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Last Updated: April 15, 2022

For Oregon: Bring Your Gale Resources to Your Learning Community

The State Library of Oregon and Gale provide you with a wealth of information spanning through multiple resources, which can be overwhelming for users. In this session we will review strategies to promote your resources and educate staff, patrons, and students on what they have access to. This session is intended for library staff involved in patron/student outreach and training.

Duration: 45 Minutes
Amber Winters: OK so again welcome everyone we're talking about getting our Gala resources out to our learning community.

Amber Winters: Have a nice quick agenda here for you today, so, first I want to talk about building your promotional plan.

Amber Winters: Now, as we take a look, this is going to mean something different for everyone, you know it could just mean i'm you know, putting a few reminders on my calendar to send out information.

Amber Winters: It could be, I am in fact building a full plan with a timeline and all that good stuff so we'll take a look at how we can do that how it's going to best fits your learning community.

Amber Winters: And you'll also want to talk about some of the Gill support materials that we've already created.

Amber Winters: Because we don't want you to reinvent the wheel at all, we have a lot of great stuff already made for you that you can just you know copy and paste or download.

Amber Winters: And, as your library information and send right out to whoever you're trying to reach so it's a really nice way for you to.

Amber Winters: skip a few steps, because I know you're busy so we're trying to take some of that stuff that work off of you.

Amber Winters: And at the very end of the session we will have time for any questions you have, as well as some contact information, but again.

Amber Winters: please feel free to ask your questions at any time you don't need to wait until that's the end of the session I would love to answer them kind of as we move forward.

Amber Winters: So let's first start about start talking about actually building our promotional plan.

Amber Winters: So step one is definitely going to be identifying your partners so you don't want to do this alone, if at all possible, I know, sometimes that's a little bit harder to say but try to figure out who your partners and your.

Amber Winters: Your school are they could be admin you know, especially if you have kind of one admin who's champion of the library or champion of these resources.

Amber Winters: So just reminding them or potentially re introducing them to the resources and just ask for their help to spread the word of course admin kind of.

Amber Winters: Is overarching can reach a lot of different people so just consider them as your starting point, you know if you do have some admin who are really trying to get involved with the library, this is a good way to get them started just to build them into your promotion.

Amber Winters: You could also consider your instructional coaches curriculum development developers your other teachers department heads.

Amber Winters: Getting specialists in their fields can really help you not only get the promotion out to the correct individuals but also tailor that.

Amber Winters: That promotion to specific individuals, because of course you don't want to send out, you know information about literature and you know writing to a science teacher who may not need that currently.

Amber Winters: So they can kind of help you figure out what different teachers need a different time, so you can really target your promotion and make sure they're getting the best correct information and that's current information.

Amber Winters: Finally, something I think we kind of look over you'll see a patreon here for any public library folks we have, but since we're all K 12 on the line.

Amber Winters: Work with your students, you know if you have students who are really kind of excelling at using your guilt resources.

Amber Winters: they're talking to other students, so if you can find a student champion and kind of get them engaged with how you're promoting you know get their ideas, how to best get information out to other students.

Amber Winters: That can be really powerful, so I suggest before you start building any sort of promotional plan kind of building any ideas, take a look back kind of step back on your own and see who can help you.

Amber Winters: Because I know it's difficult sometimes to get their promotional information out so if you can find someone to kind of move that process forward, for you, I definitely recommend reaching out even before you have anything set up.

Amber Winters: it's up to you want to identify your audience so now you potentially hopefully have a partner now, you need to figure out who exactly you're going to.

Amber Winters: To reach here, so are you trying to get to teachers again business patrons for any public library folks who just have them the line.

Amber Winters: Are you trying to get the students essentially parents you're you're trying to get parents involved in your resources that they may not know what you have available.

Amber Winters: Especially if you're still working virtually or hybrid I know a lot of schools and a lot of districts are fully back in person.

Amber Winters: But if you are still working with any sort of virtual environment, be it fully virtual or hybrid.

Amber Winters: Consider getting this information out directly to parents, so they can better help their students, because of course we like to think our students are going to tell their parents about everything, but we know that's.

Amber Winters: Most likely that's not the case, so if you can get this information directly to parents that might be a good audience as well.

Amber Winters: Of course counselors are always there as well, we have a lot of mental health information within the resources, so if you notice your counselors.

Amber Winters: are struggling to find content for students who may be having difficulties again working virtually or maybe transitioning back to in person.

Amber Winters: You may want to let them know about some of the resources, you have access to, of course, you have gail health and wellness.

Amber Winters: You also have a few of the different in context resources where you're going to have the age appropriate content related to mental health counselors might find helpful to forward along to students against the teachers to parents.

Amber Winters: Again, general researchers I included in here for any public public library folks who might have on the line.

Amber Winters: And once you figure out who your target audience is not only do you need to figure out who they are, you need to figure out what you're going to do for them.

Amber Winters: So, think of what exactly you want to promote sometimes you know shooting out big email blast just with generic information, you know.

Amber Winters: Quick outlines about what is included in the resource can oftentimes get a little bit long and a lot of times to get lost kind of with all of the other noise that individuals are getting in their inbox.

Amber Winters: So consider some specific topics things like homework help curriculum support if you have new teachers are trying to build their classes, try to get that information to them.

Amber Winters: Small Business resources if we wanted to flip that to the K 12 side of things, your business students, you know you have access to business resources, so your business your economics your finance students.

Amber Winters: can get into those business resources so maybe consider getting that information out to those teachers again great mental health information is available to you.

Amber Winters: That may be beneficial to get directly to students or maybe helpful to get to teachers and counselors who can then identify exactly which students do that information.

Amber Winters: Of course it's always important to remind your your target audience about the available content, so if it has been a while you know, maybe once a year, you kind of shoot out an email blast.

Amber Winters: going over what's available again, of course, you want to point that out to them, or maybe you just want to talk about the research tools and the functionality within the resource.

Amber Winters: So obviously all of this in one go is going to be super overwhelming and most likely won't get too, as far as you're going to want to be.

Amber Winters: So consider maybe picking out one or two things, or even one thing and kind of trying to highlight that again via email social media, however, you want to get the word out.

Amber Winters: And what we're talking about that there are a couple of different ways of communication, a lot of them, supported by Gil support materials ever going to take a look at today.

Amber Winters: But you can consider things like resource guides if your library does have a social media presence, we have some greats pre built social media posts that we're going to take a look at.

Amber Winters: All you have to do is plug in your library's information copy and paste and shoot it out and you're good to go.

Amber Winters: You can also consider it, you know flyers hanging around your library, maybe getting them, excuse me out into the hallways into the classrooms if teachers are comfortable with that, just so everyone kind of gets that visual reminder as they move along.

Amber Winters: If you're working maybe in the K five arena, you might want to do something like bookmarks to remind your your students.

Amber Winters: Of course, email is kind of the standard the go to to always want to consider that, but you may want to kind of move forward from email and consider live live training either virtual or in person.

Amber Winters: And I get I know that's sometimes easier said than done.

Amber Winters: But as you start getting the word out some using some of these other resources go back to your partners and promoting and see if you can get some time on a PD day you know see if you can get.

Amber Winters: 15 minutes, just a quick, you know elevator pitch, these are good resources, and if you can just kind of start to get in that way.

Amber Winters: Most likely you'll be able to start kind of digging in a little bit deeper and you'll get that request from that teacher what sort of resources do you have for my.

Amber Winters: Current events project that my students are going to be started.

Amber Winters: So definitely consider how you're going to get the information out, you know for trying to reach students and email blessed may not be the right thing you know, a resource guide might be helpful as social media posts might be really easy and kind of simple to get the information packed.

Amber Winters: In the finally one more thing, how often are you planning on reaching out consider I like to think.

Amber Winters: What I like to see in my inbox you know if I get emails weekly from a place, they better be pretty precise they better be pretty targeted for me.

Amber Winters: Otherwise i'm going to delete them as terrible as it is to say, you know if i'm getting weekly emails most likely they're not super targeted and they're going to start to just clutter up my inbox a little bit.

Amber Winters: So maybe you're going to send out monthly you know if you have a newsletter coming up throw something about galen it as you move forward, you know, maybe highlight one resource, a month.

Amber Winters: Maybe highlight one tool, you know you're really interested in showing everyone topic Finder within our in context resources let's say and you highlight that in your newsletter you know, take a look at this great tool, this is how you can use it.

Amber Winters: You could Center around special events or holidays what comes to mind kind of with what's going on right now would be a black history month and coming up in March women's history month.

Amber Winters: You can kind of highlight the resources and how they can support projects classroom activities surrounding those special months.

Amber Winters: Of course, you want to consider if you're just doing these outreach is during the school year if you're trying to get a little bit of information out over summer.

Amber Winters: You might want to be careful about that, of course, but you need to consider is kind of focusing your efforts on the school you're going to be more productive than trying to send things out over the summer.

Amber Winters: And are you getting requests, you know if you do get a request from one specific teacher or you're just giving them the information back or you may be sending out an email blast because you think you other teachers might need that information as well.

Amber Winters: So just some things I want you to consider kind of as you are building up your own promotional plan.

Amber Winters: Step three I know there is a lot going on this slide but step three is going to actually create that timeline.

Amber Winters: And now, this slide is in an ideal world, that I know a lot of you, unfortunately aren't in right now, so, while you're a timeline might not be like this at all.

Amber Winters: I suggest you know, throwing a few kind of benchmarks are a few goals you want to hit into your calendar, you know, maybe it's stress.

Amber Winters: set out this fire in October, you know, maybe it's stress, you have 15 minutes.

Amber Winters: In March to go over this content just get a few little things built into a small timeline and you'll notice, as you move forward, you might be able to add more different things to kind of keep yourself organized.

Amber Winters: But we'll go over this again kind of in an ideal situation here so you'll see this spans from July to December so something you definitely first one to point out and.

Amber Winters: I will say the state of Oregon does a really, really great job of hosting your library resources.

Amber Winters: So this may not be something that you're really focused on having them on your own web page, but if you are hosting them on your own as well.

Amber Winters: You want to make sure they're as easy to get to as possible, you know, the fewer clicks the better, but again, the state of Oregon does an amazing job so you can always just take a look at that.

Amber Winters: Moving forward from There again, this is a perfect world, but host a teacher training.

Amber Winters: Of course it's always helpful to you know train your fellow Librarians make sure they know what's going on, so they can pass the information over to teachers.

Amber Winters: But if you have the ability to try to get in for a teacher training and really just remind everyone of the information that you have available and make yourself available to them as well if they need support they have questions try to make yourself as available as possible for them.

Amber Winters: Moving forward as you kind of start to get into the first little bit of school, if you have student packets that you're going to be using.

Amber Winters: throw some Gill fires in there just remind them, you know you're going to have this project coming up in December, take a look at galen context high school or galen context middle school.

Amber Winters: Moving forward once we kind of start digging in maybe email teachers again maybe it's a reminder hey I hosted this teacher training, I hope you remember it do you have any questions that you thought of since it since July it's been a while.

Amber Winters: Please let me know let's touch base in that kind of get some more information out.

Amber Winters: Again, as I mentioned, you might want to highlight specific special months or holidays so September national Hispanic heritage month, you may want to consider kind of posting some information around that just to pick some interest here, you can also host a student training.

Amber Winters: So if you do have teachers who were interested maybe suggest to them, you know that may come into your classroom for a quick 15 minutes just let students understand kind of what these resources are about.

Amber Winters: Why they might be a little bit better than going to Google and just googling their research and just kind of host a training from there.

Amber Winters: Moving forward are going to start to get a little more specific so we're going to have some quick tips that might be helpful for teachers again by quick, I mean.

Amber Winters: You know if it's an email a quick paragraph with maybe an image showing what this tip is maybe you embed one of gail's tutorials that we're going to take a look at a little bit later.

Amber Winters: Just something really easy to get over to them so they can just take a look and go on to whatever they're doing, because of course in October.

Amber Winters: there's a lot going on, so you want to get those quick bits of information out.

Amber Winters: Just to keep up with it to make sure when I can instill you might want to consider a quick social media post, maybe it's an image, maybe you have a blog that you want to add a little blurb on to whatever it is trying to get the Info out don't keep it to yourself.

Amber Winters: And, as I mentioned have ambassadors So hopefully you found your partners kind of at the beginning of the school year if you do.

Amber Winters: As we start to get towards the end of that first semester reassess with them have another meeting you know what worked what didn't work, how could they better support you, what are the things that you need.

Amber Winters: Just to make sure everyone's on the same page so definitely double check with them and make sure that everyone is kind of having success in whatever they're trying to do.

Amber Winters: It is always helpful you'll see here, I have a little class project video that's created, it is always helpful if you know there's a big research project coming up every single year, you know.

Amber Winters: Miss winters is always going to have her current events in ecology projects in November, maybe build a quick video you know, take a look at these resources, you have these are going to be really helpful for your students, I invite you to come to the library to get started.

Amber Winters: Of course, as we're going into break definitely think about pausing your communications for a second, not only for you to take a breath and have a nice relaxing vacation.

Amber Winters: but also to let your teachers your students your admin whoever also have that Nice relaxing bit of time.

Amber Winters: As you start to ease and you might want to send some activities or some lesson plans over to teachers, especially if they're still trying to kind of get the hang of things to do have some new teachers coming in.

Amber Winters: And all right now there are a lot of there's a lot of teacher turnover happening right now, so if you do have a lot of those new teachers coming in.

Amber Winters: That could definitely be a way to kind of hook them into the library hook them into your resources, send out those sample activities that we're going to take a look at on our support site.

Amber Winters: send out the pre created lessons we have that might make one day just a lot easier for them, you know their class can take they can run that pre made the lesson plan that gail is created and it's just one less thing that they have to do as they're starting to get themselves situated.

Amber Winters: So let's talk about what gail has available to you because I just listed a lot of things again, that would be in an ideal situation.

Amber Winters: And I know some of you might be rolling your eyes a little bit because there's a lot that I just went over and I understand.

Amber Winters: So I want to show you some of the things that gail has available to you now undecided just put three different little bits of information.

Amber Winters: But we're going to actually dig in but a few things I want to mention that we have really been highlighting recently, we have a pre created some training slide decks that are specifically for Librarians trying to get information out to teachers.

Amber Winters: We have none for all of the core and context products what's greatest we literally have built it out, step by step for you here not only the slides but also just a quick.

Amber Winters: A quick helpful tip on what exactly you should be doing with that slide a lot of times you just need to plug in your school your libraries information.

Amber Winters: And you're good to go you don't need to create anything else if you just presented it as is and what's great is you can pick and choose sites as well, so if there's a slide that may not be as relevant to your teachers, you can get rid of it not use it.

Amber Winters: We also, as I mentioned have this pre created social media posts so you'll see here.

Amber Winters: Again it's just copy and paste where right now we haven't pulled out Facebook Twitter if you're using something other than Facebook and Twitter.

Amber Winters: Of course you're going to know the text summits you're going to know the limiters you need to have so you may need to manipulate these events, but you'll see here we've just highlighted put a library link here shoot this out we're good to go.

Amber Winters: Moving forward from there, we also have some really nice visual fires so we're not getting excuse me, you know, a word document that might kind of get lost in the shuffle we're trying to keep it highly visual this one is a homework help guide.

Amber Winters: So you can again give this to students if they're having trouble you know if you have a teacher who is struggling with helping with homework.

Amber Winters: You have this available here, and this one is at the more advanced kind of high school level, but we also have some great content available for your K five students as well.

Amber Winters: So i'm going to go ahead and pop over to support that Gal calm, so we can actually see where to find this content as i'm doing that does anyone have any questions for me at all.

Amber Winters: Again, you can use the chats.

Amber Winters: Or the Q amp a either way is fine.

Amber Winters: Okay, I don't see any so our support site which again is support that gail that calm and this will be in the follow up email for you a link to this web page is really going to find some great support and marketing material, so you again, are not reinventing the wheel.

Amber Winters: So today what i'm going to focus on is the training Center here in the marketing materials, these are going to be kind of those main go to so under the training Center.

Amber Winters: We have some really great pre recorded webinars those are usually anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 we have a few our ones of the topics, a little bit more in depth.

Amber Winters: But they're great if you have a teacher who has expressed interest you know, wants to learn more about galen context middle school or let's say books and authors.

Amber Winters: But doesn't you don't have the time to meet with them, unfortunately, you know your schedules just don't line up, you can send them over one of these webinars really nice and easy.

Amber Winters: and be able to kind of get that information out to them so clicking into this if we have upcoming webinars will be listed here.

Amber Winters: This week we have a few and then recorded or underneath here, and you can search by product So if you know, specifically, you want to take a look at opposing viewpoints.

Amber Winters: You see, we have quite a bit going on with galen context opposing viewpoints, so we can take a look here, you see, we have one kind of I don't want to say generic but one.

Amber Winters: webinar that's just going over the basics of the resource, so if an individual hasn't been in there for a while, or hasn't been in there at all, they may want to take a look at this.

Amber Winters: you'll see, we also have some more specific ones so preparing for presidential elections preparing persuasive papers.

Amber Winters: you'll find, as you start to look through different products different products will have different webinar types, you may find something that's really interesting and helpful.

Amber Winters: For your teachers to take a look at.

Amber Winters: And i'm moving forward from those webinars we also have shorter video tutorials these are generally one to two minutes I can't think of any of that are longer than that i'm sure there are some.

Amber Winters: But they're generally pretty short, so if we go into let's go into.

Amber Winters: Whatever in context resources here, what do high school today.

Amber Winters: you'll see we have these nice quick tutorials these are actually really nice to send out to students, if you know teachers are asking for information that can go directly to students.

Amber Winters: So they can learn about how to download and send things to their drive they can learn about our citation tool, they can learn about topic pages, so these a lot of times, our focus specifically on one tool or feature within the resources and, since they are so short.

Amber Winters: Hopefully we can keep students attention for that short amount of time it's going to help them launch their their research, of course, it's great to send a teachers, as well as just a quick refresher hey don't forget.

Amber Winters: You have this great topic Finder for students who are struggling to build their search terms or who are searching things that are a bit too broad don't forget the point about here, I can be really helpful for them.

Amber Winters: Now, also under the training Center you'll see I just have my general option to browse support tools.

Amber Winters: And again, we have a lot of information here so you'll see, I have filters on this right hand side, I would suggest using them, you know, whatever resource, you want to take a look at you can search by that.

Amber Winters: You can also search by material types, you can see everything we have available here.

Amber Winters: So we do have a few gifts, so if you're planning on posting something like that on social media, you need something dynamic, we have that here.

Amber Winters: Again, we have some pre created lesson plans, so if you have new teachers struggling to build lessons, they can look here, this is also great for substitute plans, again I know.

Amber Winters: A lot of us are pretty short staffed right now so having these kind of on demand lesson plans could be helpful if you do have a teacher out the substitute can just take a look, and we have everything all created for them, if you want to let's click today into I don't know.

Amber Winters: life cycles lesson plan.

Amber Winters: you'll see it is really built out just like a lesson plan you know you would build out for you know evaluation you'll see the different grade level information up top the procedures the steps all that good stuff if we have say.

Amber Winters: assignment built in with this, we have a document it'll be included to to pull down for students.

Amber Winters: kind of moving forward from those lesson plans we also include projects and scavenger hunts so again, those are going to be student focus, they are fully complete lessons that are really quick and easy just to send out.

Amber Winters: And I mentioned in my slide deck those library training tools, so this is where you're going to find them, they are listed here under material type.

Amber Winters: library training tools, and these are all going to be powerpoints You see, as I mentioned here, we have them for really all of the in context resources we're starting to add them to different resources as well.

Amber Winters: But with your in context resources if you're trying to get the information, information out about galen context middle school.

Amber Winters: Take a look at this i'm not going to load it up today just because again those few little tech issues i'm a little bit concerned that downloading a PowerPoint.

Amber Winters: may send my computer over the edge, but these are download as powerpoints that again you'll be able to pick and choose what size, you want to use.

Amber Winters: you'll be able to change them up as needed, you can add your library's information to them just a really nice way to get that information out.

Amber Winters: and marketing materials, which is that next tab over just going to quickly select browse material since we're getting close to that four o'clock time.

Amber Winters: i'm going to narrow down to in context.

Amber Winters: And let's just click into galen context high school.

Amber Winters: So it looks we have a question can you show a resource guide i'm most certainly can here let's see if I have one on this page when that be helpful.

Amber Winters: We don't.

Amber Winters: yeah so quickly, our communication templates I just want to point out, and then we'll take a look at a resource guide we have blogs email templates we have a product description which is similar to a resource guide, we take a look at that you can kind of get a feel.

Amber Winters: This one's not as flashy you'll see it comes up in a word, document, but this is great to copy and paste somewhere again if you're using a newsletter or something like that.

Amber Winters: We have some do digital assets banners again all of those great social media posts.

Amber Winters: principal information flyers bookmarks you'll find all of that, under our marketing materials, here it just easily hit view if it's a lot of them are pdfs you'll be able to download PDF some of them are kind of text that you need to copy and paste.

Amber Winters: But you'll be able to find all of us here, so I believe we wanted to look at a resource guide two minutes, we can do that so resource guides are going to be under my training Center here i'm just going to browse support tools again.

Amber Winters: limit down to resource guide to make my life, a little bit easier.

Amber Winters: And let's go.

Amber Winters: With galen context high school.

Amber Winters: So these are sometimes longer these aren't kind of the same as flyers flyers or the one page deals.

Amber Winters: Because they're going to be a little more detailed you know if you want to get that information out to teachers let's say this one, it looks like it's three pages long.

Amber Winters: So, to give you kind of that background, about what about what galen context high school is and then it's give you some information on how you can find that content you'll see we have advanced search giving information i'm browsing.

Amber Winters: Working both with our results and working with our document, so this is a nice introduction to the tools and the resources as well, so your citation you're sent to your highlights and notes all that good stuff.

Amber Winters: So this is a great thing to hand out again to teachers, if you want them to kind of get engaged and you don't have the time to run a session for them, you have this option here.

Amber Winters: Oh, and it looks like we actually had this webinar scheduled for an hour, which I was unaware of, so we have a little bit of extra time here.

Amber Winters: we'll probably get out of here before the hour mark but that's great we'll have a little bit more time.

Amber Winters: So, again that's our resource guide, we do have that available here, as I mentioned, since this one is a.

Amber Winters: PDF you can easily download it here or print it whatever you want to do and send it out to your staff.

Amber Winters: And since we have the time let's look at a project we took a look at lesson plans, why not take a look you'll see we have quite a few here.

Amber Winters: As I mentioned, you can kind of mention black history month you're trying to get individuals engaged in that.

Amber Winters: what's great is if you're looking at this and you don't have one of the resources listed you didn't sign in here, it will mention, you can sign in and only see content related to the resources, you have if you didn't do that you just kind of browsing.

Amber Winters: You can usually edit these to fit whatever product, you have so I want to take a look at this, this is related to gail and contacts biography black history month.

Amber Winters: And again it's pre created ready go to go for you Okay, so this one specifically is finding African American individual so unsung heroes and heroines so we'll fill it out, but their best known for.

Amber Winters: what's great you'll see as we tell them to use the citation tool, so they have to copy and paste or write out, you know the citation here at the bottom.

Amber Winters: So it's a great way to get them engaged with that and to make sure they kind of understand how citations work.

Amber Winters: And you see there are quite a few different options here for want to take a look at this tic TAC toe project, we can take a look at that.

Amber Winters: You see, this one actually has a tic TAC toe board I don't know if anyone has used those.

Amber Winters: In there, there are libraries that don't have any teachers online if you don't I don't know if you've used these in a classroom.

Amber Winters: But students have to complete the middle square so for this one they're reading the galen context activism topic page, and you can choose what in context resource, so if you want them to take a look at scale and contacts opposing viewpoints.

Amber Winters: If you want them to take a look at high school middle school, you can change this up here.

Amber Winters: And you'll see they want you to answer any critical thinking questions and then from here, they get the tools to more kind of many projects here, so they can make a social media post to spread awareness.

Amber Winters: They can become an activist themselves write a letter, create a comic book or anything like that.

Amber Winters: They have imagined here tic TAC toe board seems similar to choice boards yeah there really are you know we've made it a little bit neater.

Amber Winters: what's great about making a tic TAC toe board as well students still get the option, excuse me to make a tic TAC toe however they want.

Amber Winters: they're still going to get different types of projects they're not going to have you know, three projects to make a comic or they're not going to have three projects about reading a book, we want to make sure that students are getting.

Amber Winters: Multiple different ways of learning so whatever they want to do most likely they're going to have something a little bit more creative and something a little bit more on that kind of standard documentation side like writing a persuasive piece things like that.

Amber Winters: And now again since we have that little bit of extra time i'm going to pop back into marketing materials, since we kind of went over them a little bit fast here so let's browse materials.

Amber Winters: And it looks like janice posting some great information in the chat so please as we're walking through this make sure you're taking a look at that she's got some great information there for you.

Amber Winters: So, again i'll jump back to galen contacts here.

Amber Winters: let's take a look at galen context middle school now.

Amber Winters: A lot of these templates are going to be word documents so you'll be able to copy and paste you'll see some of them are for public libraries, so if I again ever had any public folks jump on it.

Amber Winters: A little bit later than my Pole, we do have those here for you, but we also have educator to students librarian to educator.

Amber Winters: As well as just a plain kind of a news letter copy for want to take a look at library and to educator.

Amber Winters: Again we're going to pop it open it does come out as a word document.

Amber Winters: And it guess what this information again it's all written out already here see this one has a couple options and all you have to do is just edit those highlighted portions and then copy and paste and email that out and it's ready to go.

Amber Winters: or digital assets for the most part, are going to be pdfs So if we want a banner let's say we are really focused on galen context middle school right now I can click into one of these banners who see this is actually kind of a little a.

Amber Winters: Little icon you might throw on your web page that's just highlighting galen context middle school.

Amber Winters: We have one that's just kind of related to homework help.

Amber Winters: See, this one is kind of long ways we also have some that run across the top.

Amber Winters: And then, our social media posts are down underneath you'll see for the most part it's going to be Facebook and Twitter, we do have some linkedin.

Amber Winters: Again, if we're kind of working between educators and you just kind of want to get that information out to colleagues peers, but the Twitter and the Facebook, of course, are going to be helpful if students are following those.

Amber Winters: they're probably not following Facebook as much anymore, I know that's starting to not be as hip as some of the other things, but if if following your Twitter most likely you'll be able to have those different bits of information there.

Amber Winters: And then, our principal miss heroes are underneath so again, our flyers are going to be more visual well.

Amber Winters: This one they kept as a word document.

Amber Winters: For some reason.

Amber Winters: let's click into another one of these here that one okay i'm sorry that one is our directions on how to use it.

Amber Winters: That was my bad let's go ahead and click into the actual fire.

Amber Winters: And again make sure you're taking a look at the chats Jen has more information for you.

Amber Winters: Look, talking about adding banners and things like that, more broadly, so not just on your library website, but potentially adding it to your school or your district web page is always a great idea.

Amber Winters: These are what our flyers look like again we keep flyers to one page, so you can post them wherever you want, you can pop them into teachers mailboxes whatever you like to do and you'll see underneath we have two portions that are actually.

Amber Winters: editable I hate saying that word it's it's impossible, you can edit them, you can add your your school's logo here, if you like, or really any picture.

Amber Winters: A lot of individuals were actually put a qr code here, so if students have this fire, they could just scan this qr code and be launched into the resource so as opposed to just having a static image these flyers actually have kind of an actionable piece to them.

Amber Winters: And underneath that we also have a line of text you can add here to bring not planning on adding that qr code right here, you can type out.

Amber Winters: You know your library's web page, you can type out your contact information if you want them to talk to you before they get into a resource it's fully customizable right here, and again you just download it and you're good to go.

Amber Winters: And that customizable portion is going to be found on our lot of our different flyers as well as our bookmarks I also want to mention this is a newer feature that we're working on, we do have a few Spanish.

Amber Winters: Creative created flyers and materials, I find them a lot within our in context, resources and where it's slowly starting to include more and more kind of as they're built.

Amber Winters: But you see it's really exactly.

Amber Winters: What we have in English just, of course, translated over so this is a great way to get that information out there, so, given the same information it's still has the same visual.

Amber Winters: it's just a Spanish for them, so you don't need to worry about translating it all if you'd need that information we even have the Spanish information built out for you as well.

Amber Winters: And I before I leave you for today, I do want to kind of go over your customer success manager and what they have to offer you guys, so do we have any questions comments concerns do you want to take a look closer look at anything before we jump back over.

Amber Winters: Okay, I don't see any questions here.

Amber Winters: Oh, I do see what I like me one second and we'll hop back on that.

Amber Winters: So looks like we have for those halftime Stan Lee Thank you Jen oh let's see.

Amber Winters: So Jen just had a question if we could show how to use a non Spanish resource resource in Spanish, we definitely can let me go over what's.

Amber Winters: CSM can that kind of do for everyone and then i'll pop into we'll just go into a given context high school today and make it take that look at that translation tool no problem.

Amber Winters: so quickly, I do always like to mention customer success managers, because even though we went over all of this today and we have all of that great material and the support site which again and support that

Amber Winters: Sometimes you just need additional assistance, you know what are some more specific best practices, I can use to get this information out what's worked for other schools.

Amber Winters: You know that are kind of my school size my school is population things like that your customer success manager is going to have all that information so they do help with onboarding support for so new resources.

Amber Winters: barriers to access again you have your information through Oregon they have great access points you might not need as much information related to that.

Amber Winters: But they can provide you with product update information.

Amber Winters: conduct usage reviews, so if you are pulling usage at your school or district level, and you want to take a look at that your customer success manager can kind of walk you through that.

Amber Winters: They can also help you create training and support tools, so if you don't have maybe exactly what you need on the support site, they can give you advice on what may be helpful.

Amber Winters: You know kind of movies from there, so if you do ever want to kind of talk through the information that you have sitting in front of you, I suggest reaching out to your customer success manager.

Amber Winters: And I before I give that contact information says Jen want to take a look at the translation let's hop over to that quickly and then we'll take a look.

Amber Winters: At our contact information here.

Amber Winters: Oh.

Amber Winters: yeah so it looks like Jen put in here how to access customer success managers, specifically through the Oregon Oregon state library, you can do that there.

Amber Winters: let's jump in here so since i'm already on the support side i'm going to quickly.

Amber Winters: enter in just my account, so we can get into it gallon contacts high school.

Amber Winters: Okay, there we go.

Amber Winters: So let's just click into one of our topics of interest you'll see they do change monthly.

Amber Winters: Of course, since we have entered into black history month we do want to make sure we're highlighting that and the resources so you'll see we include the black arts movement here and we do have specifically a black history month topic page here.

Amber Winters: But let's actually click into the black arts movement movement so i'm going to explore this topic.

Amber Winters: And, before I click into an article, if you do want to translate the platform itself so if we want all these tools and a different language here, I can go back up to the very top of this Gray bar and you see where it says English.

Amber Winters: I can choose my language here so we'll switch out to Spanish.

Amber Winters: Now this doesn't translate any articles or anything like that this is just translating the platform so you'll see all of my tools here.

Amber Winters: Are in Spanish all of my different content types are also in Spanish, so this is a great way for students to navigate this does follow along throughout the entire session.

Amber Winters: So they will need to translate each article text on its own, but if they do translate this the platform itself, this is going to stay with them, no matter where they click so at the very least they're always going to know what they're clicking up.

Amber Winters: I hover i'm going to change it back to English because I do not know what i'm clicking on.

Amber Winters: There we go so back in English now let's just click into our overview, so we can take a look at how that's text translation works so again, that is a separate spot so up top here, this is translating the interface only so you're going to get all of those tools in the differently, which.

Amber Winters: Once you're in an actual article here.

Amber Winters: If you take a look at these tools, the sit here under the title on this left hand side, my first option is translate.

Amber Winters: you'll see here i'll be able to choose, whatever language I like you'll also notice here, I could send my interface language right from here, so if I didn't see that button, at the very top of the page when I hit translated have it here as well, but let's translate it into Spanish here.

Amber Winters: There we go so it's going to give you just a bit of that translation before it translates the full article, because we want to make sure that is in fact what you want to translate will say yes, we do have to complete translation.

Amber Winters: Okay now we've always translated, we can go back to original language, we can jump back to English.

Amber Winters: But you'll see here now all of my text, including all of these sidebars which I love all of these little blue kind of inserts here are going to be in that new language I believe these are critical thinking questions that looks similar to critical.

Amber Winters: But, so this is going to be adult language as well, we can change back to our original language here.

Amber Winters: They were look at that critical thinking questions and we can kind of be moving from there, and since we're on this page, I will also point out just quickly.

Amber Winters: This is kind of related the translation, we have some great display options that we've recently added to our resources as well, so if you didn't see where I clicked it's the 123 fourth button over right here.

Amber Winters: So we could change the color of the background behind our text here.

Amber Winters: To make it a bit more accessible and we also have different fonts now, so we have included the dyslexia fonts so students could take a look at that see if it makes it a little bit easier for them to read.

Amber Winters: And then we can change our line letter and word spacing again just to make it a bit more accessible for students.

Amber Winters: Does anyone have any questions about the translation, or those different text manipulation tools Oh, a quick question here, show the listing tool and Spanish yep.

Amber Winters: So let's go ahead and going to translate this back into Spanish.

Amber Winters: I don't actually know that this will read to you.

Amber Winters: in Spanish, but I will show you kind of what you need to do so, I listened button is right here so right next to that display options I just going to and I hit listen.

Amber Winters: it's going to pop this up again it's just going to play on my headphones so i'm not going to play it for you.

Amber Winters: But he hit this play and the article is translated into a language, it does translate the full i'm sorry it does read the full article in that translation, so it will read it in Spanish.

Amber Winters: And that works with whatever language I know i've kind of just stuck on to Spanish today but it's the same for any language that students decide to translate to.

Amber Winters: Under our settings on the listening tool we also have some additional options, if you want to choose if we're highlighting texts at all we can do that.

Amber Winters: If we want to change the reading speed, maybe it's a little too fast it defaults to media, but we can slow it down here.

Amber Winters: we'll be able to do that right under that settings option so hitting this listen to all i'm going to close it so you can see, hitting this listen tool once an article is translated is going to read in that specific language.

Amber Winters: So let's go ahead and jump back here.

Amber Winters: Just with some wrap up information for you guys so Jen already put in the chat how you can access your customer success manager.

Amber Winters: You can also go right through gail, if you like, you can shoot an email to gail customer successes engaged calm and that'll be forwarded to the correct individual for your institution.

Amber Winters: My contact info is in the middle, here again, my name is amber winter, so if you have any questions related to this presentation once we get off the line.

Amber Winters: feel free to send out any information, you will get an email from me tomorrow with the recording of the session, as well as certificate of attendance.

Amber Winters: And the session survey, I am going to.

Amber Winters: Sorry i'm just reading here our chat surgeons put something out some great information on there as well.

Amber Winters: So i'm going to go ahead and pop into the chat here I don't know what just happened to my screen that's okay.

Amber Winters: Okay, so I did stop sharing the worry it's expected i'm going to pop the session survey link in here.

Amber Winters: And there are two one's going to be for library staff and once going to be for non library staff, so please choose the correct one for you, you see, they are labeled now in that chat.

Amber Winters: Actually I don't think they went to you guys think they went.

Amber Winters: Just to the host so that's not going to help anyone there we go.

Amber Winters: So we got that over to you guys it's also going to appear.

Amber Winters: In the follow up email that I send you so if you can't quite get it from the chat check out that follow up email you're going to get the same exact surveys.

Amber Winters: We would appreciate, if you were attending to please complete the survey, if you do have the time it shouldn't take you too long it's just click in and give us that feedback we would really appreciate it.

Amber Winters: And that's what I have for all of you today so i'm going to stand the line just for a few minutes to make sure there aren't any questions that pop up in the chat or in the Q amp a.

Amber Winters: and to make sure you can pull those survey links from the chat so it looks like if you're ready to go feel free to drop off, but again i'll stay in line just for a couple minutes here.
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