we are mobile, responsive. So if I wanted to download a video right onto my cell phone, I could, and I would have it for later use.

Now let's talk a little bit about the Asc. Test. Prep.

Quizzes we have. I think it's 15 different quizzes available user friendly interface. It clearly informs our users of the number and type of questions that are included.

So each quiz can have. I think the one that has the most might be 15 questions has the most questions there. But we have multiple quizzes, and you receive those results.

Right away, so I can submit my quiz and get my results in this very helpful graph.

To see how many I had correct and how many I had wrong, or those that are not attempted.

Alright, if there are any questions, please don't forget to ask in the QA. Box.

But let's go 1st to your badgerlink site, so I can show you where you can find Chilton Library.

And then we would go live into the resource.

So from your BadgerLink site, if you go to auto and engineer, and maybe this is a bit of a review for most of you that are on this call, but I always like to cover it, and you will see Chilton Library right at the top. Now I am coming to you from Michigan, so I would be prompted.

For to add my information, which you should be prompted for that login information. Once you log in, then you'll be taken into.

The Chilton Library. Resource.

Now let's go into Chilton Library.

So here we are in Chilton Library. We are going to start with the navigation in the upper right hand corner

Vehicle. Search is the very 1st one I can enter in my vehicle information here which I will do in a moment. But I want to walk through some of these other areas. So that's where I'm landing at right on my homepage.

Also below. As you're getting started with this resource and starting to talk to your users, you might want to take a look at this information. It kind of. It's a.

A brief summary of what I covered in the Powerpoint, so that you have a understanding of this resource and what you're going to find within.

The Vin decoder is the next in our navigation. At the top. I can enter in my vin number, and it will give me all of that information that I mentioned in the Powerpoint, including.

Safety and recall information.

We'll be there, too. So enter that vin number, and here's a little diagram of where it can be found on your vehicle.

The video library is next.

And you can see here I have a table of contents on the left hand side. I can start my search by putting in any term I want, or I can use my table of contents. I can open each of these up if I'm interested in the body, and maybe it's specifically, I'm looking at paint.

And planning to prepare.

And preparing, and here are some tips on painting my car.

And you can see we have quite a few videos available.

So this is just some planning and prep.

All the way to. I mean when I if I were to go into airbags you could see it gets very specific.

Here's the harness. So we have one video focusing on the harness.

So depends on what you're looking for.

Will determine what you'll find. And again, of course, I can do a search at any time. Maybe I want anything on.

Eric and well air control. I was going to put air conditioning, but air control.

And we have the motor and the valve.

Showed up in my results.

Little bit of a lag here, due to my zoom. I apologize for that.

Now let's jump to the as test prep quizzes.

And you can see here.

We have multiple quizzes available.

The Exam. Titles on the left hand side.

In the center is the number of questions.

And on the right hand side. These are all multiple choice, but it does at least let folks know that it is a multiple choice.

So I'm going to go into the one that only has 8 questions.

And read the question.

Choose your multiple choice answer, and I'm just going to select. I'm always amazed when I get any correct.

Because I am just randomly picking.

As I go through, and the sad thing is, I might be able to read these and figure some of it out, but.

Not having a lot of experience with mechanics.

Or with cars.

My answers might be the same, even if I read each question so.

That's the that's the truth of the matter. I'm going to submit that quiz.

And it does ask me, do. Am I sure I want to submit it? If I had any questions that I had not attempted, they would show up here, I can confirm, and I don't have to complete.

The whole quiz. If there's let's say there's 3 that are really stumping me, and I get I get tripped up on them every single time I could come back in here and work on those 3 questions and then submit. I don't have to complete it.

To before I submit it.

So that's always an option. Oh, wow!

I I got a 50. That's better than I've ever done before.

So question one. You have the question. You have the answer. If I have an incorrect answer, you can see that what I selected, and here's the correct answer.

It's both A and B.

And then I got quite a few.

Wrong, as I kept going down the page, but on the right hand side you get a very quick view of how well you did.

And then, if I had any that were not attempted, I would see that in my graph below.

I'm going to I can close that out. But I'm just going to jump right to our next area. And that's ask an expert.

Ask an expert gives you the ability to email.

Add your comments or make a phone call. This will go. We have some internal folks at Gale. They are our experts. That they will

Try to help find the answer within the resource, and share that with our users. If they can't, then they have folks that they reach out to. So that's the process I get asked that question a little bit like, who are these experts? They are experts like we have subject matter experts. These folks know everything about this resource, and usually they're the ones that are also adding in.

Like, I said, we're getting information from the manufacturers. So they have been working with that information for a while.

If that makes any sense, so that they truly are the experts here, and can answer and or help find the answer to the question within the resource.

Sometimes. That's usually all that our users need.

Alright. So let's choose a vehicle.

So we're going to choose. Let's go back to a little bit older model here.


Let's do a forward.

American we do have. You can see all the different.

Years makes and models that we have available.

So it's not just American.

And then the model.

Let's do a pretty popular one. Here, let's do an escape.

Oops! There we go!

Now I can click, select.

Now, what also happens is I'm going to go back to search real quick.

Now that I have selected that vehicle, it will live under my recent. So if I'm jumping from multiple vehicles as a mechanic might need to do. But then they're going back. Maybe they're.

Need to go back to work on it on this vehicle again. Or, in that same where they're they're working in multiple vehicles.

They can go back to this recent vehicle search.

This is session based.

So if I am using looking for information on multiple vehicles, I can quickly jump back and forth. But it is session based. So.

Just wanted to let that that feature is available, and that's what recent vehicles means, and how long it lasts for.

And anytime I can change my vehicle by choosing change vehicle. It'll take me back to where I can select a different vehicle, too.

The 1st section it takes us into is repair. We have repair, maintenance, labor, estimating bulletins, and recall.

Again, we have the same format, the table of contents, the ability to start my search, or I can simply use those subject areas here on my table of contents to find exactly what I'm looking for.

So if I were to go into breaks, because this is something I may feel confident that I can do on my own.

And you can see the different options I have here available. So it's quite a bit of information. If the drum breaks are in the rear.

Or maybe it's the parking. I'm interested in the front disc brakes.

And maybe I'm interested in. I I know I need to replace the pads, but I have the rotor or the calipers like they're all not looking so good to me. So maybe I need to replace all those. So where do I start? Maybe I want to start with the pads.

Maybe the rotor and the calipers are okay. I don't need to. But let's start with the pads.

So I clicked into break pads. And you can see here it takes me directly to the information I need.

It tells me the materials.

It gives me some warnings.

And some notices.

Below. I'm seeing a bit of a diagram.

A tool that would be helpful to remove that breaker.

So lots of diagrams. And then here are the brake pads and what they look like.

So you can see it really takes you through that step by step process. If there's any additional information that we may want to suggest for additional like installing the wheel. You'll see that information hyperlinked out.

Okay. Quick question came through that. If you retake the quiz, are the questions the same, or does it generate new questions? They are the same questions. Thank you for asking that.

So they are the same questions.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Okay, scrolling back up to the top a few features I want to share with you. You have the ability to print this off.

There's a print option here to the right, so you can print this off.

You can listen to the content being read aloud to you, and let me show you what that looks like, and show you a few features of this tool.

I just realized I did not turn on my.

Here we go. Let's do that again.

Front disc brake 2,010, escape mariner, escape.

So it'll read through and typically like, when we were to get. If we were to get to a section down here, it would highlight the sentence.

In one color in the green, I think. Yes, and then the word that it's on is in the blue.

A few other features, since I.

Just highlighted. You can see I can listen to. So I can just listen to this chunk of text.

If there's a word I'm struggling with, I have the dictionary. I can also translate the.

So all those options are available there.

I have let me go back to this button up here. The listen button so I can. A couple of features. I can stop it at any time. I can skip ahead or re.

Go backwards or skip ahead. The volume is here also. The speed, the reading speed is here now under the more button.

We have some settings. These settings are for.

What ex for the listen tool itself so.

What's being highlighted? What colors? It's being highlighted in blues and greens. What colors the text. So I can make some changes and customize that tool for myself to meet my needs.

You have some. If there's questions, we have a little bit of help over here for text highlighting. So you have that those tools available.

Up here at the top we have those same features, the play.

The stop, the volume, and the speed. Now these are related to our listen feature. That's on the page where this, the increasing, the font size.

In the settings here, or making this whole screen, this these 3.

4, including that one, are for this. Pop up.

So as you can see.

That changes the pop up box.

A few other settings, you have the ability to turn the automatic scrolling on or off. It is defaulted to on.

You have some shortcuts available so great tools to support accessibility. And then this is just a reset button to reset back to our default settings.

A few other features available under that. Listen, button.

Is the ability to click and listen, and we were kind of doing that with the highlighting.

Where I can click on a chunk of text.

And it will read this aloud to me.

Warning. Do not use any fluid other than clean break meeting manufacturers, specification.

So you can see it. Highlights. I clicked into that chunk of text.

I did need to click and drag over top of it. That is also an option where, if I just wanted to read that chunk of text. I could, as you saw before.

But this is a way to just quickly click into a section and have that section read aloud to you. So it gives you that focused. Look at that content, and then the tools for.

The clicking and listening are down here at the bottom, right? I can close that.

And it will remove it.

Also under this more button. I'm going to turn that click and listen off.

I have enlarged text.

And let me show you what that looks like.

So I am going to.

Use this again.

There we go!

Warning. Do not use any fluid.

So it pulls the enlarge, pulls the text out onto the page, and this will stick with me throughout my session. So I turn it on here in this document, like wherever else I go during this session, it's going to stick with me.

You can see my boxes up here in the right, but I also have controls here. I can decrease this font size in my enlarge box, or increase.

Again. I can listen or stop this at any time.

And that was again under this more button.

It was in large text. I just turned it on.

Text mode is another feature that we have available, and what that does is it pulls it out into this text box.

Another feature is page mask.

And I can increase this page. Mask.

Size. So if I did want to.

Really another helpful accessibility tool that we have available.

And then I can also download this as an Mp. 3.

And this I can download right onto my phone and listen to it. And as it's being read aloud to me, and then I also have the help button here.

Let me know if there's any questions.

About any of the listen features. I just went over.

So with that, let's go into repair. Let's go to Maintenance next.

Now maintenance. I have vehicle configuration, or I have this full chart list.

Where I can help find exactly what I'm looking for, but it is still based on my 24 to escape. But this gets a little bit more specific because maintenance is going to look may look different for a hybrid as compared to limited model. Where that hybrid is going might need a little bit different maintenance.

So I can use the full chart list.

Make it easy, or I can. Do, if I know my car.

I can go in this way.

And make some, and it starts to fill in some of that information for you.

Front wheel. Drive. Okay.

So apparently. Let's do 4 wheel drive.

I did something wrong must be. It's a 3 leader.

Let's try that again. No results.

I never choose Limited. I always choose. Let's stick with. Let's stick with what I know.

Okay, transmission automatic.

Condition. I can say that's a 2010. So normal would be.

Would might be the option, but it might be a trailer, camper, car, top carrier commercial use. So it's.

You'll see what I mean a little bit more, too, when we get into labor, estimating what it, what condition it's in.

We'll talk a little bit more about that. So.

So this provides you with your scheduled maintenance.

We? Here we are at 7,500 miles. What should be happening? What services should I expect if I bring it into the dealership. What should I expect that they're going to do what they're going to look at, what they're going to inspect, top off rotate those types of things.

If I wanted to do this on my own.

What do I need to know? I'm not taking it into the dealership. I want to do this on my own. What should I be looking for at 7,500 miles.

You can see the view, the full chart here.

You can print this information off.

I can also go to all the way up to 100 or 15. This next one's 15,000. It goes. I think it goes up to 100.

I can't remember how high it goes, but it goes up quite high. I think it goes over a hundred 1,000 miles, but you can see.

How the schedule changes. Again, I can print that off.

Or I can view the full chart.

So 112,000 miles.

And I'm showing just 5 per page, so I would have to.

Want to adjust that, to see, to show exactly I'm looking for. You can see the pages are here this so I can.

Scroll through those pages over in the bottom, right.

And that is again, if I wanted to.

View the full chart. I have that option available.

So that's maintenance.

Labor, estimating.

And this is really helpful.

If you're getting any work done.

Let's say, and this has helped me out. I will say I have switched mechanics because of this.

I have kids in college, and they have older vehicles, so we are always needing a little bit of help, and there's always seems to be something that needs Mom. It's making this noise now.

So I I do. I am in Chilton.

To to look up that information, and what happened was I did. I had, unfortunately a mechanic, that when I brought it in.

Said it was going to take all this time to do, and I came into Chilton to double check.

So, and I realize that it shouldn't take that many hours to work on exactly what he's talking about.

And now I have another mechanic that I go to is very honest and open, and front.

Forward with me as far as what it's going to take, and also knows what my goal is for these vehicles. I want them safe. But, when they're done with college they can.

They will be ready to buy something brand new that they want to buy.

So you can see here when I click into it gives you. Here's if you were to take it to a dealer. Here's Chilton time hours. So this would be like, my mechanic is not at a dealership. So this would be. It might take a little bit longer.

For my mechanic to do the work.

And this is type category, too. So this is regular, if it's really bad.

It might take a little bit longer.

But it gives you an idea of when you are getting estimates on how long that labor should take, you can double check, or if it's something you think you can do yourself.

Right, so that Chilton can apply to.

Our car enthusiast, too.

So that's labor estimating. I can also print this off, which is kind of nice. If you wanted to bring this in to show.

Your mechanic. And then the last one is bulletins and recalls. Oh, before I leave, this is view operations, then I can also search for specific operations.

I prefer to use this format, but you might have someone looking for something, because their mechanics said, This is what needs to be repaired. They can do a quick search. You can do that here also.

Bulletins, and recalls.

I can choose. Now I'm still on my 24 escape. I can make some selections. I can do a quick search. I can use the Tsb. Number.

Or I can just access the information below. You can listen to this, or you can also view it as a Pdf, I'm just going to choose this 1st one, so you can see. I believe this one is a bulletin.

Yes, this is a bulletin. So General Service bulletin.

As it would apply to this vehicle.

Or this one is probably multiple vehicles. I believe.

So probably multiple Ford vehicles.

And it's all right here. I don't know about you all, but if you ever receive those recalls, I try to keep track of them. But sometimes.

I it's a good place to come back and double check. Did I miss anything.

For my vehicle. I can come in here, or I want a little bit more information on it. That's always an option, too.

On the right hand side is that TSB. Number? And then you can see the date that it was issued.

Alright! So that is all of the resource in a nutshell.

Very user. Friendly.

I encourage you to explore, so that you're feeling comfortable with it before you share this with your patrons.

Or you're if you're in with schools with your K. 12 folks, your CTE courses.

I do want to share with you where you can go for additional support before you leave me today.

And what you're going to find. So 1st and foremost, your BadgerLink contact us.

So that site that I shared with you. You can also go to the contact us page, and reach out to the folks at BadgerLink for help. I will put that in.

The chat just in case you don't have it.

And they can help you with your questions.

You also have a gale support site. So your gale support site.

Is you're going to find you don't have to worry about the access information because Badgerlink is already taking care of all of this for you. But.

You will find in the training center marketing materials great information to support your new resource. So this link at the top for those that are watching the recording is a really good one to bookmark. It will be in your follow up email for those that are here live and also watching the recording, but I also wanted to share it with you in the chat.

And we're going to just jump into it real quick.

Before you leave me today, so I can share with you what you're going to find. I pulled out a few screenshots of some of the training materials. We have video tutorials that are under 3 min long. These are great to put on your library website, share with teachers that they can use with students.

We also have great marketing materials that are ready to go, bookmarks, posters, a communication, all shapes and sizes for social media blog templates. So if you want to share this with your library community, we have everything ready to go. Don't reinvent the wheel. Just use what we have.

And then we also have. If you want to follow us on our blog.

You can find the most up to date information, including updates or anything new that's happening. You'll find that information here on our blog.

So let me go live.

To share with you my desktop real quick.

And this is the support site. Make sure.

I'm sharing the right screen here. Okay, that's perfect.

So you'll find on the support site.

Our upcoming webinars, which is our webinar today.

And then under training.

Here is our training session for today. So our recording will live here.

I have. These are BadgerLinks, specific trainings that we'll be doing.

To the right, though.

Is where you're going to find all those training materials that we have available for Chilton Library. So the byproduct.

You'll see Chilton Library.

So this is, we have a slide deck ready to go with all of our training notes. We have recorded webinars, resource guides. These are great to print off and have at your reference desks.

Tip sheets, or if you want to again use them, if you're working with teachers, these are really good ones to print off the resource guides because it's a step by step. Basically everything I covered in a print format.

We also have great tip sheets available.

Training toolkits. This is a what we call a, it's a click sheet. I, essentially what it is we've curated all of our training materials and put that into one document, and you can click through from the basics to where you can go to find help.

And it's a toolkit that we put together for you all. And it's just a 1 pager. And then here are those video tutorials I mentioned.

You also have marketing materials.

And it's organized the same way.

And this is by product.

And here are all of our marketing materials we have available for Chilton Library. So we have some bookmarks. If you'd like to print those off email templates.

Those lines. But if you want to start promoting using social media, we have a lot of options available here for you.

And it's all organized on the scale site.

Let me know if you have any questions. I'm going to go back to our Powerpoint.

And thank you all for your time today.

Again, the support site is there and it will be included in the follow up email.

Customer success. Managers. They are one on one support, and all things Gale, you have your great folks at BadgerLink to connect with first, so that would be where you want to go, because access is through BadgerLink. So it keeps it nice and organized for you all.

But we do have one on one sport. If you wanted to walk through our support materials on the support site, our customer success managers can help with that.

Training survey should pop up when you leave me today. If you could click, continue, we would greatly appreciate it, would love your feedback. Any comments you have.

Completely anonymous, unless you would like me to reach out to you. If you have any additional questions, you can put your information down there.

I share that information with our product team, but also with our folks at BadgerLink. I will be sharing any comments that you have. So, or if you're looking for training in the future, what you think would be helpful with this resource, let me know, because we are looking ahead to and want to make sure that you get the most out of this resource and out of these trainings.

Again. My name is Tammi Burke. I'm a senior trainer at Gale, and I thank you all so much for taking time out of your day today to learn about Gale's Chilton Library.

If you'd like to share success stories down the road on social media and like to tag us, please do so. We'd love to see it, and we always will retweet or.

Reshare that information. So thank you all for your time. Today I will stay on if there's any questions, but have a great rest of your day. Everyone.
© 2024 Gale, part of Cengage Group