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Last Updated: December 16, 2022

Business Insights: Global - Industries

Select all industries

from the industries tab to access overviews

that provide detailed information

as well as interactive rankings and statistics

with quick links to associated content.

From here, browse the alphabetical list

or enter an industry name or a NAIC's code

in the search box to locate a specific industry.

Click the chart icon to generate a chart

for that industry and metric.

Click on the star icon to save an industry overview

to view it later.

Select the saved items tab from the menu bar

to view a document you've saved.

Click on an industry name to view the profile.

The profile provides key information

including the number of companies,

number of employees, annual revenue and sales per employee.

The profile also provides links

to profiles for the top countries

generating revenue in that industry

as well as for the top companies

operating in that industry.

Click the chart icon to generate a chart for that metric.

You will also find links to overview essays

related to the industry

and links to related information.

Select market share reports from the industries tab

to access full text reports

that provide company rankings

within their industry and market share.

Use the search box to look

for specific industries or topics.

Use the links along the left of the page

to limit your results to full text documents,

to peer-reviewed documents,

or by publication date.

Use the pull down menu to sort your results

by publication date,

by article title,

by publication title or by relevance.

Click on a title to view the report.

Select industry essays from the industries tab

to access essays that provide detailed information

on industry leaders and current conditions.

From here browse the alphabetical list

or use the search box to locate a specific industry.

Use the pull down menu to sort your results

by publication date, by article title,

by publication title or by relevance.

Use the links along the left of the page

to limit your results to full text documents,

to peer-reviewed document,

by publication date, by subject

or to content from a specific publication.

The number of items found for each is displayed.

Click on a title to view the essay.
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