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Top Ten Tips and Tricks Within Gale Interactive: Science

Gale Interactive: Science provides students with access to 3D models in key topics including Biology, Chemistry, Human Anatomy, and Earth/Space Science. Each model allows for manipulation including rotation, zoom, and pull apart features. Supplemental reference content solidifies learning while staying on the platform. Join this session to explore the top tips and tricks found within this valuable resource.

Duration: 30 Minutes
Again, thank you everyone for being here

today. We're talking about the top 10

tips and tricks within Gale

Interactive Science. My name

is Amber Winters and I am your training consultant

for the day,

a quick agenda here for everyone. So first I want

to very briefly mention what Gale Interactive

Science is. So if you're new to the

resource, you get just a little background before we

get rolling. But of course, we're going to spend

the majority of the time actually talking about

the tips and tricks that are available for you

as we're going through those tips, we're also

going to jump into the resource so you can kind

of see them in action.

And then by the end of the session, we will have time

for any questions that I wasn't able to answer

as we move along. And I do have some wrap

up contact information for you as well that

you'll get at the very end. So let's go

ahead and dive in

first at the very very base level

when we're talking about Gale Interactive Science.

This is a resource that provides

interactive models for secondary level students.

That is the very base if that's

all you know about the resource. And that's gonna be the one

thing. the models are focused

in core science, subjects like biograph,

biology and chemistry, earth science,

science, as well as human anatomy. So we're

really focused at the high school level content.

Of course, you'll see the majority

of this content is going to be just for your high

school leveled studentss. Um

Some individuals use this at the middle school

level but it is a higher leveled resource.

So generally we recommend it for high school level

students and above,

but let's jump right into our top 10

here. So my first top


tool feature tip is

going to be the 3D principal

models. So these are free on

demand files available

to S T L files which

work in any 3D printer. So if

you're in the library and you have access to a 3D

printer, you can find these right on the home

page of Gale Interactive Science

and just like our general activities

going to include topics within

biology and chemistry, earth science

and anatomy.

And my tip here is that this is going

to be perfect to replace those expensive

scientific models for your staff. So if

you're trying to get some buy in from your science department

and maybe they're not quite in the resource

just yet print out a couple of these

models and hand them out, of course,

they're going to be a lot cheaper than those scientific

models you have to buy from the science supply

store. Generally those are, are

pretty substantially priced. You'll

have access to these. Your teachers will be able to

even have a couple in their classroom if they want

to. You'll see, pull forward here a little virus.

If they want to have a couple versions of this

virus for their classroom, it's much easier

to get it from you than it would be to order

from a science supply


So let's take a look at this where you can find this,

how it's going to look when you click into them here.

Got a couple of windows open. There we go.

So this is the home page of Gale Interactive

Science. If you haven't been here before,

I'm going to scroll down today,

but we'll go over the whole, the whole

home page. Sorry, I'm a little tongue

tied. But we are going to jump right into

the 3D Principle models which are found here

on the home page and you won't find these

if you just run a standard search. So if you're

going up here and searching through activities

that does not search through the 3D Principle

models, those are pulled out in their own separate

little bucket just because we won't, don't

want students to click into those thinking they're going

to be able to click through an activity and

all they get is a file that they can't even

use. So we have pulled them out separately

here so I can select browse S T L


There we go.

And you'll see, we have all of these listed here with

nice little previews of what you're going to get.

So again, as I mentioned, you'll see some chemistry here,

some different biology, like a full

beluga whale or a skull

scrolling down here. You'll see we have different

bones available

and we also have microscopic things

here. Again, that's a little

virus I have here. You'll see, we also

have one here.

So these are all readily available for you whenever

you want them, all you need to do is download

the file.

It does come out in a zip folder

just because there's um, a good amount of stuff

here. So you'll see, you can pull it forward

and you have your file right here. It's going to open

up for you.

You may have a different software that you're using

to deal with 3D models, but it'll

pull forward whatever software you're using. You'll

see it's ready to go

and then you'll just print it out and you'll have it on hand

for any teachers who need it or just, you

know, to decorate your library. If you find some

interesting things you would look, you think would look in

your library, these are ready to go for you.

And of course, of course, students love to

be able to take a look at these models. So again,

this is my number 10 tip

is use these 3d models to

get sign to your interest.

Again, they're found right here on this home page.

And again, as I mentioned, free to use and always

avail available for you on demand.

So our number nine tip

is going to be taking a look at the supporting

reference content that's available

attached to all of our activities.

So in addition to having the activities that are walking

students through whatever they're learning about,

you'll see in my screenshot here, it's an aquifer.

We include articles that are going to provide

deeper information about that

specific topic and the articles

changed to stay relevant with each

step of the activity. So as I were

to move forward through my activity, it would

change along with me.

And in addition to just having the text,

what's great is we also have a translation

translation feature on these articles

as well as the read speaker and some different

text manipulation tools. So we're trying

to make this reference content just

as accessible as the actual activity itself.

You'll find it here attach to the activity

on this right hand side.

Let's go ahead and jump back and take a look at this.

So today I'm just going to use my

little carousel up tap here and

I want to explore my volcano activity.

I don't know if you all enjoy a good volcano, but I certainly

do. So I'm going to hit discover now

so we can take a look at what this reference content

looks like. So as my activity is

loading here, you'll see this is the reference

content we have pulled forward here. So

this is going to give us kind of a background about

what we're going to be learning. Some are longer than

others, as I'm sure you could imagine this one's

pretty substantial,

but we have this here. So students can kind of read

through this if they're getting a little bit stuck on the activity.

But you'll see as I start to click through this activity,

now, my material has changed. So now we're

taking a look at igneous rocks as

opposed to just volcanoes.

If I move forward a little bit more here, we start

talking about plates. You'll now see, I have information

on plate tectonics here.

So this is a great review for your students

and your students can actually save this content

specifically. So if they just need that additional


you see, we have the option to send this over

to Google or Onedrive, they can email it

to themselves or they can download and print this.

So this is good for your students. If they're trying to

pull content. If they won't have

access to the activity right now, they just want something

physical they can take with them. It's

also great for teachers. If they find a bit of content

that they think is really beneficial, they

can forward that along to students. So

this is just another layer within this resource

that's really going to help students fully

grasp whatever they're learning.

And I don't see any questions pop up. I will remind

everyone the Q and A is open. So

even though I'm moving through these kind of quickly to

make sure we get through all of our 10, if

you do have a question, type it in there, and I'll be able

to pause and answer that.

So let's take a look at number eight here. Number

eight is a big one. Number eight is going to be all

of the great filters we have available

and these filters are going to be beneficial

for students as well as teachers. So

they'll find really precise information

that they need and they can filter

by subject by category or

by standards, we'll talk about standards a

little bit later, but they can filter by any

of those options.

And our filtering goes a lot for multi selection.

So if you have individuals coming in, you'll

see a pulled forward biology as a category

here. And maybe they're interested in zoology

and paleontology, but not so much

microbiology. They can

narrow it down to those two options and they'll just be pulled

to that specific content.

And once they are pulled to a specific

list of resources based

on their filter options, they can choose

different filters right on that list, kind

of that search results list as well.

You'll see that in my screenshot here. And when I do

have my filter set, I can narrow it

down even further on that left hand side

and it's nice and simple to get there. So let's

jump back to the home page any time I

hit this scale Interactive Science banner

up top here, it's going to pull me forward to the home page.

Scroll down here and our filtering

begins right here at this point. So

you'll see here, I can refine my category on

any of these.

So if I do want to stick with biology, let's say,

and maybe take a look at microbiology,

I can filter that here and I'll just let go

and then I'm pulled forward to everything.

That's been tagged to microbiology

here and I will point

out any tags you choose are

labeled down here underneath

the entries. So you'll see each of these

are tagged to microbiology

and all of my filter filters follow along

with me. You'll see they're opened up a little bit more

compared to the home page. You can see them all

listed here.

So we can check off and then we're

just going to see all of the activities

we have available or we can

choose something else. So maybe I want to take a look

at chemistry and take a look at my atoms

or I'm interested in geology,

I'll be able to narrow that down right here.

Pull forward whatever I'm looking for.

And of course, this is in addition to the search,

but I do recommend using filters if maybe

your teachers or your students aren't exactly

sure what they're looking for. maybe

they know they need something related to animals

so they can click into, to zoology.

They don't know what animal they want to look at, but

they know they want to take a look at some sort of

a animal anatomy, using this

filter as opposed to searching is going

to limit that down for them. So they'll see what we have

available here.

Now, keeping with filters, but moving away

from the student facing filters a little bit, number

seven is going to be browsing

and searching through standards. So for

educators looking to really integrate this into

their classroom to make sure they do have


they can browse or search standards.

And we do include both N G S s and common

core standards in here. So they

will be able to take a look at either one whichever

they need

and they can use this to filter

specifically to standards. You'll see, I've pulled

forward all of the standards listed or

they can actually use the search bar to search

for a specific standard. So if they

have one specifically in

mind that they want to take a look at they'll be able

to do here.

So give me one quick second

to jump back over.

There we go back to our page here.

Sorry, give me a second here everyone.

There we go. Sorry. My screen shot off on

me for a second. I think it saved for you guys,

but not for me. Um

But here we go. So we're back on this page.

Remember I got here just by filtering.

So I'm going to take off the filter I chose.

So I'm looking at all of my activities. So

down here on this left hand side,

you'll see we have our two options here for our standards.

Our common core and our N G S

s have been pulled out separately and

you'll say you'll see these stay collapsed.

So they don't automatically open like these other sections

just because students of course, will most likely

not need to use these. So we pull

them down to kind of hide

them, but they are here for teachers and they can

drop it down and you'll see they can choose whichever

standard they're interested in

in each of our entries. You'll see our tag with

the standards as well. We have our standard

here. This is the N G S S standard, of course.

And then you'll see we have the common core standards

listed here along with it.

And again, as I mentioned, not only can they

browse for whatever standard they're looking

for. They can also search. So I have

one already pulled up here that I can paste.

So I have my standard here. I'm going to run

my search

and you'll see it's going to pull forward everything related

to that one specific standard. So

if they don't want to browse if they have their standard

ready to go, they don't even need to leave the home

page. Just type their standard, their full

standard into the search and it's going to pull it forward

for them and they can start clicking through and

deciding what they want to use. You'll see we

have quite a few cells and

cell parts that are related to the specific


Now let's move away from filtering a little bit

here. So we took a look at how we can filter

by subject as well as by standard.

Now let's talk about linking

and accessing our activities for teachers.

So number six is going to be linking

directly to an activity.

So we can link either to just the activity

in general. So you just want students to click

into that, we can link that.

And excuse me, allowing

that link to activity is going to be at the very beginning

of the activity. So the starting slide

and they can also link to individual

slides. So they can choose,

I don't know, maybe slide four is where they want students

to start and where they want them to take a look at,

they can start right there

on that specific slide and

get going. And this is really great

if your teachers are using a learning

management system maybe and they want

to get this information out to them, they can just

copy that link, paste it wherever they want to go.

And students can access also

great to maybe put it in a syllabus or

a rubric for a project they're going to be doing.

It's a nice way to get students engaged

in the information.

So to do that, we're just going to click into one

of these

activities, we'll just click the first one cell


And as that's loading here,

you'll see down here underneath the, the title

and the description of the activity,

you're going to see the option to share. But

right next to that, you see, we have a link to activity

or we can link to slide here. So

clicking link to activity, you'll see, I just get

this basic link and this is

a permanent link. So you're not going

to have to worry about it breaking or something like that.

As long as you your learning

community has access to this resource,

this link is going to work for you and

this is just going to pull me here to the very beginning

of this activity.

If I click link to slide, which is right

next door to that,

that's going to pull me to a specific slide. So

it's going to be the same because I'm on the first slide.

But if I move it, you'll see here, this

has changed.

So I can find the specific part of this

activity I think is the most important

and we can take a look at that. Maybe we wanna talk about ribosomes,

we can just go directly to that

section, copy and paste this wherever

students want to go

and they will be able to click back and forth.

So even though they're started on this one side,

if they want to take a look back, they can do that,

it's still going to have this nice functionality.

It's actually going to look just like this

as soon as we able to click it and they'll still still see

this reference material here as well

if they want to take a look at that.

Now, in keeping with sharing activities

with students, my number five

tool is going to be getting teachers

to use that Google classroom integration

and we are fully integrated. So you

will be able to click into your Google

classroom button and do exactly

whatever you need to do. So you'll be able to create an assignments,

um make an announcement, I believe a discussion

board post is another option. Whatever you

can do in the native Google classroom interface,

you'll be able to do with this nice little pop up

that happens here. Anytime you're clicking

into an activity

and this is linked to all of our activities. So

whatever you're trying to get access to your students

will be able to see. So let's take another

quick look, I'm going to just stay on

the same activity that I was on before


and it's that the same spot as your link to option


But it's under share.

You see when I select, share my Google classroom

icon is right here.

I'm already signed in. If you weren't signed in, it

would just prompt you to sign in.

I can choose my class,

I'll be able to choose my action. We

can create an assignment.

I'm not going to go through all of this. Of course, it takes

some time.

But you'll see, you'll be able to do this and it provides

this link for students. They'll be able to click, right?

And then they'll be able to take a look at wherever you

are. But once you assign

it, you can just close out and you stay here

on the native platform. So if you're planning

on maybe assigning more than one activity,

you can just start to go through and send whatever you

need to into your Google classroom.

This is a, a great way to do that.

So moving forward here, number four

is going to be our human anatomy contents

and I will mention these last


tips are all going to be content

focused. So they're going to be some different

bits of content that are really helpful for

students. So number four is

our human anatomy content

and that your students are able to browse

or search just like with any activity.

But they can also narrow it down based on system.

And our activities include full

system overview. So like the digestive

system, if they're learning about that, just in general,

they'll be able to navigate to that region

focused activities. So you'll see here

in my screenshot. If they just want to explore

the la, if they want to take a look at the muscles, the


you know, the veins, all that good stuff,

just in that one section, they'll be

able to do that or they can search

by a specific object. So maybe they

want to take a look at a bone or the heart

or lungs, they'll be able to

do that as well. So it's a really nice way to

help them narrow down to exactly what they're looking

for. Because of course, different

anatomy classes are taught in different ways. Some

are more focused on learning by region,

some are more focused on learning by system.

They'll be able to choose which they prefer to do

and still get great content no matter which way

they're accessing.

So let's go ahead and get to our anatomy content.

I'm going to do that just by jumping back to

the home page,

scrolling down to our human anatomy section.

I'm just going to view all of them

so we can take a look here.

So now that I've pulled this forward here again, as I mentioned,

we have different options. So you'll

see, I have things like the brain or bone listed

here. We have a full digestive

system. As I mentioned, if we're looking for

specific regions we have

elbow, wrist and hand that's going to pull forward

the muscles, the bones, the vascular

situation, all that good stuff

right here. You'll see, we also have our digestive


and I can select to view more and we can really get

into some pretty um pretty

in depth information here. So you'll see, I can

click into my heart here who want

to take a look at this

and this will be just fully focused

on that heart. You'll see my reference material

here, but students will be able to access

that this and get a really nice look

at whatever they're learning about here

and see if we can move that forward.

So this is another great option if

your learning community right now doesn't have access

to those expensive scientific

models. So students don't really have anything

to pull apart right now. They can pull apart

on this. They can take a look at whatever

um organ they're taking a look at, they can

navigate around, they can zoom in,

they can zoom out, you'll see everything is labeled


So this is allowing them

to really manipulate whatever they're learning

about if they don't have access to something


And honestly, a lot of students prefer something

on the computer via something physi versus

something physical as well, just because it's a little

more interactive and they're going to kind

of see how things piece together nicely.

And as in all of our activities at

the very end here, we do include quizzes.

You see this one is asking them to reas

reassemble the four chambers of their hearts.

A lot of them will have multiple choice questions

or labeling questions as

well. So those are always included in these

activities too. These are great um

just refreshers to make sure students know what

they're learning, they aren't recorded.

So teachers won't be able to access those, but

they're great for self study for students.

So now I'm moving on from our human

anatomy content. Number three is going to be

our cycle activities and sometimes these are

a little bit lost in the resource just because

we have so many other great bits of information.

But this is really helpful for students

who are learning some of those more complex

cycles. So things like mitosis

and meiosis photosynthesis or

if we're talking about geology, the rock cycle

or the water cycle, they'll find all of this

content available to them.

And I like to think of these as a nice visual

supplements. So most likely they're going to be

learning these topics

together in class first. And

as they learn those, they can take a visual look

at that to kind of understand this is really beneficial

for those more difficult topics like

photosynthesis. Where there's a lot of steps, there's

a lot of moving parts, there's a lot of different

structures involved. Students

would be able to really easily navigate through

and take a look at that.

And for me, the best way to access

those is to just run a search. So if we search

for mitosis,

instead of browsing,

you'll see here, I pulled this forward

and these look just a little bit different here

here. Let me this up.

Since it's a process, we've kind of organized

it a little bit to where it looks like

steps instead of just having one kind

of main thing here, you'll

see, we've got like this little wheel type situation

that's showing all of the different steps of mitosis

here. And I'm just bringing that in really

close. Let's go ahead and start this. Let me take

a look. So the activity itself

is going to allow students to kind of click


So they're going to see each of the phases of mitosis.

It's going to give them some pretty detailed

information here

and step by step,

they're kind of going to learn. So again,

most likely they're learning this with

their teacher kind of in class before they get

going, but this is giving them that more visual

access points and

this is still has the ability

to be pulled apart here.

So if students want to pull things apart, they certainly


kind of get a really nice understanding

of what they're looking at. You'll see it is labeled

here as well

to really help students. And then you'll see at the

very end,

we're starting to build together our two cells.

Now, another type of

cycle is going to be something that's a little

bit more on the macroscopic scale,

something like the rock cycle and that looks

a little bit different. So let's search

I can for the rock cycle and you can kind

of see what that's going to look like. That

one is a little bit more visual in the sense that

you're going to see um

what's going on in the world around you. Of course, you can't

really do that with cells, which is why we have

that little carousel look to them. But

if we're talking about something that's at that microscopic

level, we are still trying to make it

as interesting and as visual as

possible here. So you'll see, we've got each

of the steps of the rock cycle and

just like with mitosis, I can click through


and I'll be able to walk through each of the steps.

Nice and simply,

so let's jump back here. We're getting close to the end

of our time.

So I wanna make sure we hit everything. So number two

is our dissection alternatives

and I was a biology teacher before I came to

Gale. So I always found this

really interesting as we started to click


So these can replace in person dissection.

They're great for virtual

learning. If you still have a lot of students who are learning

in a hybrid situation or a virtual situation,

They don't need to be on campus to dissect

something they can do that right here on this platform.

Also great for budget constraints. If

you aren't able to purchase frogs,

fetal pigs, owl pellets,

whatever it is, we have

those on this resource. So you can direct

students to this instead.

Also great for students who are uncomfortable

with this section. Of course, there are a lot of students

who just

don't feel like they can cut into,

you know, a physical specimen.

So they can use this instead, they'll still be able

to see each piece of

of the puzzle, each piece of the organism,

but they won't have to touch it. They won't have to smell

it. It can kind of get them in a better situation

to take a look.

So now to get to these, I can search here. So

if I may um going

to dissect frogs, I can search frogs.

But I think it's really beneficial if you're trying

to find a specific animal

to go back to our filtering options,

go under biology and hit zoology.

That's going to show all of our animals.

So, you'll see here. We have a lot of different

animals, but we do have some of the more popular

dissection animals. So

a cat we have here, an earthworm.

We have a full frog and enemy. We do have

a fetal pig here,

scrolling down. You'll see. We go on and on

here. We do have an owl pellet

there it is. We do have an owl pellet here

as well. So if you can't afford the

owl pellets, but you still want students to be able to

kind of

dig in and see what they can find.

They can certainly do that on this platform here

as well. We do have the owl pellet listed,

but you see a lot of other things that

typically you wouldn't have access to, even

if you had the funds. You know, most likely

you won't be able to get jellyfish into your school

to dissect or you won't be able to get a mahi mahi

into your school. So this

is a really nice alternative and it's a way for

students to see different things

that are out there in that world. They're going to see

different types of anatomy because of course, it varies


So you'll see if they can pull this apart,

they can zoom in here.

Now, you'll see, we have

all of this great info right


And again, they can kind of drag to wherever

they want to go. So if they want to specifically look

here, they can certainly do that

and they'll still be able to walk through and have everything

pointed out to them.

So we get another great feature also just

great for students who are just, you know, interested

in animals in general. They can take a look

at this and whatever they're interested, maybe they want to learn about

birds, what birds look like. They can take a look

at this at pigeon. If they're interested

in bugs, you'll see, we have caterpillar, butterflies,


you'll see, we also have a human evolution

option here as well. So we want to

have a more visual look

at human evolution. We do have something prebuilt

for that listed under zoology

if students are looking for something like that.

Now, number one here and

this, you know, there could be an argument that

this be number one versus two or three

since these are all kind of content focused. But

I have chosen to make number one our interactive

periodic table and this periodic

table is completely

editable, completely clickable. And

your students will be able to see periodic trends,

elemental information, electron

configurations if they're taking a look at that.

So it's a really simple way to access all

of this information. And as I'm clicking over

to this, I have a little story for

you. So when I was in school,

I had a really, really hard time remembering

periodic trends like real, it was like

my Achilles Heel.

I just could not do it for whatever reason.

And I had a periodic table in my book

and I had that spot bookmarked and I had

all of the trends written on it. So I remember every

time I needed to remember something, I had

to pull up my book, find that page

and then do whatever I was doing. So the page

was ruined, it was ripped. You know, I always had

this big heavy book with me. It was just

a pain throughout my whole year.

So this replaces that.

So once it loads up, I will say the periodic table

is a lot more involved.

So sometimes it does take a second for it to load.

So tell your, tell your students just

to give it a second because it's a lot of information

that they're going to have access to here.

But there we go. So this is our periodic table

here. So you'll see, it's really completely


I can click on any of my.

Here we go elements.

If I'm interested in elements, you'll see here. It gives me

all of the information, but we'll see

what the actual element itself looks

like, which is just so handy. You'll see

we even have electron shells available

for students. Who are starting to learn at that level.

But on this left hand side here, this

is what really kind of excites me.

You'll see some different trends here.

So if we want to learn about electron negativity,

I think that was most likely the the worst one for

me, I can click that electron negativity


and you'll see, it gives me kind of this

this visual

look here. So you'll see the trend here,

just go back over here and

it works with atomic number as well. So you'll see

things that go up, things that go down,

atomic weight is listed here as well

as boiling and melting points.

And again, I had just the hardest

time with this. So the thought of

students being able to just have this ready

on demand, pull it up and they'll be

able to do whatever activity they're working on.

is pretty incredible, they'll be able

to click through and see that whenever they need

it, whatever they need, they'll be able to access

right here on this platform.

So keep this in mind for your chemistry teachers.

The introduction is

what I like to mention the interactive periodic

table introduction. We do have

other activities involving the periodic table

as they start to go through different element types

and things like that. But this introduction

is really just the base like the base model,

let them do whatever they need to and they'll just

always have access to it.

Now, those are our top 10 kind

of tips, tricks ideas. Of

course, there's many more, but those are the ones

we've decided to pull forward today. I

do have some wrap up information for you.

It looks like we're just at our time but

if you have additional questions, feel free to

reach out to your customer success manager

at [email protected]

you'll be forwarded to the correct individual.

So if you maybe need some additional information

about the resource or want to dig deeper, they'll

be able to help you out if you don't have access

to this resource right now, but you're interested and

you don't know who your sales consultant is. You

can, you can access


and it'll forward you along to the correct individual

or if you already know who it is, just send them an email.

They, I'm sure they love to hear from you

and we do have quite a bit of support and training

material created for you already

as well. So if you're planning on promoting this information

to your science department or to your science

students, we have some premade information

for you. If you go on our support site, which is

So take a look

before you build any materials on your own. We don't

want you to reinvent the wheel. We could have something

premade that's going to help you out.

And I do have a session survey if you have the time

to take it. I know we went over it by

two minutes today. So I am sorry about that.

But if you do have the time, I have a QR code

here or it does open in your browser once

you close out of our webinar today.

And I haven't seen any questions come in here,

so I'll go ahead and end this session and I do appreciate

everyone for being on the line today and

hopefully we'll see you in future sessions.

Bye bye now.
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